424 lines
10 KiB
424 lines
10 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2011-2012 John Benediktsson
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license
USING: accessors assocs calendar combinators environment fonts
formatting fry io io.streams.string kernel literals locals make
math math.order math.ranges namespaces pdf.canvas pdf.values
pdf.wrap sequences sequences.extras sorting splitting ui.text
xml.entities ;
FROM: pdf.canvas => draw-text ;
IN: pdf.layout
! TODO: inset, image
! Insets:
! before:
! y += inset-height
! margin-left, margin-right += inset-width
! after:
! y += inset-height
! margin-left, margin-right -= inset-width
! TUPLE: pre < p
! C: <pre> pre
! TUPLE: spacer width height ;
! C: <spacer> spacer
! TUPLE: image < span ;
! C: <image> image
! Outlines (add to catalog):
! /Outlines 3 0 R
! /PageMode /UseOutlines
! Table of Contents
! Thumbnails
! Annotations
! Images
! FIXME: spacing oddities if run multiple times
! FIXME: make sure highlights text "in order"
! FIXME: don't modify layout objects in pdf-render
! FIXME: make sure unicode "works"
! FIXME: only set style differences to reduce size?
! FIXME: gadget. to take a "screenshot" into a pdf?
! FIXME: compress each pdf object to reduce file size?
GENERIC: pdf-render ( canvas obj -- remain/f )
M: f pdf-render 2drop f ;
GENERIC: pdf-width ( canvas obj -- n )
: (pdf-layout) ( page obj -- page )
[ dup ] [
dupd [ pdf-render ] with-string-writer
'[ _ append ] [ change-stream ] curry dip
[ [ , <canvas> ] when ] keep
] while drop ;
: pdf-layout ( seq -- pages )
[ <canvas> ] dip [
[ (pdf-layout) ] each
dup stream>> empty? [ drop ] [ , ] if
] { } make ;
TUPLE: div items style ;
C: <div> div
M: div pdf-render
[ style>> set-style ] keep
swap '[ _ pdf-render drop ] each f ;
M: div pdf-width
[ style>> set-style ] keep
items>> [ dupd pdf-width ] map nip supremum ;
: convert-string ( str -- str' )
{ CHAR: “ "\"" }
{ CHAR: ” "\"" }
} escape-string-by [ 256 < ] filter ;
TUPLE: p string style ;
: <p> ( string style -- p )
[ convert-string ] dip p boa ;
M: p pdf-render
[ style>> set-style ] keep
over ?line-break
over [ font>> ] [ avail-width ] bi visual-wrap
over avail-lines short cut
[ draw-text ] [ "" concat-as ] bi*
] change-string dup string>> empty? [ drop f ] when ;
M: p pdf-width
[ style>> set-style ] keep
[ font>> ] [ string>> ] bi* string-lines
[ dupd text-width ] map nip supremum ;
TUPLE: text string style ;
: <text> ( string style -- text )
[ convert-string ] dip text boa ;
M: text pdf-render
[ style>> set-style ] keep
over x>> 0 > [
2dup text-fits? [
over [ font>> ] [ avail-width ] bi visual-wrap
unclip [ "" concat-as ] dip
] [ over line-break f ] if
] [ f ] if
[ { } ] [ over [ font>> ] [ width ] bi visual-wrap ]
] dip [ prefix ] when*
over avail-lines short cut
[ draw-text ] [ "" concat-as ] bi*
] change-string dup string>> empty? [ drop f ] when ;
M: text pdf-width
[ style>> set-style ] keep
[ font>> ] [ string>> ] bi* string-lines
[ dupd text-width ] map nip supremum ;
TUPLE: hr width ;
C: <hr> hr
M: hr pdf-render
[ f set-style ] dip
[ dup 0 > pick avail-lines 0 > and ] [
over avail-width over min [ - ] keep [
[ over ] dip [ draw-line ] [ inc-x ] 2bi
] unless-zero dup 0 > [ over line-break ] when
] while
] change-width nip dup width>> 0 > [ drop f ] unless ;
M: hr pdf-width
nip width>> ;
TUPLE: br ;
C: <br> br
M: br pdf-render
[ f set-style ] dip
over avail-lines 0 > [ drop ?break f ] [ nip ] if ;
M: br pdf-width
2drop 0 ;
TUPLE: pb used? ;
: <pb> ( -- pb ) f pb boa ;
M: pb pdf-render
dup used?>> [ f >>used? drop f ] [ t >>used? ] if nip ;
M: pb pdf-width
2drop 0 ;
CONSTANT: table-cell-padding 5
TUPLE: table-cell contents width ;
: <table-cell> ( contents -- table-cell )
f table-cell boa ;
M: table-cell pdf-render
[ width>> >>col-width 0 >>x drop ]
[ [ dupd pdf-render ] map nip ] change-contents
dup contents>> [ ] any? [ drop f ] unless
width>> table-cell-padding +
swap margin>> [ + ] change-left drop
} 2cleave ;
TUPLE: table-row cells ;
C: <table-row> table-row
! save y before rendering each cell
! set y to max y after all renders
M: table-row pdf-render
[ drop ?line-break ]
over y>> :> start-y
over y>> :> max-y!
[ start-y >>y ] dip
dupd pdf-render
over y>> max-y max max-y!
] map swap max-y >>y drop
] change-cells
dup cells>> [ ] any? [ drop f ] unless
[ drop margin>> 54 >>left drop ]
drop dup width>> >>col-width
[ ?line-break ] [ table-cell-padding inc-y ] bi
} 2cleave ;
: col-widths ( canvas cells -- widths )
contents>> [ 0 ] [
[ [ dupd pdf-width ] [ 0 ] if* ] map supremum
] if-empty
] [ 0 ] if*
] map nip ;
:: max-col-widths ( canvas rows -- widths )
H{ } clone :> widths
rows [
cells>> canvas swap col-widths
[ widths [ 0 or max ] change-at ] each-index
] each widths >alist sort-keys values
! make last cell larger
dup sum 400 swap [-] [ + ] curry dupd sequences.extras:change-last
! size down each column
dup sum dup 400 > [ 400 swap / [ * ] curry map ] [ drop ] if ;
: set-col-widths ( canvas rows -- )
[ max-col-widths ] keep [
dupd cells>> [
[ swap >>width drop ] [ drop ] if*
] 2each
] each drop ;
TUPLE: table rows widths? ;
: <table> ( rows -- table )
f table boa ;
M: table pdf-render
dup widths?>> [ 2drop ] [
t >>widths? rows>> set-col-widths
] if
dup rows>> empty? [ t ] [
[ rows>> first dupd pdf-render ] keep swap
] if
] [ [ rest ] change-rows ] until nip
dup rows>> [ drop f ] [ drop ] if-empty
} 2cleave ;
M: table pdf-width
2drop 400 ; ! FIXME: hardcoded max-width
: pdf-object ( str n -- str' )
"%d 0 obj\n" sprintf "\nendobj" surround ;
: pdf-stream ( str -- str' )
[ length 1 + "<<\n/Length %d\n>>" sprintf ]
[ "\nstream\n" "\nendstream" surround ] bi append ;
: pdf-catalog ( -- str )
"/Type /Catalog"
"/Pages 15 0 R"
} "\n" join ;
: pdf-pages ( n -- str )
"<<" ,
"/Type /Pages" ,
"/MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]" ,
[ "/Count %d" sprintf , ]
16 swap 2 range boa
[ "%d 0 R " sprintf ] map concat
"/Kids [ " "]" surround ,
] bi
">>" ,
] { } make "\n" join ;
: pdf-page ( n -- page )
"<<" ,
"/Type /Page" ,
"/Parent 15 0 R" ,
1 + "/Contents %d 0 R" sprintf ,
"/Resources << /Font <<" ,
"/F1 3 0 R /F2 4 0 R /F3 5 0 R" ,
"/F4 6 0 R /F5 7 0 R /F6 8 0 R" ,
"/F7 9 0 R /F8 10 0 R /F9 11 0 R" ,
"/F10 12 0 R /F11 13 0 R /F12 14 0 R" ,
">> >>" ,
">>" ,
] { } make "\n" join ;
: pdf-trailer ( objects -- str )
"xref" ,
dup length 1 + "0 %d" sprintf ,
"0000000000 65535 f" ,
9 over [
over "%010X 00000 n" sprintf , length 1 + +
] each drop
"trailer" ,
"<<" ,
dup length 1 + "/Size %d" sprintf ,
"/Info 1 0 R" ,
"/Root 2 0 R" ,
">>" ,
"startxref" ,
[ length 1 + ] map-sum 9 + "%d" sprintf ,
"%%EOF" ,
] { } make "\n" join ;
SYMBOLS: pdf-producer pdf-author pdf-creator ;
TUPLE: pdf-info title timestamp producer author creator ;
: <pdf-info> ( -- pdf-info )
pdf-info new
now >>timestamp
pdf-producer get >>producer
pdf-author get >>author
pdf-creator get >>creator ;
M: pdf-info pdf-value
"<<" print [
[ timestamp>> [ "/CreationDate " write pdf-write nl ] when* ]
[ producer>> [ "/Producer " write pdf-write nl ] when* ]
[ author>> [ "/Author " write pdf-write nl ] when* ]
[ title>> [ "/Title " write pdf-write nl ] when* ]
[ creator>> [ "/Creator " write pdf-write nl ] when* ]
] cleave ">>" print
] with-string-writer ;
TUPLE: pdf-ref object revision ;
C: <pdf-ref> pdf-ref
M: pdf-ref pdf-value
[ object>> ] [ revision>> ] bi "%d %d R" sprintf ;
TUPLE: pdf info pages fonts ;
: <pdf> ( -- pdf )
pdf new
<pdf-info> >>info
V{ } clone >>pages
V{ } clone >>fonts ;
:: pages>objects ( pdf -- objects )
pdf info>> pdf-value ,
pdf-catalog ,
{ $ sans-serif-font $ serif-font $ monospace-font } {
[ [ f >>bold? f >>italic? pdf-value , ] each ]
[ [ t >>bold? f >>italic? pdf-value , ] each ]
[ [ f >>bold? t >>italic? pdf-value , ] each ]
[ [ t >>bold? t >>italic? pdf-value , ] each ]
} cleave
pdf pages>> length pdf-pages ,
pdf pages>>
dup length 16 swap 2 range boa zip
[ pdf-page , , ] assoc-each
] { } make
dup length [1,b] zip [ first2 pdf-object ] map ;
: objects>pdf ( objects -- str )
[ "\n" join "\n" append "%PDF-1.4\n" ]
[ pdf-trailer ] bi surround ;
! Rename to pdf>string, have it take a <pdf> object?
: pdf>string ( seq -- pdf )
<pdf> swap pdf-layout [
stream>> pdf-stream over pages>> push
] each pages>objects objects>pdf ;
: write-pdf ( seq -- )
pdf>string write ;