53 lines
1.5 KiB
53 lines
1.5 KiB
! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: io.encodings.ascii io.files kernel math math.functions math.parser
math.vectors sequences splitting project-euler.common ;
IN: project-euler.099
! http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=99
! -----------
! Comparing two numbers written in index form like 2^11 and 3^7 is not difficult,
! as any calculator would confirm that 2^11 = 2048 < 3^7 = 2187.
! However, confirming that 632382^518061 519432^525806 would be much more
! difficult, as both numbers contain over three million digits.
! Using base_exp.txt (right click and 'Save Link/Target As...'), a 22K text
! file containing one thousand lines with a base/exponent pair on each line,
! determine which line number has the greatest numerical value.
! NOTE: The first two lines in the file represent the numbers in the example
! given above.
! --------
! Use logarithms to make the calculations necessary more manageable.
: source-099 ( -- seq )
ascii file-lines [ "," split [ string>number ] map ] map ;
: simplify ( seq -- seq )
! exponent * log(base)
flip first2 swap [ log ] map v* ;
: solve ( seq -- index )
simplify [ supremum ] keep index 1 + ;
: euler099 ( -- answer )
source-099 solve ;
! [ euler099 ] 100 ave-time
! 16 ms ave run timen - 1.67 SD (100 trials)
SOLUTION: euler099