284 lines
9.8 KiB
284 lines
9.8 KiB
;;; fuel-xref.el -- showing cross-reference info
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
;; See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
;; Author: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org>
;; Keywords: languages, fuel, factor
;; Start date: Sat Dec 20, 2008 22:00
;;; Comentary:
;; A mode and utilities for showing cross-reference information.
;;; Code:
(require 'fuel-edit)
(require 'fuel-completion)
(require 'fuel-help)
(require 'fuel-eval)
(require 'fuel-syntax)
(require 'fuel-popup)
(require 'fuel-font-lock)
(require 'fuel-base)
(require 'button)
;;; Customization:
(defgroup fuel-xref nil
"FUEL's cross-referencing engine."
:group 'fuel)
(defcustom fuel-xref-follow-link-to-word-p t
"Whether, when following a link to a caller, we position the
cursor at the first ocurrence of the used word."
:group 'fuel-xref
:type 'boolean)
"How new buffers are opened when following a crossref link.")
(fuel-font-lock--defface fuel-font-lock-xref-link
'link fuel-xref "highlighting links in cross-reference buffers")
(fuel-font-lock--defface fuel-font-lock-xref-vocab
'italic fuel-xref "vocabulary names in cross-reference buffers")
;;; Buttons:
(define-button-type 'fuel-xref--button-type
'action 'fuel-xref--follow-link
'follow-link t
'face 'fuel-font-lock-xref-link)
(defun fuel-xref--follow-link (button)
(let ((file (button-get button 'file))
(line (button-get button 'line)))
(when (not file)
(error "No file for this ref"))
(when (not (file-readable-p file))
(error "File '%s' is not readable" file))
(let ((word fuel-xref--word))
(fuel-edit--visit-file file fuel-xref-follow-link-method)
(when (numberp line) (goto-line line))
(when (and word fuel-xref-follow-link-to-word-p)
(and (re-search-forward (format "\\_<%s\\_>" word)
(goto-char (match-beginning 0)))))))
;;; The xref buffer:
(fuel-popup--define fuel-xref--buffer
"*fuel xref*" 'fuel-xref-mode)
(make-local-variable (defvar fuel-xref--word nil))
(defvar fuel-xref--help-string
"(Press RET or click to follow crossrefs, or h for help on word at point)")
(defun fuel-xref--title (word cc count thing)
(put-text-property 0 (length word) 'font-lock-face 'bold word)
(cond ((zerop count) (format "No known %s %s %s" thing cc word))
((= 1 count) (format "1 %s %s %s:" thing cc word))
(t (format "%s %ss %s %s:" count thing cc word))))
(defun fuel-xref--insert-ref (ref &optional no-vocab)
(when (and (stringp (first ref))
(stringp (third ref))
(numberp (fourth ref)))
(insert " ")
(insert-text-button (first ref)
:type 'fuel-xref--button-type
'help-echo (format "File: %s (%s)"
(third ref)
(fourth ref))
'file (third ref)
'line (fourth ref))
(when (and (not no-vocab) (stringp (second ref)))
(insert (format " (in %s)" (second ref))))
(defun fuel-xref--fill-buffer (word cc refs &optional no-vocab app thing)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(count 0))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer)
(let ((start (if app (goto-char (point-max))
(dolist (ref refs)
(when (fuel-xref--insert-ref ref no-vocab) (setq count (1+ count))))
(goto-char start)
(insert (fuel-xref--title word cc count (or thing "word")) "\n\n"))
(defun fuel-xref--fill-and-display (word cc refs &optional no-vocab thing)
(let ((count (fuel-xref--fill-buffer word cc refs no-vocab nil (or thing "word"))))
(if (zerop count)
(error (fuel-xref--title word cc 0 (or thing "word")))
(message "")
(fuel-popup--display (fuel-xref--buffer)))))
(defun fuel-xref--callers (word)
(let ((cmd `(:fuel* (((:quote ,word) fuel-callers-xref)))))
(fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(defun fuel-xref--show-callers (word)
(let ((refs (fuel-xref--callers word)))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer) (setq fuel-xref--word word))
(fuel-xref--fill-and-display word "using" refs)))
(defun fuel-xref--word-callers-files (word)
(mapcar 'third (fuel-xref--callers word)))
(defun fuel-xref--show-callees (word)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* (((:quote ,word) fuel-callees-xref))))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer) (setq fuel-xref--word nil))
(fuel-xref--fill-and-display word "used by" res)))
(defun fuel-xref--apropos (str)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* ((,str fuel-apropos-xref))))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer) (setq fuel-xref--word nil))
(fuel-xref--fill-and-display str "containing" res)))
(defun fuel-xref--show-vocab (vocab &optional app)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* ((,vocab fuel-vocab-xref)) ,vocab))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer) (setq fuel-xref--word nil))
(fuel-xref--fill-buffer vocab "in vocabulary" res t app)))
(defun fuel-xref--show-vocab-words (vocab &optional private)
(fuel-xref--show-vocab vocab)
(when private
(fuel-xref--show-vocab (format "%s.private" (substring-no-properties vocab))
(fuel-popup--display (fuel-xref--buffer))
(goto-char (point-min)))
(defun fuel-xref--show-vocab-usage (vocab)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* ((,vocab fuel-vocab-usage-xref))))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer) (setq fuel-xref--word nil))
(fuel-xref--fill-and-display vocab "using" res t "vocab")))
(defun fuel-xref--show-vocab-uses (vocab)
(let* ((cmd `(:fuel* ((,vocab fuel-vocab-uses-xref))))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd))))
(with-current-buffer (fuel-xref--buffer) (setq fuel-xref--word nil))
(fuel-xref--fill-and-display vocab "used by" res t "vocab")))
;;; User commands:
(defvar fuel-xref--word-history nil)
(defun fuel-show-callers (&optional arg)
"Show a list of callers of word or vocabulary at point.
With prefix argument, ask for word."
(interactive "P")
(let ((word (if arg (fuel-completion--read-word "Find callers for: "
(when word
(message "Looking up %s's users ..." word)
(if (and (not arg)
(fuel-xref--show-vocab-usage word)
(fuel-xref--show-callers word)))))
(defun fuel-show-callees (&optional arg)
"Show a list of callers of word or vocabulary at point.
With prefix argument, ask for word."
(interactive "P")
(let ((word (if arg (fuel-completion--read-word "Find callees for: "
(when word
(message "Looking up %s's callees ..." word)
(if (and (not arg)
(fuel-xref--show-vocab-uses word)
(fuel-xref--show-callees word)))))
(defvar fuel-xref--vocab-history nil)
(defun fuel-vocab-uses (&optional arg)
"Show a list of vocabularies used by a given one.
With prefix argument, force reload of vocabulary list."
(interactive "P")
(let ((vocab (fuel-completion--read-vocab arg
(fuel-xref--show-vocab-uses vocab)))
(defun fuel-vocab-usage (&optional arg)
"Show a list of vocabularies that use a given one.
With prefix argument, force reload of vocabulary list."
(interactive "P")
(let ((vocab (fuel-completion--read-vocab arg
(fuel-xref--show-vocab-usage vocab)))
(defun fuel-apropos (str)
"Show a list of words containing the given substring."
(interactive "MFind words containing: ")
(message "Looking up %s's references ..." str)
(fuel-xref--apropos str))
(defun fuel-show-file-words (&optional arg)
"Show a list of words in current file.
With prefix argument, ask for the vocab."
(interactive "P")
(let ((vocab (or (and (not arg) (fuel-syntax--current-vocab))
(fuel-completion--read-vocab nil))))
(when vocab
(fuel-xref--show-vocab-words vocab
;;; Xref mode:
(defun fuel-xref-show-help ()
(let ((fuel-help-always-ask nil))
(defvar fuel-xref-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(suppress-keymap map)
(set-keymap-parent map button-buffer-map)
(define-key map "h" 'fuel-xref-show-help)
(defun fuel-xref-mode ()
"Mode for displaying FUEL cross-reference information.
(use-local-map fuel-xref-mode-map)
(set-syntax-table fuel-syntax--syntax-table)
(setq mode-name "FUEL Xref")
(setq major-mode 'fuel-xref-mode)
(font-lock-add-keywords nil '(("(in \\(.+\\))" 1 'fuel-font-lock-xref-vocab)))
(setq buffer-read-only t))
(provide 'fuel-xref)
;;; fuel-xref.el ends here