286 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File
286 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman, Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays calendar combinators channels concurrency.messaging fry io
io.encodings.8-bit io.sockets kernel math namespaces sequences
sequences.lib splitting strings threads
continuations destructors classes.tuple ascii accessors ;
IN: irc
! utils
: split-at-first ( seq separators -- before after )
dupd '[ , member? ] find
[ cut rest ]
[ swap ]
if ;
: spawn-server-linked ( quot name -- thread )
>r '[ , [ ] [ ] while ] r>
spawn-linked ;
! ---
! Default irc port
: irc-port 6667 ;
! Message used when the client isn't running anymore
SINGLETON: irc-end
! "setup" objects
TUPLE: irc-profile server port nickname password default-channels ;
C: <irc-profile> irc-profile
TUPLE: irc-channel-profile name password auto-rejoin ;
C: <irc-channel-profile> irc-channel-profile
! "live" objects
TUPLE: nick name channels log ;
C: <nick> nick
TUPLE: irc-client profile nick stream stream-channel controller-channel
listeners is-running ;
: <irc-client> ( profile -- irc-client )
f V{ } clone V{ } clone <nick>
f <channel> <channel> V{ } clone f irc-client boa ;
USE: prettyprint
TUPLE: irc-listener channel ;
! FIXME: spawn-server-linked con manejo de excepciones, mandar un mensaje final (ya se maneja esto al recibir mensajes del channel? )
! tener la opciĆ³n de dejar de correr un client??
: <irc-listener> ( quot -- irc-listener )
<channel> irc-listener boa swap
[ channel>> '[ , from ] ]
[ '[ , curry f spawn drop ] ]
bi* compose "irc-listener" spawn-server-linked drop
] [ drop ] 2bi ;
! TUPLE: irc-channel name topic members log attributes ;
! C: <irc-channel> irc-channel
! the delegate of all irc messages
TUPLE: irc-message line prefix command parameters trailing timestamp ;
C: <irc-message> irc-message
! "irc message" objects
TUPLE: logged-in < irc-message name ;
C: <logged-in> logged-in
TUPLE: ping < irc-message ;
C: <ping> ping
TUPLE: join_ < irc-message ;
C: <join> join_
TUPLE: part < irc-message name channel ;
C: <part> part
TUPLE: quit ;
C: <quit> quit
TUPLE: privmsg < irc-message name ;
C: <privmsg> privmsg
TUPLE: kick < irc-message channel who ;
C: <kick> kick
TUPLE: roomlist < irc-message channel names ;
C: <roomlist> roomlist
TUPLE: nick-in-use < irc-message name ;
C: <nick-in-use> nick-in-use
TUPLE: notice < irc-message type ;
C: <notice> notice
TUPLE: mode < irc-message name channel mode ;
C: <mode> mode
TUPLE: unhandled < irc-message ;
C: <unhandled> unhandled
SYMBOL: irc-client
: irc-client> ( -- irc-client ) irc-client get ;
: irc-stream> ( -- stream ) irc-client> stream>> ;
: remove-heading-: ( seq -- seq ) dup ":" head? [ rest ] when ;
: parse-name ( string -- string )
remove-heading-: "!" split-at-first drop ;
: sender>> ( obj -- string )
prefix>> parse-name ;
: split-prefix ( string -- string/f string )
dup ":" head?
[ remove-heading-: " " split1 ]
[ f swap ]
if ;
: split-trailing ( string -- string string/f )
":" split1 ;
: string>irc-message ( string -- object )
dup split-prefix split-trailing
[ [ blank? ] trim " " split unclip swap ] dip
now <irc-message> ;
: me? ( name -- ? )
irc-client> nick>> name>> = ;
: irc-write ( s -- )
irc-stream> stream-write ;
: irc-print ( s -- )
irc-stream> [ stream-print ] keep stream-flush ;
! Irc commands
: NICK ( nick -- )
"NICK " irc-write irc-print ;
: LOGIN ( nick -- )
dup NICK
"USER " irc-write irc-write
" hostname servername :irc.factor" irc-print ;
: CONNECT ( server port -- stream )
<inet> latin1 <client> drop ;
: JOIN ( channel password -- )
"JOIN " irc-write
[ " :" swap 3append ] when* irc-print ;
: PART ( channel text -- )
[ "PART " irc-write irc-write ] dip
" :" irc-write irc-print ;
: KICK ( channel who -- )
[ "KICK " irc-write irc-write ] dip
" " irc-write irc-print ;
: PRIVMSG ( nick line -- )
[ "PRIVMSG " irc-write irc-write ] dip
" :" irc-write irc-print ;
: SAY ( nick line -- )
: ACTION ( nick line -- )
[ 1 , "ACTION " % % 1 , ] "" make PRIVMSG ;
: QUIT ( text -- )
"QUIT :" irc-write irc-print ;
: join-channel ( channel-profile -- )
[ name>> ] keep password>> JOIN ;
: irc-connect ( irc-client -- )
[ profile>> [ server>> ] keep port>> CONNECT ] keep
swap >>stream t >>is-running drop ;
GENERIC: handle-irc ( obj -- )
M: object handle-irc ( obj -- )
drop ;
M: logged-in handle-irc ( obj -- )
irc-client> [ nick>> swap >>name drop ] keep
profile>> default-channels>> [ join-channel ] each ;
M: ping handle-irc ( obj -- )
"PONG " irc-write
trailing>> irc-print ;
M: nick-in-use handle-irc ( obj -- )
name>> "_" append NICK ;
: parse-irc-line ( string -- message )
dup command>> {
{ "PING" [ \ ping ] }
{ "NOTICE" [ \ notice ] }
{ "001" [ \ logged-in ] }
{ "433" [ \ nick-in-use ] }
{ "JOIN" [ \ join_ ] }
{ "PART" [ \ part ] }
{ "PRIVMSG" [ \ privmsg ] }
{ "QUIT" [ \ quit ] }
{ "MODE" [ \ mode ] }
{ "KICK" [ \ kick ] }
[ drop \ unhandled ]
} case
[ [ tuple-slots ] [ parameters>> ] bi append ] dip prefix >tuple ;
! Reader
: handle-reader-message ( irc-client irc-message -- )
dup handle-irc swap stream-channel>> to ;
: reader-loop ( irc-client -- )
dup stream>> stream-readln [
dup print parse-irc-line handle-reader-message
] [
f >>is-running
dup stream>> dispose
irc-end over controller-channel>> to
stream-channel>> irc-end swap to
] if* ;
! Controller commands
GENERIC: handle-command ( obj -- )
M: object handle-command ( obj -- )
. ;
TUPLE: send-message to text ;
C: <send-message> send-message
M: send-message handle-command ( obj -- )
dup to>> swap text>> SAY ;
TUPLE: send-action to text ;
C: <send-action> send-action
M: send-action handle-command ( obj -- )
dup to>> swap text>> ACTION ;
TUPLE: send-quit text ;
C: <send-quit> send-quit
M: send-quit handle-command ( obj -- )
text>> QUIT ;
: irc-listen ( irc-client quot -- )
[ listeners>> ] [ <irc-listener> ] bi* swap push ;
! Controller loop
: controller-loop ( irc-client -- )
controller-channel>> from handle-command ;
! Multiplexer
: multiplex-message ( irc-client message -- )
swap listeners>> [ channel>> ] map
[ '[ , , to ] "message" spawn drop ] each-with ;
: multiplexer-loop ( irc-client -- )
dup stream-channel>> from multiplex-message ;
! process looping and starting
: (spawn-irc-loop) ( irc-client quot name -- )
[ over >r curry r> '[ @ , is-running>> ] ] dip
spawn-server-linked drop ;
: spawn-irc-loop ( irc-client quot name -- )
'[ , , , [ (spawn-irc-loop) receive ] [ print ] recover ]
f spawn drop ;
: spawn-irc ( irc-client -- )
[ [ reader-loop ] "reader-loop" spawn-irc-loop ]
[ [ controller-loop ] "controller-loop" spawn-irc-loop ]
[ [ multiplexer-loop ] "multiplexer-loop" spawn-irc-loop ]
tri ;
: do-irc ( irc-client -- )
irc-client [
[ irc-connect ]
[ profile>> nickname>> LOGIN ]
[ spawn-irc ]
] with-variable ; |