
159 lines
4.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2005, 2010 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.order strings arrays vectors sequences
sequences.private accessors fry combinators ;
IN: grouping
MIXIN: chunking
INSTANCE: chunking sequence
GENERIC: group@ ( n groups -- from to seq )
M: chunking set-nth group@ <slice> 0 swap copy ;
M: chunking like drop { } like ; inline
MIXIN: subseq-chunking
INSTANCE: subseq-chunking chunking
INSTANCE: subseq-chunking sequence
M: subseq-chunking nth group@ subseq ; inline
MIXIN: slice-chunking
INSTANCE: slice-chunking chunking
INSTANCE: slice-chunking sequence
M: slice-chunking nth group@ <slice> ; inline
M: slice-chunking nth-unsafe group@ slice boa ; inline
MIXIN: abstract-groups
INSTANCE: abstract-groups sequence
M: abstract-groups length
[ seq>> length ] [ n>> ] bi [ + 1 - ] keep /i ; inline
M: abstract-groups set-length
[ n>> * ] [ seq>> ] bi set-length ; inline
M: abstract-groups group@
[ n>> [ * dup ] keep + ] [ seq>> ] bi [ length min ] keep ; inline
MIXIN: abstract-clumps
INSTANCE: abstract-clumps sequence
M: abstract-clumps length
[ seq>> length 1 + ] [ n>> ] bi [-] ; inline
M: abstract-clumps set-length
[ n>> + 1 - ] [ seq>> ] bi set-length ; inline
M: abstract-clumps group@
[ n>> over + ] [ seq>> ] bi ; inline
TUPLE: chunking-seq { seq read-only } { n read-only } ;
: check-groups ( n -- n )
dup 0 <= [ "Invalid group count" throw ] when ; inline
: new-groups ( seq n class -- groups )
[ check-groups ] dip boa ; inline
: slice-mod ( n length -- n' )
2dup >= [ - ] [ drop ] if ; inline
: check-circular-clumps ( seq n -- seq n )
2dup 1 - swap bounds-check 2drop ; inline
TUPLE: groups < chunking-seq ;
INSTANCE: groups subseq-chunking
INSTANCE: groups abstract-groups
: <groups> ( seq n -- groups )
groups new-groups ; inline
TUPLE: sliced-groups < chunking-seq ;
INSTANCE: sliced-groups slice-chunking
INSTANCE: sliced-groups abstract-groups
: <sliced-groups> ( seq n -- groups )
sliced-groups new-groups ; inline
TUPLE: clumps < chunking-seq ;
INSTANCE: clumps subseq-chunking
INSTANCE: clumps abstract-clumps
: <clumps> ( seq n -- clumps )
clumps new-groups ; inline
TUPLE: sliced-clumps < chunking-seq ;
INSTANCE: sliced-clumps slice-chunking
INSTANCE: sliced-clumps abstract-clumps
: <sliced-clumps> ( seq n -- clumps )
sliced-clumps new-groups ; inline
: group ( seq n -- array ) <groups> { } like ;
: clump ( seq n -- array ) <clumps> { } like ;
: monotonic? ( seq quot -- ? )
over length 2 < [ 2drop t ] [
over length 2 = [
[ first2-unsafe ] dip call
] [
[ 2 <sliced-clumps> ] dip
'[ first2-unsafe @ ] all?
] if
] if ; inline
: all-equal? ( seq -- ? ) [ = ] monotonic? ;
: all-eq? ( seq -- ? ) [ eq? ] monotonic? ;
TUPLE: circular-slice { from read-only } { to read-only } { seq read-only } ;
INSTANCE: circular-slice virtual-sequence
M: circular-slice equal? over slice? [ sequence= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
M: circular-slice hashcode* [ sequence-hashcode ] recursive-hashcode ;
M: circular-slice length [ to>> ] [ from>> ] bi - ; inline
M: circular-slice virtual-exemplar seq>> ; inline
M: circular-slice virtual@
[ from>> + ] [ seq>> ] bi [ length slice-mod ] keep ; inline
C: <circular-slice> circular-slice
TUPLE: sliced-circular-clumps < chunking-seq ;
INSTANCE: sliced-circular-clumps sequence
M: sliced-circular-clumps length
seq>> length ; inline
M: sliced-circular-clumps nth
[ n>> over + ] [ seq>> ] bi <circular-slice> ; inline
: <sliced-circular-clumps> ( seq n -- clumps )
check-circular-clumps sliced-circular-clumps boa ; inline
TUPLE: circular-clumps < chunking-seq ;
INSTANCE: circular-clumps sequence
M: circular-clumps length
seq>> length ; inline
M: circular-clumps nth
[ n>> over + ] [ seq>> ] bi [ <circular-slice> ] [ like ] bi ; inline
: <circular-clumps> ( seq n -- clumps )
check-circular-clumps circular-clumps boa ; inline
: circular-clump ( seq n -- array )
<circular-clumps> { } like ; inline