
159 lines
4.5 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2013 Björn Lindqvist
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license
USING: accessors alien alien.accessors alien.c-types alien.data
alien.enums alien.strings arrays assocs combinators fry
io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 kernel literals math
math.bitwise pcre.ffi sequences splitting strings ;
IN: pcre
ERROR: bad-option what ;
ERROR: malformed-regexp expr error ;
ERROR: pcre-error value ;
: replace-all ( seq subseqs new -- seq )
swapd '[ _ replace ] reduce ;
: split-subseqs ( seq subseqs -- seqs )
dup first [ replace-all ] keep split-subseq [ >string ] map harvest ;
: 2with ( param1 param2 obj quot -- obj curry )
[ -rot ] dip [ [ rot ] dip call ] 3curry ; inline
: utf8-start-byte? ( byte -- ? )
0xc0 bitand 0x80 = not ;
: next-utf8-char ( byte-array pos -- pos' )
1 + 2dup swap ?nth [
utf8-start-byte? [ nip ] [ next-utf8-char ] if
] [ 2drop f ] if* ;
: check-bad-option ( err value what -- value )
rot 0 = [ drop ] [ bad-option ] if ;
: pcre-config ( what -- value )
dup {
} member? [
{ long } [ pcre_config ] with-out-parameters
] [
{ int } [ pcre_config ] with-out-parameters
] if
] keep check-bad-option ;
: pcre-fullinfo ( pcre extra what -- obj )
[ { int } [ pcre_fullinfo ] with-out-parameters ] keep
check-bad-option ;
: pcre-substring-list ( subject match-array count -- alien )
{ void* } [ pcre_get_substring_list drop ] with-out-parameters ;
: name-count ( pcre extra -- n )
PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT pcre-fullinfo ;
: name-table ( pcre extra -- addr )
[ drop alien-address 32 on-bits unmask ]
[ PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE pcre-fullinfo ] 2bi + ;
: name-entry-size ( pcre extra -- size )
: name-table-entry ( addr -- group-index group-name )
[ <alien> 1 alien-unsigned-1 ]
[ 2 + <alien> utf8 alien>string ] bi ;
: name-table-entries ( pcre extra -- addrs )
[ name-table ] [ name-entry-size ] [ name-count ] 2tri
iota [ * + name-table-entry 2array ] 2with map ;
: options ( pcre -- opts )
f PCRE_INFO_OPTIONS pcre-fullinfo ;
CONSTANT: default-opts flags{ PCRE_UTF8 PCRE_UCP }
: (pcre) ( expr -- pcre err-message err-offset )
default-opts { c-string int } [ f pcre_compile ] with-out-parameters ;
: <pcre> ( expr -- pcre )
dup (pcre) 2array swap [ 2nip ] [ malformed-regexp ] if* ;
: <pcre-extra> ( pcre -- pcre-extra )
0 { c-string } [ pcre_study ] with-out-parameters drop ;
: exec ( pcre extra subject ofs opts -- count match-data )
[ dup length ] 2dip 30 int <c-array> 30 [ pcre_exec ] 2keep drop ;
TUPLE: matcher pcre extra subject ofs exec-opts ;
: <matcher> ( subject compiled-pcre -- matcher )
[ utf8 encode ] dip [ pcre>> ] [ extra>> ] bi rot 0 0 matcher boa ;
: findnext ( matcher -- matcher match/f )
dup {
[ pcre>> ]
[ extra>> ]
[ subject>> ]
[ ofs>> ]
[ exec-opts>> ]
} cleave exec over dup -1 < [
PCRE_ERRORS number>enum pcre-error
] [
-1 = [
2drop dup exec-opts>> 0 =
[ f ]
dup [ subject>> ] [ ofs>> ] bi next-utf8-char
[ >>ofs 0 >>exec-opts findnext ] [ f ] if*
] if
] [
[ first2 = [ empty-match-opts ] [ 0 ] if >>exec-opts ]
[ second >>ofs ] bi
] [
] 2bi
] if
] if ;
: parse-match ( subject nametable match-data -- match )
swapd first2 swap [ pcre-substring-list ] keep void* <c-direct-array>
[ utf8 alien>string ] { } map-as [ of swap 2array ] with map-index ;
TUPLE: compiled-pcre pcre extra nametable ;
: <compiled-pcre> ( expr -- compiled-pcre )
<pcre> dup <pcre-extra> 2dup name-table-entries compiled-pcre boa ;
: has-option? ( compiled-pcre option -- ? )
[ pcre>> options ] dip bitand 0 > ;
GENERIC: findall ( subject obj -- matches )
M: compiled-pcre findall
[ <matcher> [ findnext dup ] [ ] produce 2nip ]
[ nametable>> rot [ parse-match ] 2with { } map-as ] 2bi ;
M: string findall
<compiled-pcre> findall ;
M: regexp:regexp findall
raw>> findall ;
: matches? ( subject obj -- ? )
dupd findall [ nip length 1 = ] [ ?first ?first ?last = ] 2bi and ;
: split ( subject obj -- strings )
dupd findall [ first second ] map split-subseqs ;