
352 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Double.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: lists lists.lazy promises kernel sequences strings math
arrays splitting quotations combinators namespaces locals
unicode sequences.deep accessors ;
IN: parser-combinators
! Parser combinator protocol
GENERIC: parse ( input parser -- list )
M: promise parse ( input parser -- list )
force parse ;
TUPLE: parse-result parsed unparsed ;
ERROR: cannot-parse input ;
: parse-1 ( input parser -- result )
dupd parse dup nil? [
swap cannot-parse
] [
nip car parsed>>
] if ;
C: <parse-result> parse-result
: <parse-results> ( parsed unparsed -- list )
<parse-result> 1list ;
: parse-result-parsed-slice ( parse-result -- slice )
dup parsed>> empty? [
unparsed>> 0 0 rot <slice>
] [
dup unparsed>>
dup from>> [ rot parsed>> length - ] keep
rot seq>> <slice>
] if ;
: string= ( str1 str2 ignore-case -- ? )
[ [ >upper ] bi@ ] when sequence= ;
: string-head? ( str head ignore-case -- ? )
2over shorter? [
3drop f
] [
[ [ length head-slice ] keep ] dip string=
] if ;
: ?string-head ( str head ignore-case -- newstr ? )
[ 2dup ] dip string-head?
[ length tail-slice t ] [ drop f ] if ;
TUPLE: token-parser string ignore-case? ;
C: <token-parser> token-parser
: token ( string -- parser ) f <token-parser> ;
: case-insensitive-token ( string -- parser ) t <token-parser> ;
M:: token-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
parser string>> :> str
parser ignore-case?>> :> case?
str input str case? ?string-head
[ <parse-results> ] [ 2drop nil ] if ;
: 1token ( n -- parser ) 1string token ;
TUPLE: satisfy-parser quot ;
C: satisfy satisfy-parser
M: satisfy-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! A parser that succeeds if the predicate,
! when passed the first character in the input, returns
! true.
over empty? [
2drop nil
] [
quot>> [ unclip-slice dup ] dip call( char -- ? )
[ swap <parse-results> ] [ 2drop nil ] if
] if ;
LAZY: any-char-parser ( -- parser )
[ drop t ] satisfy ;
TUPLE: epsilon-parser ;
C: epsilon epsilon-parser
M: epsilon-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! A parser that parses the empty string. It
! does not consume any input and always returns
! an empty list as the parse tree with the
! unmodified input.
drop "" swap <parse-results> ;
TUPLE: succeed-parser result ;
C: succeed succeed-parser
M: succeed-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! A parser that always returns 'result' as a
! successful parse with no input consumed.
result>> swap <parse-results> ;
TUPLE: fail-parser ;
C: fail fail-parser
M: fail-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! A parser that always fails and returns
! an empty list of successes.
2drop nil ;
TUPLE: ensure-parser test ;
: ensure ( parser -- ensure )
ensure-parser boa ;
M: ensure-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
2dup test>> parse nil?
[ 2drop nil ] [ drop t swap <parse-results> ] if ;
TUPLE: ensure-not-parser test ;
: ensure-not ( parser -- ensure )
ensure-not-parser boa ;
M: ensure-not-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
2dup test>> parse nil?
[ drop t swap <parse-results> ] [ 2drop nil ] if ;
TUPLE: and-parser parsers ;
: <&> ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
over and-parser? [
[ parsers>> ] dip suffix
] [
] if and-parser boa ;
: <and-parser> ( parsers -- parser )
dup length 1 = [ first ] [ and-parser boa ] if ;
: and-parser-parse ( list p1 -- list )
swap [
dup unparsed>> rot parse
[ parsed>> ] dip
[ parsed>> 2array ] keep
unparsed>> <parse-result>
] with lmap-lazy
] with lmap-lazy lconcat ;
M: and-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! Parse 'input' by sequentially combining the
! two parsers. First parser1 is applied to the
! input then parser2 is applied to the rest of
! the input strings from the first parser.
parsers>> unclip swapd parse
[ [ and-parser-parse ] reduce ] 2curry <promise> ;
TUPLE: or-parser parsers ;
: <or-parser> ( parsers -- parser )
dup length 1 = [ first ] [ or-parser boa ] if ;
: <|> ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
2array <or-parser> ;
M: or-parser parse ( input parser1 -- list )
! Return the combined list resulting from the parses
! of parser1 and parser2 being applied to the same
! input. This implements the choice parsing operator.
parsers>> sequence>list
[ parse ] with lmap-lazy lconcat ;
: trim-head-slice ( string -- string )
! Return a new string without any leading whitespace
! from the original string.
dup empty? [
dup first blank? [ rest-slice trim-head-slice ] when
] unless ;
TUPLE: sp-parser p1 ;
! Return a parser that first skips all whitespace before
! calling the original parser.
C: sp sp-parser
M: sp-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! Skip all leading whitespace from the input then call
! the parser on the remaining input.
[ trim-head-slice ] dip p1>> parse ;
TUPLE: just-parser p1 ;
C: just just-parser
M: just-parser parse ( input parser -- result )
! Calls the given parser on the input removes
! from the results anything where the remaining
! input to be parsed is not empty. So ensures a
! fully parsed input string.
p1>> parse [ unparsed>> empty? ] lfilter ;
TUPLE: apply-parser p1 quot ;
C: <@ apply-parser
M: apply-parser parse ( input parser -- result )
! Calls the parser on the input. For each successful
! parse the quot is call with the parse result on the stack.
! The result of that quotation then becomes the new parse result.
! This allows modification of parse tree results (like
! converting strings to integers, etc).
[ p1>> ] [ quot>> ] bi
-rot parse [
[ parsed>> swap call ] keep
unparsed>> <parse-result>
] with lmap-lazy ;
TUPLE: some-parser p1 ;
C: some some-parser
M: some-parser parse ( input parser -- result )
! Calls the parser on the input, guarantees
! the parse is complete (the remaining input is empty),
! picks the first solution and only returns the parse
! tree since the remaining input is empty.
p1>> just parse-1 ;
: <& ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
! Same as <&> except discard the results of the second parser.
<&> [ first ] <@ ;
: &> ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
! Same as <&> except discard the results of the first parser.
<&> [ second ] <@ ;
: <:&> ( parser1 parser2 -- result )
! Same as <&> except flatten the result.
<&> [ first2 suffix ] <@ ;
: <&:> ( parser1 parser2 -- result )
! Same as <&> except flatten the result.
<&> [ first2 swap prefix ] <@ ;
: <:&:> ( parser1 parser2 -- result )
! Same as <&> except flatten the result.
<&> [ first2 append ] <@ ;
LAZY: <*> ( parser -- parser )
dup <*> <&:> { } succeed <|> ;
: <+> ( parser -- parser )
! Return a parser that accepts one or more occurrences of the original
! parser.
dup <*> <&:> ;
LAZY: <?> ( parser -- parser )
! Return a parser that optionally uses the parser
! if that parser would be successful.
[ 1array ] <@ f succeed <|> ;
TUPLE: only-first-parser p1 ;
LAZY: only-first ( parser -- parser )
only-first-parser boa ;
M: only-first-parser parse ( input parser -- list )
! Transform a parser into a parser that only yields
! the first possibility.
p1>> parse 1 swap ltake ;
LAZY: <!*> ( parser -- parser )
! Like <*> but only return one possible result
! containing all matching parses. Does not return
! partial matches. Useful for efficiency since that's
! usually the effect you want and cuts down on backtracking
! required.
<*> only-first ;
LAZY: <!+> ( parser -- parser )
! Like <+> but only return one possible result
! containing all matching parses. Does not return
! partial matches. Useful for efficiency since that's
! usually the effect you want and cuts down on backtracking
! required.
<+> only-first ;
LAZY: <!?> ( parser -- parser )
! Like <?> but only return one possible result
! containing all matching parses. Does not return
! partial matches. Useful for efficiency since that's
! usually the effect you want and cuts down on backtracking
! required.
<?> only-first ;
LAZY: <(?)> ( parser -- parser )
! Like <?> but take shortest match first.
f succeed swap [ 1array ] <@ <|> ;
LAZY: <(*)> ( parser -- parser )
! Like <*> but take shortest match first.
! Implementation by Matthew Willis.
{ } succeed swap dup <(*)> <&:> <|> ;
LAZY: <(+)> ( parser -- parser )
! Like <+> but take shortest match first.
! Implementation by Matthew Willis.
dup <(*)> <&:> ;
: pack ( close body open -- parser )
! Parse a construct enclosed by two symbols,
! given a parser for the opening symbol, the
! closing symbol, and the body.
<& &> ;
: nonempty-list-of ( items separator -- parser )
[ over &> <*> <&:> ] keep <?> [ nip ] 2keep pack ;
: list-of ( items separator -- parser )
! Given a parser for the separator and for the
! items themselves, return a parser that parses
! lists of those items. The parse tree is an
! array of the parsed items.
nonempty-list-of { } succeed <|> ;
LAZY: surrounded-by ( parser start end -- parser' )
[ token ] bi@ swapd pack ;
: exactly-n ( parser n -- parser' )
swap <repetition> <and-parser> [ flatten ] <@ ;
: at-most-n ( parser n -- parser' )
dup zero? [
2drop epsilon
] [
2dup exactly-n
-rot 1 - at-most-n <|>
] if ;
: at-least-n ( parser n -- parser' )
dupd exactly-n swap <*> <&> ;
: from-m-to-n ( parser m n -- parser' )
[ [ exactly-n ] 2keep ] dip swap - at-most-n <:&:> ;