257 lines
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257 lines
8.1 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Alexander Ilin.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs binary-search charts combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry kernel locals make math math.order
math.statistics math.vectors namespaces opengl opengl.gl
sequences specialized-arrays.instances.alien.c-types.float
splitting.monotonic ui.gadgets ui.render ;
IN: charts.lines
! Data must be a sequence of { x y } coordinates sorted by
! non-descending x vaues.
TUPLE: line < gadget color data ;
: (line-vertices) ( seq -- vertices )
concat [ 0.3 + ] float-array{ } map-as ;
ALIAS: x first
ALIAS: y second
: search-first ( elt seq -- index elt )
[ first <=> ] with search ;
: search-first? ( elt seq -- index elt exact-match? )
dupd search-first rot [ dup first ] dip = ;
! Return a slice of the seq with all elements equal to elt to the
! left of the index, plus one that's not equal, if requested.
:: adjusted-tail-slice ( n elt plus-one? seq -- slice )
n seq elt x '[ x _ = not ] find-last-from drop seq swap
[ plus-one? [ 1 + ] unless tail-slice ] when* ;
! Return a slice of the seq with all elements equal to elt to the
! right of the index, plus one that's not equal, if requested.
:: adjusted-head-slice ( n elt plus-one? seq -- slice )
n seq elt x '[ x _ = not ] find-from drop seq swap
[ plus-one? [ 1 + ] when short head-slice ] when* ;
! : data-rect ( data -- rect )
! [ [ first x ] [ last x ] bi ] keep
! [ y ] map minmax swapd
! [ 2array ] bi@ <extent-rect> ;
: x-in-bounds? ( min,max pairs -- ? )
[ [ first ] dip last x > not ]
[ [ second ] dip first x < not ]
} 2&& ;
: y-in-bounds? ( min,max pairs -- ? )
[ y ] map minmax 2array
[ [ first ] dip second > not ]
[ [ second ] dip first < not ]
} 2&& ;
! : xy-in-bounds? ( bounds pairs -- ? )
! {
! [ [ first ] dip x-in-bounds? ]
! [ [ second ] dip y-in-bounds? ]
! } 2&& ;
: calc-line-slope ( point1 point2 -- slope ) v- first2 swap / ;
: calc-y ( slope x point -- y ) first2 [ - * ] dip + ;
: calc-x ( slope y point -- x ) first2 swap [ - swap / ] dip + ;
: y-at ( x point1 point2 -- y ) dupd calc-line-slope -rot calc-y ;
: last2 ( seq -- penultimate ultimate ) 2 tail* first2 ;
! Due to the way adjusted-tail-slice works, the first element of
! pairs is <= xmin, and if the first is < xmin, then the second is
! > xmin. Otherwise the first one would be = xmin.
: left-cut-x ( xmin pairs -- seq )
2dup first x > [
[ dupd first2 y-at 2array ] keep rest-slice swap prefix
] [
] if ;
! Due to the way adjusted-head-slice works, the last element of
! pairs is >= xmax, and if the last is > xmax, then the second to
! last is < xmax. Otherwise the last one would be = xmax.
: right-cut-x ( xmax pairs -- seq )
2dup last x < [
[ dupd last2 y-at 2array ] keep but-last-slice swap suffix
] [
] if ;
! If the line spans beyond min or max, make sure there are points
! with x = min and x = max in seq.
: min-max-cut ( min,max pairs -- seq )
[ first2 ] dip right-cut-x left-cut-x ;
: clip-by-x ( min,max pairs -- pairs' )
2dup x-in-bounds? [
[ dup first ] dip [ search-first? not ] keep
[ dup second ] dip [ search-first? not ] keep
dup length 1 > [ min-max-cut ] [ nip ] if
dup slice? [ dup like ] when
] [
2drop { }
] if ;
: between<=> ( value min max -- <=> )
3dup between? [ 3drop +eq+ ] [ nip > +gt+ +lt+ ? ] if ;
: calc-point-y ( slope y point -- xy ) over [ calc-x ] dip 2array ;
: xyy>chunk ( x y1 y2 -- chunk )
[ over ] dip 2array [ 2array ] dip 2array ;
:: 2-point-chunk ( left right ymin ymax -- chunk )
left last :> left-point
right first :> right-point
left-point x right-point x = [
left-point x ymin ymax xyy>chunk
] [
left-point right-point calc-line-slope :> slope
slope ymin left-point calc-point-y
slope ymax left-point calc-point-y
left-point y right-point y > [ swap ] when 2array
] if ;
:: fix-left-chunk ( left right ymin ymax -- left' )
left last :> left-point
right first :> right-point
left-point y right-point y {
[ { [ drop ymin = ] [ > ] } 2&& ]
[ { [ drop ymax = ] [ < ] } 2&& ]
} 2|| [
] [
left-point y right-point y > ymin ymax ? :> y-coord
left-point x right-point x = [
left-point x y-coord 2array
] [
left-point right-point calc-line-slope
y-coord left-point calc-point-y
] if
left swap suffix
] if ;
:: fix-right-chunk ( left right ymin ymax -- right' )
left last :> left-point
right first :> right-point
left-point y right-point y {
[ { [ ymin = nip ] [ < ] } 2&& ]
[ { [ ymax = nip ] [ > ] } 2&& ]
} 2|| [
] [
left-point y right-point y < ymin ymax ? :> y-coord
left-point x right-point x = [
right-point x y-coord 2array
] [
left-point right-point calc-line-slope
y-coord left-point calc-point-y
] if
right swap prefix
] if ;
: first-point ( chunks -- first-point ) first first ;
: last-point ( chunks -- last-point ) last last ;
:: (make-pair) ( prev next min max -- next' )
prev next min max
prev next [ first y min max between<=> ] bi@ 2array
{ { +gt+ +eq+ } [ fix-right-chunk ] }
{ { +lt+ +eq+ } [ fix-right-chunk ] }
{ { +eq+ +gt+ } [ fix-left-chunk , next ] }
{ { +eq+ +lt+ } [ fix-left-chunk , next ] }
{ { +gt+ +lt+ } [ 2-point-chunk , next ] }
{ { +lt+ +gt+ } [ 2-point-chunk , next ] }
[ drop "same values - can't happen" throw ]
} case ;
! Drop chunks that are out of bounds, add extra points where needed.
:: (drawable-chunks) ( chunks min max -- chunks' )
chunks length {
{ 0 [ chunks ] }
{ 1 [
chunks first-point y min max between?
chunks { } ?
drop [
chunks [ ] [ min max (make-pair) ] map-reduce
dup first y min max between? [ , ] [ drop ] if
] { } make
} case ;
! Split data into chunks to be drawn within the [ymin,ymax] limits.
! Return the (empty?) sequence of chunks, possibly with some new
! points at ymin and ymax at the gap bounds.
: drawable-chunks ( data ymin,ymax -- chunks )
first2 [
'[ [ y _ _ between<=> ] bi@ = ]
] 2keep (drawable-chunks) ;
: flip-y-axis ( chunks ymin,ymax -- chunks )
first2 + '[ [ _ swap - ] assoc-map ] map ;
! value' = (value - min) / (max - min) * width
: scale ( width value max min -- value' ) neg [ + ] curry bi@ / * ;
! Return quotation that can be used in map operation.
: scale-mapper ( width min,max -- quot: ( value -- value' ) )
first2 swap '[ _ swap _ _ scale ] ; inline
! Sometimes no scaling is needed.
! : scale-mapper ( width min,max -- quot: ( value -- value' ) )
! first2 swap 3dup - = [
! 3drop [ ]
! ] [
! '[ _ swap _ _ scale ]
! ] if ; inline
: scale-chunks ( chunks xwidth xmin,xmax yheight ymin,ymax -- chunks' )
[ scale-mapper ] 2bi@ '[ [ _ _ bi* ] assoc-map ] map ;
: draw-line ( seq -- )
dup [ but-last-slice ] over length odd? [ dip ] [ call ] if
rest-slice append
[ (line-vertices) gl-vertex-pointer GL_LINES 0 ] keep
length glDrawArrays ;
! bounds: { { xmin xmax } { ymin ymax } }
: clip-data ( bounds data -- data' )
dup empty? [ nip ] [
dupd [ first ] dip clip-by-x
dup empty? [ nip ] [
[ second ] dip [ y-in-bounds? ] keep swap
[ drop { } ] unless
] if
] if ;
M: line draw-gadget*
dup parent>> dup chart? [| line chart |
chart chart-axes
line [ color>> gl-color ] [ data>> ] bi
dupd clip-data swap second [ drawable-chunks ] keep
chart chart-dim first2 [ chart chart-axes first2 ] dip swap
[ draw-line ] each
] [ 2drop ] if ;