
336 lines
10 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays layouts math math.order math.parser
combinators combinators.short-circuit fry make sequences locals
alien alien.private alien.strings alien.c-types alien.libraries
classes.struct namespaces kernel strings libc quotations words
cpu.architecture compiler.utilities compiler.tree compiler.cfg
compiler.cfg.builder compiler.cfg.builder.alien.params
compiler.cfg.builder.blocks compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.stack-frame compiler.cfg.stacks
compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.hats ;
FROM: compiler.errors => no-such-symbol no-such-library ;
IN: compiler.cfg.builder.alien
! output is triples with shape { vreg rep on-stack? }
GENERIC: unbox ( src c-type -- vregs )
M: c-type unbox
[ [ unboxer>> ] [ rep>> ] bi ^^unbox ] [ rep>> ] bi
f 3array 1array ;
M: long-long-type unbox
unboxer>> int-rep ^^unbox
0 cell
int-rep f ^^load-memory-imm
int-rep long-long-on-stack? 3array
] bi-curry@ bi 2array ;
GENERIC: unbox-parameter ( src c-type -- vregs )
M: c-type unbox-parameter unbox ;
M: long-long-type unbox-parameter unbox ;
M:: struct-c-type unbox-parameter ( src c-type -- )
src ^^unbox-any-c-ptr :> src
c-type value-struct? [
c-type flatten-struct-type
[| pair i |
src i cells pair first f ^^load-memory-imm
pair first2 3array
] map-index
] [ { { src int-rep f } } ] if ;
: unbox-parameters ( parameters -- vregs )
[ length iota <reversed> ] keep
[ <ds-loc> ^^peek ] [ base-type ] bi*
] 2map concat
[ length neg ##inc-d ] bi ;
: prepare-struct-area ( vregs return -- vregs )
#! Return offset on C stack where to store unboxed
#! parameters. If the C function is returning a structure,
#! the first parameter is an implicit target area pointer,
#! so we need to use a different offset.
large-struct? [
^^prepare-struct-area int-rep struct-return-on-stack?
3array prefix
] when ;
: (objects>registers) ( vregs -- )
! Place ##store-stack-param instructions first. This ensures
! that no registers are used after the ##store-reg-param
! instructions.
first3 [ dup reg-class-of reg-class-full? ] dip or
[ [ alloc-stack-param ] keep \ ##store-stack-param new-insn ]
[ [ next-reg-param ] keep \ ##store-reg-param new-insn ]
] map [ ##store-stack-param? ] partition [ % ] bi@ ;
: objects>registers ( params -- stack-size )
[ abi>> ] [ parameters>> ] [ return>> ] tri
_ unbox-parameters
_ prepare-struct-area
stack-params get
] with-param-regs ;
GENERIC: box-return ( c-type -- dst )
M: c-type box-return
[ f ] dip [ rep>> ] [ boxer>> ] bi ^^box ;
M: long-long-type box-return
[ f ] dip boxer>> ^^box-long-long ;
M: struct-c-type box-return
dup return-struct-in-registers?
[ ^^box-small-struct ] [ [ f ] dip ^^box-large-struct ] if ;
: box-return* ( node -- )
return>> [ ] [ base-type box-return 1 ##inc-d D 0 ##replace ] if-void ;
GENERIC# dlsym-valid? 1 ( symbols dll -- ? )
M: string dlsym-valid? dlsym ;
M: array dlsym-valid? '[ _ dlsym ] any? ;
: check-dlsym ( symbols dll -- )
dup dll-valid? [
dupd dlsym-valid?
[ drop ] [ cfg get word>> no-such-symbol ] if
] [ dll-path cfg get word>> no-such-library drop ] if ;
: decorated-symbol ( params -- symbols )
[ function>> ] [ parameters>> [ stack-size ] map-sum number>string ] bi
[ drop ]
[ "@" glue ]
[ "@" glue "_" prepend ]
[ "@" glue "@" prepend ]
} 2cleave
4array ;
: alien-invoke-dlsym ( params -- symbols dll )
[ dup abi>> callee-cleanup? [ decorated-symbol ] [ function>> ] if ]
[ library>> load-library ]
bi 2dup check-dlsym ;
: return-size ( c-type -- n )
#! Amount of space we reserve for a return value.
{ [ dup void? ] [ drop 0 ] }
{ [ dup base-type struct-c-type? not ] [ drop 0 ] }
{ [ dup large-struct? not ] [ drop 2 cells ] }
[ heap-size ]
} cond ;
: alien-node-height ( params -- )
[ out-d>> length ] [ in-d>> length ] bi - adjust-d ;
: emit-alien-block ( node quot: ( params -- ) -- )
_ [ alien-node-height ] bi
] emit-trivial-block ; inline
: <alien-stack-frame> ( stack-size return -- stack-frame )
stack-frame new
swap return-size >>return
swap >>params
t >>calls-vm? ;
: emit-stack-frame ( stack-size params -- )
[ return>> ] [ abi>> ] bi
[ stack-cleanup ##cleanup ]
[ drop <alien-stack-frame> ##stack-frame ] 3bi ;
M: #alien-invoke emit-node
[ objects>registers ]
[ alien-invoke-dlsym ##alien-invoke ]
[ emit-stack-frame ]
[ box-return* ]
} cleave
] emit-alien-block ;
M:: #alien-indirect emit-node ( node -- )
node [
D 0 ^^peek -1 ##inc-d ^^unbox-any-c-ptr :> src
[ objects>registers ]
[ drop src ##alien-indirect ]
[ emit-stack-frame ]
[ box-return* ]
} cleave
] emit-alien-block ;
M: #alien-assembly emit-node
[ objects>registers ]
[ quot>> ##alien-assembly ]
[ emit-stack-frame ]
[ box-return* ]
} cleave
] emit-alien-block ;
GENERIC: box-parameter ( n c-type -- dst )
M: c-type box-parameter
[ rep>> ] [ boxer>> ] bi ^^box ;
M: long-long-type box-parameter
boxer>> ^^box-long-long ;
: if-value-struct ( ctype true false -- )
[ dup value-struct? ] 2dip '[ drop void* @ ] if ; inline
M: struct-c-type box-parameter
[ ^^box-large-struct ] [ base-type box-parameter ] if-value-struct ;
: parameter-offsets ( types -- offsets )
0 [ stack-size + ] accumulate nip ;
: prepare-parameters ( parameters -- offsets types indices )
[ length iota <reversed> ] [ parameter-offsets ] [ ] tri ;
: alien-parameters ( params -- seq )
[ parameters>> ] [ return>> large-struct? ] bi
[ struct-return-on-stack? (stack-value) void* ? prefix ] when ;
: box-parameters ( params -- )
[ length ##inc-d ]
next-vreg next-vreg ##save-context
base-type box-parameter swap <ds-loc> ##replace
] 3each
] bi ;
:: alloc-parameter ( rep -- reg rep )
rep dup reg-class-of reg-class-full?
[ alloc-stack-param stack-params ] [ [ next-reg-param ] keep ] if ;
GENERIC: flatten-c-type ( type -- reps )
M: struct-c-type flatten-c-type
flatten-struct-type [ first2 [ drop stack-params ] when ] map ;
M: long-long-type flatten-c-type drop { int-rep int-rep } ;
M: c-type flatten-c-type
rep>> {
{ int-rep [ { int-rep } ] }
{ float-rep [ float-on-stack? { stack-params } { float-rep } ? ] }
{ double-rep [
cell 4 = { stack-params stack-params } { stack-params } ?
{ double-rep } ?
] }
{ stack-params [ { stack-params } ] }
} case ;
M: object flatten-c-type base-type flatten-c-type ;
: flatten-c-types ( types -- reps )
[ flatten-c-type ] map concat ;
: (registers>objects) ( params -- )
[ 0 ] dip alien-parameters flatten-c-types [
[ alloc-parameter ##save-param-reg ]
[ rep-size cell align + ]
] each drop ; inline
: registers>objects ( params -- )
! Generate code for boxing input parameters in a callback.
dup abi>> [
dup (registers>objects)
next-vreg next-vreg ##restore-context
] with-param-regs ;
: callback-return-quot ( ctype -- quot )
return>> {
{ [ dup void? ] [ drop [ ] ] }
{ [ dup large-struct? ] [ heap-size '[ _ memcpy ] ] }
[ c-type c-type-unboxer-quot ]
} cond ;
: callback-prep-quot ( params -- quot )
parameters>> [ c-type c-type-boxer-quot ] map spread>quot ;
: wrap-callback-quot ( params -- quot )
[ callback-prep-quot ] [ quot>> ] [ callback-return-quot ] tri 3append
yield-hook get
'[ _ _ do-callback ]
>quotation ;
GENERIC: unbox-return ( src c-type -- )
M: c-type unbox-return
unbox first first2 ##store-return ;
M: long-long-type unbox-return
unbox first2 [ first ] bi@ ##store-long-long-return ;
M: struct-c-type unbox-return
[ ^^unbox-any-c-ptr ] dip ##store-struct-return ;
: emit-callback-stack-frame ( params -- )
[ alien-parameters [ stack-size ] map-sum ] [ return>> ] bi
<alien-stack-frame> ##stack-frame ;
: stack-args-size ( params -- n )
dup abi>> [
alien-parameters flatten-c-types
[ alloc-parameter 2drop ] each
stack-params get
] with-param-regs ;
: callback-stack-cleanup ( params -- )
[ xt>> ] [ [ stack-args-size ] [ return>> ] [ abi>> ] tri stack-cleanup ] bi
"stack-cleanup" set-word-prop ;
M: #alien-callback emit-node
dup params>> xt>> dup
[ registers>objects ]
[ emit-callback-stack-frame ]
[ callback-stack-cleanup ]
[ wrap-callback-quot ##alien-callback ]
return>> {
{ [ dup void? ] [ drop ##end-callback ] }
{ [ dup large-struct? ] [ drop ##end-callback ] }
[ D 0 ^^peek ] dip
base-type unbox-return
} cond
} cleave
] emit-alien-block
] with-cfg-builder ;