Slava Pestov d1b6106011 Set up listener's manifest so that words defined in "scratchpad" take precedence over other vocabularies and do not raise a restart. This matches the behavior of IN: and USE: in files, where the IN: takes precedence. Also remove unused clear-manifest word. Fixes #407 2012-01-02 23:18:52 -06:00
authors.txt Merge qualified, alias, symbols, constants into core 2008-12-17 18:10:01 -06:00
parser-docs.factor sequences, syntax, vocabs.parser: remove useless whitespace in docs 2010-12-23 03:42:41 +09:00
parser-tests.factor Rename lookup to lookup-word. 2011-11-06 16:00:00 -08:00
parser.factor Set up listener's manifest so that words defined in "scratchpad" take precedence over other vocabularies and do not raise a restart. This matches the behavior of IN: and USE: in files, where the IN: takes precedence. Also remove unused clear-manifest word. Fixes #407 2012-01-02 23:18:52 -06:00
summary.txt Add summary for heaps more vocabs 2009-02-16 21:05:13 -06:00