
205 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File

! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Elie CHAFTARI, Dirk Vleugels,
! Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays namespaces io io.timeouts kernel logging io.sockets
sequences combinators sequences.lib splitting assocs strings
math.parser random system calendar io.encodings.ascii summary
calendar.format accessors sets hashtables ;
IN: smtp
SYMBOL: smtp-domain
SYMBOL: smtp-server "localhost" "smtp" <inet> smtp-server set-global
SYMBOL: smtp-read-timeout 1 minutes smtp-read-timeout set-global
SYMBOL: esmtp t esmtp set-global
LOG: log-smtp-connection NOTICE ( addrspec -- )
: with-smtp-connection ( quot -- )
smtp-server get
dup log-smtp-connection
ascii [
smtp-domain [ host-name or ] change
smtp-read-timeout get timeouts
] with-client ; inline
TUPLE: email
{ from string }
{ to array }
{ cc array }
{ bcc array }
{ subject string }
{ body string } ;
: <email> ( -- email ) email new ;
: crlf ( -- ) "\r\n" write ;
: command ( string -- ) write crlf flush ;
: helo ( -- )
esmtp get "EHLO " "HELO " ? host-name append command ;
ERROR: bad-email-address email ;
: validate-address ( string -- string' )
#! Make sure we send funky stuff to the server by accident.
dup "\r\n>" intersect empty?
[ bad-email-address ] unless ;
: mail-from ( fromaddr -- )
"MAIL FROM:<" swap validate-address ">" 3append command ;
: rcpt-to ( to -- )
"RCPT TO:<" swap validate-address ">" 3append command ;
: data ( -- )
"DATA" command ;
ERROR: message-contains-dot message ;
M: message-contains-dot summary ( obj -- string )
"Message cannot contain . on a line by itself" ;
: validate-message ( msg -- msg' )
"." over member?
[ message-contains-dot ] when ;
: send-body ( body -- )
[ write crlf ] each
"." command ;
: quit ( -- )
"QUIT" command ;
LOG: smtp-response DEBUG
ERROR: smtp-error message ;
ERROR: smtp-server-busy < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-syntax-error < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-command-not-implemented < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-bad-authentication < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-mailbox-unavailable < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-user-not-local < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-exceeded-storage-allocation < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-bad-mailbox-name < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-transaction-failed < smtp-error ;
: check-response ( response -- )
dup smtp-response
{ [ dup "bye" head? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup "220" head? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup "235" swap subseq? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup "250" head? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup "221" head? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup "354" head? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup "4" head? ] [ smtp-server-busy ] }
{ [ dup "500" head? ] [ smtp-syntax-error ] }
{ [ dup "501" head? ] [ smtp-command-not-implemented ] }
{ [ dup "50" head? ] [ smtp-syntax-error ] }
{ [ dup "53" head? ] [ smtp-bad-authentication ] }
{ [ dup "550" head? ] [ smtp-mailbox-unavailable ] }
{ [ dup "551" head? ] [ smtp-user-not-local ] }
{ [ dup "552" head? ] [ smtp-exceeded-storage-allocation ] }
{ [ dup "553" head? ] [ smtp-bad-mailbox-name ] }
{ [ dup "554" head? ] [ smtp-transaction-failed ] }
[ smtp-error ]
} cond ;
: multiline? ( response -- boolean )
?fourth CHAR: - = ;
: process-multiline ( multiline -- response )
>r readln r> 2dup " " append head? [
drop dup smtp-response
] [
swap check-response process-multiline
] if ;
: receive-response ( -- response )
dup multiline? [ 3 head process-multiline ] when ;
: get-ok ( -- ) receive-response check-response ;
ERROR: invalid-header-string string ;
: validate-header ( string -- string' )
dup "\r\n" intersect empty?
[ invalid-header-string ] unless ;
: write-header ( key value -- )
[ validate-header write ]
[ ": " write validate-header write ] bi* crlf ;
: write-headers ( assoc -- )
[ write-header ] assoc-each ;
: message-id ( -- string )
"<" %
64 random-bits #
"-" %
millis #
"@" %
smtp-domain get [ host-name ] unless* %
">" %
] "" make ;
: extract-email ( recepient -- email )
! This could be much smarter.
" " last-split1 swap or "<" ?head drop ">" ?tail drop ;
: email>headers ( email -- hashtable )
[ from>> "From" set ]
[ to>> ", " join "To" set ]
[ cc>> ", " join [ "Cc" set ] unless-empty ]
[ subject>> "Subject" set ]
} cleave
now timestamp>rfc822 "Date" set
message-id "Message-Id" set
] { } make-assoc ;
: (send-email) ( headers email -- )
helo get-ok
dup from>> extract-email mail-from get-ok
dup to>> [ extract-email rcpt-to get-ok ] each
dup cc>> [ extract-email rcpt-to get-ok ] each
dup bcc>> [ extract-email rcpt-to get-ok ] each
data get-ok
swap write-headers
body>> send-body get-ok
quit get-ok
] with-smtp-connection ;
: send-email ( email -- )
[ email>headers ] keep (send-email) ;
! Dirk's old AUTH CRAM-MD5 code. I don't know anything about
! CRAM MD5, and the old code didn't work properly either, so here
! it is in case anyone wants to fix it later.
! check-response used to have this clause:
! { [ dup "334" head? ] [ " " split 1 swap nth base64> challenge set ] }
! and the rest of the code was as follows:
! : (cram-md5-auth) ( -- response )
! swap challenge get
! string>md5-hmac hex-string
! " " prepend append
! >base64 ;
! : cram-md5-auth ( key login -- )
! "AUTH CRAM-MD5\r\n" get-ok
! (cram-md5-auth) "\r\n" append get-ok ;