81 lines
2.1 KiB
81 lines
2.1 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: kernel arrays sequences math namespaces strings io
vectors words assocs combinators sorting unicode.case
unicode.categories math.order ;
IN: tools.completion
: (fuzzy) ( accum ch i full -- accum i ? )
[ swap push ] 2keep 1+ t
] [
drop f -1 f
] if* ;
: fuzzy ( full short -- indices )
dup length <vector> -rot 0 -rot
[ -rot [ (fuzzy) ] keep swap ] all? 3drop ;
: (runs) ( runs n seq -- runs n )
2dup number=
[ drop ] [ nip V{ } clone pick push ] if
] keep pick peek push
] each ;
: runs ( seq -- newseq )
V{ V{ } } [ clone ] map over first rot (runs) drop ;
: score-1 ( i full -- n )
{ [ over zero? ] [ 2drop 10 ] }
{ [ 2dup length 1- number= ] [ 2drop 4 ] }
{ [ 2dup >r 1- r> nth Letter? not ] [ 2drop 10 ] }
{ [ 2dup >r 1+ r> nth Letter? not ] [ 2drop 4 ] }
[ 2drop 1 ]
} cond ;
: score ( full fuzzy -- n )
dup [
[ [ length ] bi@ - 15 swap [-] 3 /f ] 2keep
runs [
[ 0 [ pick score-1 max ] reduce nip ] keep
length * +
] with each
] [
2drop 0
] if ;
: rank-completions ( results -- newresults )
sort-keys <reversed>
[ 0 [ first max ] reduce 3 /f ] keep
[ first < ] with filter
[ second ] map ;
: complete ( full short -- score )
[ dupd fuzzy score ] 2keep
[ <reversed> ] bi@
dupd fuzzy score max ;
: completion ( short candidate -- result )
[ second >lower swap complete ] keep first 2array ;
: completions ( short candidates -- seq )
over empty? [
nip [ first ] map
] [
>r >lower r> [ completion ] with map
] if ;
: string-completions ( short strs -- seq )
dup zip completions ;
: limited-completions ( short candidates -- seq )
[ completions ] [ drop ] 2bi
2dup [ length 50 > ] [ empty? ] bi* and
[ 2drop f ] [ drop 50 short head ] if ;