93 lines
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93 lines
2.1 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs combinators sets math fry kernel math.order
namespaces sequences sorting compiler.cfg.rpo ;
IN: compiler.cfg.dominance
! Reference:
! A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm
! Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, and Ken Kennedy
! http://www.cs.rice.edu/~keith/EMBED/dom.pdf
! Also, a nice overview is given in these lecture notes:
! http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/~vadve/CS526/public_html/Notes/4ssa.4up.pdf
! Maps bb -> idom(bb)
SYMBOL: dom-parents
: dom-parent ( bb -- bb' ) dom-parents get at ;
: set-idom ( idom bb -- changed? )
dom-parents get maybe-set-at ;
: intersect ( finger1 finger2 -- bb )
2dup [ number>> ] compare {
{ +gt+ [ [ dom-parent ] dip intersect ] }
{ +lt+ [ dom-parent intersect ] }
[ 2drop ]
} case ;
: compute-idom ( bb -- idom )
predecessors>> [ dom-parent ] filter
[ ] [ intersect ] map-reduce ;
: iterate ( rpo -- changed? )
[ [ compute-idom ] keep set-idom ] map [ ] any? ;
: compute-dom-parents ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone dom-parents set
unclip dup set-idom drop '[ _ iterate ] loop ;
! Maps bb -> {bb' | idom(bb') = bb}
SYMBOL: dom-childrens
: dom-children ( bb -- seq ) dom-childrens get at ;
: compute-dom-children ( -- )
dom-parents get H{ } clone
[ '[ 2dup eq? [ 2drop ] [ _ push-at ] if ] assoc-each ] keep
dom-childrens set ;
! Maps bb -> DF(bb)
SYMBOL: dom-frontiers
: dom-frontier ( bb -- set ) dom-frontiers get at keys ;
: compute-dom-frontier ( bb pred -- )
2dup [ dom-parent ] dip eq? [ 2drop ] [
[ dom-frontiers get conjoin-at ]
[ dom-parent compute-dom-frontier ] 2bi
] if ;
: compute-dom-frontiers ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone dom-frontiers set
dup predecessors>> dup length 2 >= [
[ compute-dom-frontier ] with each
] [ 2drop ] if
] each-basic-block ;
: compute-dominance ( cfg -- cfg' )
[ compute-dom-parents compute-dom-children ]
[ compute-dom-frontiers ]
[ ]
tri ;