
223 lines
7.8 KiB

#include "master.hpp"
namespace factor {
void factor_vm::init_inline_caching(int max_size) { max_pic_size = max_size; }
void factor_vm::deallocate_inline_cache(cell return_address) {
/* Find the call target. */
void* old_entry_point = get_call_target(return_address);
code_block* old_block = (code_block*)old_entry_point - 1;
/* Free the old PIC since we know its unreachable */
if (old_block->pic_p())
/* Figure out what kind of type check the PIC needs based on the methods
it contains */
static cell determine_inline_cache_type(array* cache_entries) {
for (cell i = 0; i < array_capacity(cache_entries); i += 2) {
/* Is it a tuple layout? */
if (TAG(array_nth(cache_entries, i)) == ARRAY_TYPE) {
return PIC_TUPLE;
return PIC_TAG;
void factor_vm::update_pic_count(cell type) {
if (type == PIC_TAG)
struct inline_cache_jit : public jit {
inline_cache_jit(cell generic_word, factor_vm* vm)
: jit(code_block_pic, generic_word, vm) {}
void emit_check_and_jump(cell ic_type, cell i, cell klass, cell method);
void emit_inline_cache(fixnum index, cell generic_word_, cell methods_,
cell cache_entries_, bool tail_call_p);
void inline_cache_jit::emit_check_and_jump(cell ic_type, cell i,
cell klass, cell method) {
/* Class equal? */
cell check_type = PIC_CHECK_TAG;
if (TAG(klass) != FIXNUM_TYPE)
check_type = PIC_CHECK_TUPLE;
/* The tag check can be skipped if it is the first one and we are
checking for the fixnum type which is 0. That is because the
AND instruction in the PIC_TAG template already sets the zero
flag. */
if (!(i == 0 && ic_type == PIC_TAG && klass == 0)) {
emit_with_literal(parent->special_objects[check_type], klass);
/* Yes? Jump to method */
emit_with_literal(parent->special_objects[PIC_HIT], method);
/* index: 0 = top of stack, 1 = item underneath, etc
cache_entries: array of class/method pairs */
/* Allocates memory */
void inline_cache_jit::emit_inline_cache(fixnum index, cell generic_word_,
cell methods_, cell cache_entries_,
bool tail_call_p) {
data_root<word> generic_word(generic_word_, parent);
data_root<array> methods(methods_, parent);
data_root<array> cache_entries(cache_entries_, parent);
cell ic_type = determine_inline_cache_type(cache_entries.untagged());
/* Generate machine code to determine the object's class. */
tag_fixnum(-index * sizeof(cell)));
/* Put the tag of the object, or class of the tuple in a register. */
/* Generate machine code to check, in turn, if the class is one of the cached
entries. */
for (cell i = 0; i < array_capacity(cache_entries.untagged()); i += 2) {
cell klass = array_nth(cache_entries.untagged(), i);
cell method = array_nth(cache_entries.untagged(), i + 1);
emit_check_and_jump(ic_type, i, klass, method);
/* If none of the above conditionals tested true, then execution "falls
through" to here. */
/* A stack frame is set up, since the inline-cache-miss sub-primitive
makes a subroutine call to the VM. */
/* The inline-cache-miss sub-primitive call receives enough information to
reconstruct the PIC with the new entry. */
parent->special_objects[tail_call_p ? PIC_MISS_TAIL_WORD : PIC_MISS_WORD],
true, /* tail_call_p */
true); /* stack_frame_p */
/* Allocates memory */
code_block* factor_vm::compile_inline_cache(fixnum index, cell generic_word_,
cell methods_, cell cache_entries_,
bool tail_call_p) {
data_root<word> generic_word(generic_word_, this);
data_root<array> methods(methods_, this);
data_root<array> cache_entries(cache_entries_, this);
inline_cache_jit jit(generic_word.value(), this);
jit.emit_inline_cache(index, generic_word.value(), methods.value(),
cache_entries.value(), tail_call_p);
code_block* code = jit.to_code_block(JIT_FRAME_SIZE);
return code;
/* Allocates memory */
cell factor_vm::add_inline_cache_entry(cell cache_entries_, cell klass_,
cell method_) {
data_root<array> cache_entries(cache_entries_, this);
data_root<object> klass(klass_, this);
data_root<word> method(method_, this);
cell pic_size = array_capacity(cache_entries.untagged());
data_root<array> new_cache_entries(
reallot_array(cache_entries.untagged(), pic_size + 2), this);
set_array_nth(new_cache_entries.untagged(), pic_size, klass.value());
set_array_nth(new_cache_entries.untagged(), pic_size + 1, method.value());
return new_cache_entries.value();
void factor_vm::update_pic_transitions(cell pic_size) {
if (pic_size == max_pic_size)
else if (pic_size == 0)
else if (pic_size == 1)
/* The cache_entries parameter is empty (on cold call site) or has entries
(on cache miss). Called from assembly with the actual return address.
Compilation of the inline cache may trigger a GC, which may trigger a
also, the block containing the return address may now be dead. Use a
code_root to take care of the details. */
/* Allocates memory */
cell factor_vm::inline_cache_miss(cell return_address_) {
code_root return_address(return_address_, this);
bool tail_call_site = tail_call_site_p(return_address.value);
#ifdef PIC_DEBUG
FACTOR_PRINT("Inline cache miss at "
<< (tail_call_site ? "tail" : "non-tail")
<< " call site 0x" << std::hex << return_address.value
<< std::dec);
data_root<array> cache_entries(ctx->pop(), this);
fixnum index = untag_fixnum(ctx->pop());
data_root<array> methods(ctx->pop(), this);
data_root<word> generic_word(ctx->pop(), this);
data_root<object> object(((cell*)ctx->datastack)[-index], this);
cell pic_size = array_capacity(cache_entries.untagged()) / 2;
cell xt;
if (pic_size >= max_pic_size)
xt = generic_word->entry_point;
else {
cell klass = object_class(object.value());
cell method = lookup_method(object.value(), methods.value());
data_root<array> new_cache_entries(
add_inline_cache_entry(cache_entries.value(), klass, method), this);
xt = compile_inline_cache(index, generic_word.value(), methods.value(),
new_cache_entries.value(), tail_call_site)
/* Install the new stub. */
if (return_address.valid) {
/* Since each PIC is only referenced from a single call site,
if the old call target was a PIC, we can deallocate it immediately,
instead of leaving dead PICs around until the next GC. */
set_call_target(return_address.value, xt);
#ifdef PIC_DEBUG
FACTOR_PRINT("Updated " << (tail_call_site ? "tail" : "non-tail")
<< " call site 0x" << std::hex << return_address.value << std::dec
<< " with 0x" << std::hex << (cell)xt << std::dec);
return xt;
/* Allocates memory */
VM_C_API cell inline_cache_miss(cell return_address, factor_vm* parent) {
return parent->inline_cache_miss(return_address);