
229 lines
5.9 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Elie CHAFTARI, Dirk Vleugels,
! Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays namespaces make io io.encodings.string
io.encodings.utf8 io.timeouts io.sockets io.sockets.secure
io.encodings.ascii kernel logging sequences combinators
splitting assocs strings math.order math.parser random system
calendar summary calendar.format accessors sets hashtables
base64 debugger classes prettyprint ;
IN: smtp
SYMBOL: smtp-domain
SYMBOL: smtp-server
"localhost" 25 <inet> smtp-server set-global
SYMBOL: smtp-tls?
SYMBOL: smtp-read-timeout
1 minutes smtp-read-timeout set-global
SINGLETON: no-auth
TUPLE: plain-auth username password ;
C: <plain-auth> plain-auth
SYMBOL: smtp-auth
no-auth smtp-auth set-global
LOG: log-smtp-connection NOTICE ( addrspec -- )
: with-smtp-connection ( quot -- )
smtp-server get
dup log-smtp-connection
ascii [
smtp-domain [ host-name or ] change
smtp-read-timeout get timeouts
] with-client ; inline
TUPLE: email
{ from string }
{ to array }
{ cc array }
{ bcc array }
{ subject string }
{ body string } ;
: <email> ( -- email ) email new ; inline
: crlf ( -- ) "\r\n" write ;
: read-crlf ( -- bytes )
"\r" read-until
[ CHAR: \r assert= read1 CHAR: \n assert= ] when* ;
: command ( string -- ) write crlf flush ;
\ command DEBUG add-input-logging
: helo ( -- ) "EHLO " host-name append command ;
: start-tls ( -- ) "STARTTLS" command ;
ERROR: bad-email-address email ;
: validate-address ( string -- string' )
#! Make sure we send funky stuff to the server by accident.
dup "\r\n>" intersect empty?
[ bad-email-address ] unless ;
: mail-from ( fromaddr -- )
"MAIL FROM:<" swap validate-address ">" 3append command ;
: rcpt-to ( to -- )
"RCPT TO:<" swap validate-address ">" 3append command ;
: data ( -- )
"DATA" command ;
ERROR: message-contains-dot message ;
M: message-contains-dot summary ( obj -- string )
drop "Message cannot contain . on a line by itself" ;
: validate-message ( msg -- msg' )
"." over member?
[ message-contains-dot ] when ;
: send-body ( body -- )
[ write crlf ] each
"." command ;
: quit ( -- )
"QUIT" command ;
LOG: smtp-response DEBUG
: multiline? ( response -- boolean )
3 swap ?nth CHAR: - = ;
: (receive-response) ( -- )
[ , ]
[ smtp-response ]
[ multiline? [ (receive-response) ] when ]
tri ;
TUPLE: response code messages ;
: <response> ( lines -- response )
[ first 3 head string>number ] keep response boa ;
: receive-response ( -- response )
[ (receive-response) ] { } make <response> ;
ERROR: smtp-error response ;
M: smtp-error error.
"SMTP error (" write dup class pprint ")" print
response>> messages>> [ print ] each ;
ERROR: smtp-server-busy < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-syntax-error < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-command-not-implemented < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-bad-authentication < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-mailbox-unavailable < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-user-not-local < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-exceeded-storage-allocation < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-bad-mailbox-name < smtp-error ;
ERROR: smtp-transaction-failed < smtp-error ;
: check-response ( response -- )
dup code>> {
{ [ dup { 220 235 250 221 354 } member? ] [ 2drop ] }
{ [ dup 400 499 between? ] [ drop smtp-server-busy ] }
{ [ dup 500 = ] [ drop smtp-syntax-error ] }
{ [ dup 501 = ] [ drop smtp-command-not-implemented ] }
{ [ dup 500 509 between? ] [ drop smtp-syntax-error ] }
{ [ dup 530 539 between? ] [ drop smtp-bad-authentication ] }
{ [ dup 550 = ] [ drop smtp-mailbox-unavailable ] }
{ [ dup 551 = ] [ drop smtp-user-not-local ] }
{ [ dup 552 = ] [ drop smtp-exceeded-storage-allocation ] }
{ [ dup 553 = ] [ drop smtp-bad-mailbox-name ] }
{ [ dup 554 = ] [ drop smtp-transaction-failed ] }
[ drop smtp-error ]
} cond ;
: get-ok ( -- ) receive-response check-response ;
GENERIC: send-auth ( auth -- )
M: no-auth send-auth drop ;
: plain-auth-string ( username password -- string )
[ "\0" prepend ] bi@ append utf8 encode >base64 ;
M: plain-auth send-auth
[ username>> ] [ password>> ] bi plain-auth-string
"AUTH PLAIN " prepend command get-ok ;
: auth ( -- ) smtp-auth get send-auth ;
ERROR: invalid-header-string string ;
: validate-header ( string -- string' )
dup "\r\n" intersect empty?
[ invalid-header-string ] unless ;
: write-header ( key value -- )
[ validate-header write ]
[ ": " write validate-header write ] bi* crlf ;
: write-headers ( assoc -- )
[ write-header ] assoc-each ;
: message-id ( -- string )
"<" %
64 random-bits #
"-" %
micros #
"@" %
smtp-domain get [ host-name ] unless* %
">" %
] "" make ;
: extract-email ( recepient -- email )
! This could be much smarter.
" " split1-last swap or "<" ?head drop ">" ?tail drop ;
: email>headers ( email -- hashtable )
[ from>> "From" set ]
[ to>> ", " join "To" set ]
[ cc>> ", " join [ "Cc" set ] unless-empty ]
[ subject>> "Subject" set ]
} cleave
now timestamp>rfc822 "Date" set
message-id "Message-Id" set
] { } make-assoc ;
: (send-email) ( headers email -- )
helo get-ok
smtp-tls? get [ start-tls get-ok send-secure-handshake ] when
dup from>> extract-email mail-from get-ok
dup to>> [ extract-email rcpt-to get-ok ] each
dup cc>> [ extract-email rcpt-to get-ok ] each
dup bcc>> [ extract-email rcpt-to get-ok ] each
data get-ok
swap write-headers
body>> send-body get-ok
quit get-ok
] with-smtp-connection ;
: send-email ( email -- )
[ email>headers ] keep (send-email) ;