
461 lines
12 KiB

USING: destructors http http.server http.server.requests http.client
http.client.private tools.test multiline fry io.streams.string io.crlf
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.latin1 io.encodings.binary io.encodings.string
io.encodings.ascii kernel arrays splitting sequences assocs io.sockets db
db.sqlite make continuations urls hashtables accessors namespaces xml.data
random combinators.short-circuit literals ;
IN: http.tests
{ "text/plain" "UTF-8" } [ "text/plain" parse-content-type ] unit-test
{ "text/html" "ASCII" } [ "text/html; charset=ASCII" parse-content-type ] unit-test
{ "text/html" "utf-8" } [ "text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" parse-content-type ] unit-test
{ "application/octet-stream" f } [ "application/octet-stream" parse-content-type ] unit-test
{ "localhost" f } [ "localhost" parse-host ] unit-test
{ "localhost" 8888 } [ "localhost:8888" parse-host ] unit-test
{ "::1" 8888 } [ "::1:8888" parse-host ] unit-test
{ "" 8888 } [ "" parse-host ] unit-test
{ "localhost" } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "localhost" } } unparse-host ] unit-test
{ "localhost" } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "localhost" } { port 80 } } unparse-host ] unit-test
{ "localhost" } [ T{ url { protocol "https" } { host "localhost" } { port 443 } } unparse-host ] unit-test
{ "localhost:8080" } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "localhost" } { port 8080 } } unparse-host ] unit-test
{ "localhost:8443" } [ T{ url { protocol "https" } { host "localhost" } { port 8443 } } unparse-host ] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-1
POST /bar HTTP/1.1
Some-Header: 1
Some-Header: 2
Content-Length: 4
Content-type: application/octet-stream
T{ request
{ url T{ url { path "/bar" } } }
{ proxy-url T{ url } }
{ method "POST" }
{ version "1.1" }
{ header H{ { "some-header" "1; 2" } { "content-length" "4" } { "content-type" "application/octet-stream" } } }
{ post-data T{ post-data { data "blah" } { content-type "application/octet-stream" } } }
{ cookies V{ } }
{ redirects 10 }
} [
read-request-test-1 lf>crlf [
] with-string-reader
] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-1'
POST /bar HTTP/1.1
content-length: 4
content-type: application/octet-stream
some-header: 1; 2
${ read-request-test-1' } [
read-request-test-1 lf>crlf
[ read-request ] with-string-reader
[ write-request ] with-string-writer
! normalize crlf
string-lines "\n" join
] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-2
HEAD /bar HTTP/1.1
Host: www.sex.com
T{ request
{ url T{ url { host "www.sex.com" } { path "/bar" } } }
{ proxy-url T{ url } }
{ method "HEAD" }
{ version "1.1" }
{ header H{ { "host" "www.sex.com" } } }
{ cookies V{ } }
{ redirects 10 }
} [
read-request-test-2 lf>crlf [
] with-string-reader
] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-2'
HEAD /bar HTTP/1.1
Host: www.sex.com:101
T{ request
{ url T{ url { host "www.sex.com" } { port 101 } { path "/bar" } } }
{ proxy-url T{ url } }
{ method "HEAD" }
{ version "1.1" }
{ header H{ { "host" "www.sex.com:101" } } }
{ cookies V{ } }
{ redirects 10 }
} [
read-request-test-2' lf>crlf [
] with-string-reader
] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-3
GET nested HTTP/1.0
STRING: read-request-test-4
GET /blah HTTP/1.0
Host: "www.amazon.com"
{ "www.amazon.com" }
read-request-test-4 lf>crlf [ read-request ] with-string-reader
"host" header
] unit-test
STRING: read-response-test-1
HTTP/1.1 404 not found
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
T{ response
{ version "1.1" }
{ code 404 }
{ message "not found" }
{ header H{ { "content-type" "text/html; charset=UTF-8" } } }
{ cookies { } }
{ content-type "text/html" }
{ content-charset "UTF-8" }
{ content-encoding utf8 }
} [
read-response-test-1 lf>crlf
[ read-response ] with-string-reader
] unit-test
STRING: read-response-test-1'
HTTP/1.1 404 not found
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
${ read-response-test-1' } [
URL" http://localhost/" url set
read-response-test-1 lf>crlf
[ read-response ] with-string-reader
[ write-response ] with-string-writer
! normalize crlf
string-lines "\n" join
] unit-test
{ t } [
"rmid=732423sdfs73242; path=/; domain=.example.net; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2010 23:59:59 GMT"
dup parse-set-cookie first unparse-set-cookie =
] unit-test
{ t } [
dup parse-set-cookie first unparse-set-cookie =
] unit-test
STRING: read-response-test-2
HTTP/1.1 200 Content follows
Set-Cookie: oo="bar; a=b"; httponly=yes; sid=123456
{ 2 } [
read-response-test-2 lf>crlf
[ read-response ] with-string-reader
cookies>> length
] unit-test
STRING: read-response-test-3
HTTP/1.1 200 Content follows
Set-Cookie: oo="bar; a=b"; comment="your mom"; httponly=yes
{ 1 } [
read-response-test-3 lf>crlf
[ read-response ] with-string-reader
cookies>> length
] unit-test
! Live-fire exercise
USING: http.server.static furnace.sessions furnace.alloy
furnace.actions furnace.auth furnace.auth.login furnace.db
io.servers io.files io.files.temp io.directories io
http.server.responses http.server.redirection furnace.redirection
http.server.dispatchers db.tuples ;
: add-quit-action ( responder -- responder )
[ stop-this-server "Goodbye" "text/html" <content> ] >>display
"quit" add-responder ;
: test-db-file ( -- path ) "test.db" temp-file ;
: test-db ( -- db ) test-db-file <sqlite-db> ;
: add-addr ( url -- url' )
>url clone "addr" get set-url-addr ;
: stop-test-httpd ( -- )
"http://localhost/quit" add-addr http-get nip
"Goodbye" assert= ;
{ } [
test-db-file ?delete-file
test-db [
] with-db
] unit-test
: test-with-dispatcher ( dispatcher quot -- )
[ main-responder ] dip '[
<http-server> 0 >>insecure f >>secure
server-addrs random "addr" set @
] with-threaded-server
] with-variable ; inline
USING: locals ;
:: test-with-db-persistence ( db-persistence quot -- )
db-persistence [
quot test-with-dispatcher
] with-disposal ; inline
"vocab:http/test" <static> >>default
"nested" add-responder
[ URL" redirect-loop" <temporary-redirect> ] >>display
"redirect-loop" add-responder [
[ t ] [
"vocab:http/test/foo.html" ascii file-contents
"http://localhost/nested/foo.html" add-addr http-get nip =
] unit-test
[ "http://localhost/redirect-loop" add-addr http-get nip ]
[ too-many-redirects? ] must-fail-with
[ "Goodbye" ] [
"http://localhost/quit" add-addr http-get nip
] unit-test
] test-with-dispatcher
! HTTP client redirect bug
<action> [ "quit" <temporary-redirect> ] >>display
"redirect" add-responder [
[ "Goodbye" ] [
"http://localhost/redirect" add-addr http-get nip
] unit-test
[ ] [
[ stop-test-httpd ] ignore-errors
] unit-test
] test-with-dispatcher
! Dispatcher bugs
: 404? ( response -- ? )
[ download-failed? ]
[ response>> response? ]
[ response>> code>> 404 = ]
} 1&& ;
<action> <protected>
"Test" <login-realm>
"" add-responder
<action> "" add-responder
"d" add-responder
test-db <db-persistence> [
! This should give a 404 not an infinite redirect loop
[ "http://localhost/d/blah" add-addr http-get nip ] [ 404? ] must-fail-with
! This should give a 404 not an infinite redirect loop
[ "http://localhost/blah/" add-addr http-get nip ] [ 404? ] must-fail-with
[ "Goodbye" ] [ "http://localhost/quit" add-addr http-get nip ] unit-test
] test-with-db-persistence
<action> [ [ "Hi" write ] "text/plain" <content> ] >>display
"Test" <login-realm>
"" add-responder
test-db <db-persistence> [
[ "Hi" ] [ "http://localhost/" add-addr http-get nip ] unit-test
[ "Goodbye" ] [ "http://localhost/quit" add-addr http-get nip ] unit-test
] test-with-db-persistence
USING: html.components html.forms
xml xml.traversal validators
furnace furnace.conversations ;
: test-a ( xml -- value )
string>xml body>> "input" deep-tag-named "value" attr ;
[ a get-global "a" set-value ] >>init
[ [ "<!DOCTYPE html><html>" write "a" <field> render "</html>" write ] "text/html" <content> ] >>display
[ { { "a" [ v-integer ] } } validate-params ] >>validate
[ "a" value a set-global URL" " <redirect> ] >>submit
test-db <db-persistence> [
3 a set-global
[ "3" ] [
"http://localhost/" add-addr http-get
swap dup cookies>> "cookies" set session-id-key get-cookie
value>> "session-id" set test-a
] unit-test
[ "4" ] [
"4" "a" ,,
"http://localhost" add-addr "__u" ,,
"session-id" get session-id-key ,,
] H{ } make
"http://localhost/" add-addr <post-request> "cookies" get >>cookies
http-request nip test-a
] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ a get-global ] unit-test
! Test flash scope
[ "xyz" ] [
"xyz" "a" ,,
"http://localhost" add-addr "__u" ,,
"session-id" get session-id-key ,,
] H{ } make
"http://localhost/" add-addr <post-request> "cookies" get >>cookies
http-request nip test-a
] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ a get-global ] unit-test
[ "Goodbye" ] [ "http://localhost/quit" add-addr http-get nip ] unit-test
] test-with-db-persistence
! Test cloning
{ f } [ <404> dup clone "b" "a" set-header drop "a" header ] unit-test
{ f } [ <404> dup clone "b" "a" <cookie> put-cookie drop "a" get-cookie ] unit-test
! Test basic auth
{ "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" } [
<request> "Aladdin" "open sesame" set-basic-auth "Authorization" header
] unit-test
! Test a corner case with static responder
"vocab:http/test/foo.html" <static> >>default [
[ t ] [
"http://localhost/" add-addr http-get nip
"vocab:http/test/foo.html" ascii file-contents =
] unit-test
[ ] [ stop-test-httpd ] unit-test
] test-with-dispatcher
! Check behavior of 307 redirect (reported by Chris Double)
[ "b" <temporary-redirect> ] >>submit
"a" add-responder
request get post-data>> data>> "data" =
[ "OK" "text/plain" <content> ] [ "OOPS" throw ] if
] >>submit
"b" add-responder [
[ "OK" ] [ "data" "http://localhost/a" add-addr http-post nip ] unit-test
! Check that download throws errors (reported by Chris Double)
"http://localhost/tweet_my_twat" add-addr download
] with-temp-directory
] must-fail
[ ] [ stop-test-httpd ] unit-test
] test-with-dispatcher
! Check that index.fhtml works
"resource:basis/http/test/" <static> enable-fhtml >>default
add-quit-action [
[ "OK\n" ] [ "http://localhost/" add-addr http-get nip ] unit-test
[ ] [ stop-test-httpd ] unit-test
] test-with-dispatcher
! Check that just closing the socket without sending anything works
add-quit-action [
[ ] [ "addr" get binary [ ] with-client ] unit-test
[ ] [ stop-test-httpd ] unit-test
] test-with-dispatcher