538 lines
17 KiB
538 lines
17 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2013 Jon Harper.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.data arrays assocs byte-arrays
classes.struct combinators combinators.extras
combinators.short-circuit destructors fry generalizations
hashtables hashtables.identity io.encodings.string
io.encodings.utf8 kernel libc linked-assocs locals make math
math.parser namespaces sequences sets strings yaml.config
yaml.conversion yaml.ffi hash-sets.identity ;
IN: yaml
ERROR: libyaml-parser-error
error problem problem_offset
problem_value problem_mark context context_mark ;
ERROR: libyaml-initialize-error ;
ERROR: libyaml-emitter-error error problem ;
ERROR: yaml-undefined-anchor anchor anchors ;
ERROR: yaml-unexpected-event actual expected ;
ERROR: yaml-no-document ;
: yaml-initialize-assert-ok ( ? -- )
[ libyaml-initialize-error ] unless ;
: (libyaml-parser-error) ( parser -- )
[ error>> ]
[ problem>> ]
[ problem_offset>> ]
[ problem_value>> ]
[ problem_mark>> ]
[ context>> ]
[ context_mark>> ]
} cleave [ clone ] 7 napply libyaml-parser-error ;
: (libyaml-emitter-error) ( emitter -- )
[ error>> ] [ problem>> ] bi [ clone ] bi@ libyaml-emitter-error ;
: yaml-parser-assert-ok ( ? parser -- )
swap [ drop ] [ (libyaml-parser-error) ] if ;
: yaml-emitter-assert-ok ( ? emitter -- )
swap [ drop ] [ (libyaml-emitter-error) ] if ;
: yaml_parser_parse_asserted ( parser event -- )
[ yaml_parser_parse ] [ drop yaml-parser-assert-ok ] 2bi ;
: yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ( emitter event -- )
[ yaml_emitter_emit ] [ drop yaml-emitter-assert-ok ] 2bi ;
TUPLE: yaml-alias anchor ;
C: <yaml-alias> yaml-alias
SYMBOL: anchors
: ?register-anchor ( obj event -- obj )
dupd anchor>> [ anchors get set-at ] [ drop ] if* ;
: assert-anchor-exists ( anchor -- )
anchors get 2dup at* nip
[ 2drop ] [ yaml-undefined-anchor ] if ;
: deref-anchor ( event -- obj )
data>> alias>> anchor>>
[ assert-anchor-exists ]
[ <yaml-alias> ] bi ;
: event>scalar ( mapping-key? event -- obj )
data>> scalar>>
[ swap construct-scalar ]
[ ?register-anchor ] bi ;
! TODO simplify this ?!?
TUPLE: factor_sequence_start_event_data anchor tag implicit style ;
TUPLE: factor_mapping_start_event_data anchor tag implicit style ;
TUPLE: factor_event_data sequence_start mapping_start ;
TUPLE: factor_yaml_event_t type data start_mark end_mark ;
: deep-copy-seq ( data -- data' )
[ anchor>> clone ]
[ tag>> clone ]
[ implicit>> ]
[ style>> ]
} cleave factor_sequence_start_event_data boa ;
: deep-copy-map ( data -- data' )
[ anchor>> clone ]
[ tag>> clone ]
[ implicit>> ]
[ style>> ]
} cleave factor_mapping_start_event_data boa ;
: deep-copy-data ( event -- data )
[ data>> ] [ type>> ] bi {
{ YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT [ sequence_start>> deep-copy-seq f ] }
{ YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT [ mapping_start>> deep-copy-map f swap ] }
} case factor_event_data boa ;
: deep-copy-event ( event -- event' )
[ type>> ]
[ deep-copy-data ]
[ start_mark>> ]
[ end_mark>> ]
} cleave factor_yaml_event_t boa ;
: (?scalar-value) ( mapping-key? event -- scalar/event scalar? )
dup type>> {
{ YAML_SCALAR_EVENT [ event>scalar t ] }
{ YAML_ALIAS_EVENT [ nip deref-anchor t ] }
[ drop nip deep-copy-event f ]
} case ;
: ?mapping-key-scalar-value ( event -- scalar/event scalar? ) t swap (?scalar-value) ;
: ?scalar-value ( event -- scalar/event scalar? ) f swap (?scalar-value) ;
! Must not reuse the event struct before with-destructors scope ends
: next-event ( parser event -- event )
[ yaml_parser_parse_asserted ] [ &yaml_event_delete ] bi ;
DEFER: parse-sequence
DEFER: parse-mapping
: (parse-sequence) ( parser event prev-event -- obj )
data>> sequence_start>> [ [ 2drop f ] dip ?register-anchor drop ]
[ [ parse-sequence ] [ construct-sequence ] bi* ] [ 2nip ?register-anchor ] 3tri ;
: (parse-mapping) ( parser event prev-event -- obj )
data>> mapping_start>> [ [ 2drop f ] dip ?register-anchor drop ]
[ [ parse-mapping ] [ construct-mapping ] bi* ] [ 2nip ?register-anchor ] 3tri ;
: next-complex-value ( parser event prev-event -- obj )
dup type>> {
{ YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT [ (parse-sequence) ] }
{ YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT [ (parse-mapping) ] }
} case ;
:: next-value ( parser event -- obj )
parser event [ next-event ?scalar-value ] with-destructors
[ [ parser event ] dip next-complex-value ] unless ;
:: parse-mapping ( parser event -- map )
f :> done!
[ done ] [
parser event next-event type>>
t done! f f
] [
event ?mapping-key-scalar-value
] if
] with-destructors
done [ 2drop ] [
[ [ parser event ] dip next-complex-value ] unless
parser event next-value swap ,,
] if
] until
] H{ } make ;
:: parse-sequence ( parser event -- seq )
f :> done!
[ done ] [
parser event next-event type>>
t done! f f
] [
event ?scalar-value
] if
] with-destructors
done [ 2drop ] [
[ [ parser event ] dip next-complex-value ] unless ,
] if
] until
] { } make ;
: expect-event ( parser event type -- )
[ next-event type>> ] dip 2dup =
[ 2drop ] [ 1array yaml-unexpected-event ] if
] with-destructors ;
! Same as 'with', but for combinators that
! put 2 arguments on the stack
: with2 ( param obj quot -- obj curry )
swapd '[ [ _ ] 2dip @ ] ; inline
GENERIC: (deref-aliases) ( anchors obj -- obj' )
M: object (deref-aliases) nip ;
M: byte-array (deref-aliases) nip ;
M: string (deref-aliases) nip ;
M: yaml-alias (deref-aliases) anchor>> of ;
M: sequence (deref-aliases)
[ (deref-aliases) ] with map! ;
M: sets:set (deref-aliases)
[ members (deref-aliases) ] [ clear-set ] [ swap union! ] tri ;
: assoc-map! ( assoc quot -- assoc' )
[ assoc-map ] [ drop clear-assoc ] [ drop swap assoc-union! ] 2tri ; inline
M: assoc (deref-aliases)
[ [ (deref-aliases) ] bi-curry@ bi ] with2 assoc-map! ;
: merge-values ( seq -- assoc )
reverse [ ] [ assoc-union ] map-reduce ;
GENERIC: merge-value ( assoc value -- assoc' )
M: sequence merge-value merge-values merge-value ;
M: assoc merge-value over assoc-diff assoc-union! ;
: pop-at* ( key assoc -- value/f ? )
[ at* ] 2keep pick [ delete-at ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: ?apply-default-key ( assoc -- obj' )
T{ yaml-value } over pop-at* [ nip ] [ drop ] if ;
: ?apply-merge-key ( assoc -- assoc' )
T{ yaml-merge } over pop-at*
[ merge-value ] [ drop ] if ;
: scalar-value ( obj -- obj' )
dup hashtable? [ ?apply-default-key ] when ;
GENERIC: apply-merge-keys ( already-applied-set obj -- obj' )
: ?apply-merge-keys ( set obj -- obj' )
2dup swap ?adjoin [ apply-merge-keys ] [ nip ] if ;
M: sequence apply-merge-keys
[ ?apply-merge-keys ] with map! ;
M: object apply-merge-keys nip ;
M: byte-array apply-merge-keys nip ;
M: string apply-merge-keys nip ;
M: assoc apply-merge-keys
[ [ ?apply-merge-keys ] bi-curry@ bi ] with2 assoc-map!
merge get [ ?apply-merge-key ] when
value get [ ?apply-default-key ] when ;
:: parse-yaml-doc ( parser event -- obj )
H{ } clone anchors [
parser event next-value
anchors get swap (deref-aliases)
merge get value get or [ IHS{ } clone swap ?apply-merge-keys ] when
] with-variable ;
:: ?parse-yaml-doc ( parser event -- obj/f ? )
parser event next-event type>> {
} case
] with-destructors [
parser event parse-yaml-doc t
parser event YAML_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT expect-event
] [ f f ] if ;
! registers destructors (use with with-destructors)
:: init-parser ( str -- parser event )
yaml_parser_t (malloc-struct) &free :> parser
parser yaml_parser_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
parser &yaml_parser_delete drop
str utf8 encode
[ malloc-byte-array &free ] [ length ] bi :> ( input length )
parser input length yaml_parser_set_input_string
yaml_event_t (malloc-struct) &free :> event
parser event ;
: yaml> ( str -- obj )
[ YAML_STREAM_START_EVENT expect-event ]
[ ?parse-yaml-doc [ yaml-no-document ] unless ] 2bi
] with-destructors ;
: yaml-docs> ( str -- arr )
[ YAML_STREAM_START_EVENT expect-event ]
[ [ ?parse-yaml-doc ] 2curry [ ] produce nip ] 2bi
] with-destructors ;
TUPLE: yaml-anchors objects new-objects next-anchor ;
: <yaml-anchors> ( -- yaml-anchors )
IH{ } clone IH{ } clone 0 yaml-anchors boa ;
GENERIC: (replace-aliases) ( yaml-anchors obj -- obj' )
: incr-anchor ( yaml-anchors -- current-anchor )
[ next-anchor>> ] [
[ [ number>string ] [ 1 + ] bi ]
[ next-anchor<< ] bi*
] bi ;
:: (?replace-aliases) ( yaml-anchors obj -- obj' )
yaml-anchors objects>> :> objects
obj objects at* [
[ yaml-anchors incr-anchor dup obj objects set-at ] unless*
] [
drop f obj objects set-at
yaml-anchors obj (replace-aliases) :> obj'
obj obj' yaml-anchors new-objects>> set-at
] if ;
: ?replace-aliases ( yaml-anchors obj -- obj' )
dup fixnum? [ nip ] [ (?replace-aliases) ] if ;
M: object (replace-aliases) nip ;
M: byte-array (replace-aliases) nip ;
M: string (replace-aliases) nip ;
M: sequence (replace-aliases)
[ ?replace-aliases ] with map ;
M: sets:set (replace-aliases)
[ members (replace-aliases) ] keep set-like ;
M: assoc (replace-aliases)
swap '[ [ _ swap ?replace-aliases ] bi@ ] assoc-map ;
TUPLE: yaml-anchor anchor obj ;
C: <yaml-anchor> yaml-anchor
GENERIC: (replace-anchors) ( yaml-anchors obj -- obj' )
: (get-anchor) ( yaml-anchors obj -- anchor/f )
swap objects>> at ;
: get-anchor ( yaml-anchors obj -- anchor/f )
{ [ (get-anchor) ] [ over new-objects>> at (get-anchor) ] } 2|| ;
: ?replace-anchors ( yaml-anchors obj -- obj' )
[ (replace-anchors) ] [ get-anchor ] 2bi [ swap <yaml-anchor> ] when* ;
M: object (replace-anchors) nip ;
M: byte-array (replace-anchors) nip ;
M: string (replace-anchors) nip ;
M: sequence (replace-anchors)
[ ?replace-anchors ] with map ;
M: sets:set (replace-anchors)
[ members ?replace-anchors ] keep set-like ;
M: assoc (replace-anchors)
swap '[ [ _ swap ?replace-anchors ] bi@ ] assoc-map ;
: replace-identities ( obj -- obj' )
[ <yaml-anchors> ] dip dupd ?replace-aliases ?replace-anchors ;
! TODO We can also pass some data when registering the write handler,
! use this to have several buffers if it can be interrupted.
! For now, only do operations on strings that are in memory
! so we don't need to be reentrant.
SYMBOL: yaml-write-buffer
: yaml-write-handler ( -- alien )
memory>byte-array yaml-write-buffer get-global
push-all drop 1
] yaml_write_handler_t ;
GENERIC: emit-value ( emitter event anchor obj -- )
: emit-object ( emitter event obj -- ) [ f ] dip emit-value ;
: scalar-implicit-tag? ( tag str mapping-key? -- plain_implicit quoted_implicit )
implicit-tags get [
resolve-plain-scalar = t
] [ 3drop f f ] if ;
:: (emit-scalar) ( emitter event anchor obj mapping-key? -- )
event anchor
obj [ yaml-tag ] [ represent-scalar ] bi
-1 2over mapping-key? scalar-implicit-tag? YAML_ANY_SCALAR_STYLE
yaml_scalar_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
: emit-mapping-key-scalar ( emitter event anchor obj -- ) t (emit-scalar) ;
: emit-scalar ( emitter event anchor obj -- ) f (emit-scalar) ;
! strings and special keys are the only things that need special treatment
! because they can have the same representation
: emit-mapping-key ( emitter event obj -- )
dup { [ string? ] [ yaml-merge? ] [ yaml-value? ] } 1||
[ [ f ] dip emit-mapping-key-scalar ] [ emit-object ] if ;
M: object emit-value ( emitter event anchor obj -- ) emit-scalar ;
M: yaml-anchor emit-value ( emitter event unused obj -- )
nip [ anchor>> ] [ obj>> ] bi emit-value ;
M:: yaml-alias emit-value ( emitter event unused obj -- )
event obj anchor>> yaml_alias_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
:: emit-sequence-start ( emitter event anchor tag implicit -- )
event anchor tag implicit YAML_ANY_SEQUENCE_STYLE
yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
: emit-sequence-end ( emitter event -- )
dup yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
: emit-sequence-body ( emitter event seq -- )
[ emit-object ] 2with each ;
: emit-assoc-body ( emitter event assoc -- )
[ emit-mapping-key ]
[ emit-object ] bi-curry* 2bi
] with2 with2 assoc-each ;
: emit-linked-assoc-body ( emitter event linked-assoc -- )
>alist [ first2 swap associate ] map emit-sequence-body ;
: emit-set-body ( emitter event set -- )
[ members ] [ cardinality f <array> ] bi zip concat emit-sequence-body ;
M: f emit-value ( emitter event anchor f -- ) emit-scalar ;
M: string emit-value ( emitter event anchor string -- ) emit-scalar ;
M: byte-array emit-value ( emitter event anchor byte-array -- ) emit-scalar ;
M: sequence emit-value ( emitter event anchor seq -- )
[ drop YAML_SEQ_TAG implicit-tags get emit-sequence-start ]
[ nip emit-sequence-body ]
[ 2drop emit-sequence-end ] 4tri ;
M: linked-assoc emit-value ( emitter event anchor assoc -- )
[ drop YAML_OMAP_TAG f emit-sequence-start ]
[ nip emit-linked-assoc-body ]
[ 2drop emit-sequence-end ] 4tri ;
:: emit-assoc-start ( emitter event anchor tag implicit -- )
event anchor tag implicit YAML_ANY_MAPPING_STYLE
yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
: emit-assoc-end ( emitter event -- )
dup yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
M: assoc emit-value ( emitter event anchor assoc -- )
[ drop YAML_MAP_TAG implicit-tags get emit-assoc-start ]
[ nip emit-assoc-body ]
[ 2drop emit-assoc-end ] 4tri ;
M: sets:set emit-value ( emitter event anchor set -- )
[ drop YAML_SET_TAG f emit-assoc-start ]
[ nip emit-set-body ]
[ 2drop emit-assoc-end ] 4tri ;
: unless-libyaml-default ( variable quot -- )
[ get dup +libyaml-default+ = not ] dip
[ 2drop ] if ; inline
: init-emitter-options ( emitter -- )
[ emitter-canonical [ yaml_emitter_set_canonical ] unless-libyaml-default ]
[ emitter-indent [ yaml_emitter_set_indent ] unless-libyaml-default ]
[ emitter-width [ yaml_emitter_set_width ] unless-libyaml-default ]
[ emitter-unicode [ yaml_emitter_set_unicode ] unless-libyaml-default ]
[ emitter-line-break [ yaml_emitter_set_break ] unless-libyaml-default ]
} cleave ;
! registers destructors (use with with-destructors)
:: init-emitter ( -- emitter event )
yaml_emitter_t (malloc-struct) &free :> emitter
emitter yaml_emitter_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter &yaml_emitter_delete drop
emitter init-emitter-options
BV{ } clone :> output
output yaml-write-buffer set-global
emitter yaml-write-handler f yaml_emitter_set_output
yaml_event_t (malloc-struct) &free :> event
yaml_stream_start_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted
emitter event ;
:: emit-doc ( emitter event obj -- )
event f f f implicit-start get yaml_document_start_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted
emitter event obj emit-object
event implicit-end get yaml_document_end_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted ;
:: flush-emitter ( emitter event -- str )
event yaml_stream_end_event_initialize yaml-initialize-assert-ok
emitter event yaml_emitter_emit_asserted
emitter [ yaml_emitter_flush ] [ yaml-emitter-assert-ok ] bi
yaml-write-buffer get utf8 decode ;
: >yaml ( obj -- str )
[ init-emitter ] dip
[ replace-identities emit-doc ] [ drop flush-emitter ] 3bi
] with-destructors ;
: >yaml-docs ( seq -- str )
[ init-emitter ] dip
[ [ replace-identities emit-doc ] 2with each ] [ drop flush-emitter ] 3bi
] with-destructors ;