281 lines
6.7 KiB
281 lines
6.7 KiB
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: kernel sequences strings namespaces math assocs shuffle
vectors arrays combinators.lib memoize math.parser ;
IN: peg
TUPLE: parse-result remaining ast ;
GENERIC: (parse) ( state parser -- result )
SYMBOL: packrat-cache
SYMBOL: ignore
SYMBOL: not-in-cache
: not-in-cache? ( result -- ? )
not-in-cache = ;
: <parse-result> ( remaining ast -- parse-result )
parse-result construct-boa ;
SYMBOL: next-id
: get-next-id ( -- number )
next-id get-global 0 or dup 1+ next-id set-global ;
TUPLE: parser id ;
: init-parser ( parser -- parser )
get-next-id parser construct-boa over set-delegate ;
: from ( slice-or-string -- index )
dup slice? [ slice-from ] [ drop 0 ] if ;
: get-cached ( input parser -- result )
[ from ] dip parser-id packrat-cache get at at* [
drop not-in-cache
] unless ;
: put-cached ( result input parser -- )
parser-id dup packrat-cache get at [
] [
H{ } clone dup >r swap packrat-cache get set-at r>
] if*
[ from ] dip set-at ;
: parse ( input parser -- result )
packrat-cache get [
2dup get-cached dup not-in-cache? [
! "cache missed: " write over parser-id number>string write " - " write nl ! pick .
#! Protect against left recursion blowing the callstack
#! by storing a failed parse in the cache.
[ f ] dipd [ put-cached ] 2keep
[ (parse) dup ] 2keep put-cached
] [
! "cache hit: " write over parser-id number>string write " - " write nl ! pick .
] if
] [
] if ;
: packrat-parse ( input parser -- result )
H{ } clone packrat-cache [ parse ] with-variable ;
TUPLE: token-parser symbol ;
M: token-parser (parse) ( input parser -- result )
token-parser-symbol 2dup head? [
dup >r length tail-slice r> <parse-result>
] [
2drop f
] if ;
TUPLE: satisfy-parser quot ;
M: satisfy-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
over empty? [
2drop f
] [
satisfy-parser-quot [ unclip-slice dup ] dip call [
] [
2drop f
] if
] if ;
TUPLE: range-parser min max ;
M: range-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
over empty? [
2drop f
] [
0 pick nth dup rot
{ range-parser-min range-parser-max } get-slots between? [
[ 1 tail-slice ] dip <parse-result>
] [
2drop f
] if
] if ;
TUPLE: seq-parser parsers ;
: do-seq-parser ( result parser -- result )
[ dup parse-result-remaining ] dip parse [
[ parse-result-remaining swap set-parse-result-remaining ] 2keep
parse-result-ast dup ignore = [ drop ] [ swap [ parse-result-ast push ] keep ] if
] [
drop f
] if* ;
: (seq-parser) ( result parsers -- result )
dup empty? not pick and [
unclip swap [ do-seq-parser ] dip (seq-parser)
] [
] if ;
M: seq-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
seq-parser-parsers [ V{ } clone <parse-result> ] dip (seq-parser) ;
TUPLE: choice-parser parsers ;
: (choice-parser) ( state parsers -- result )
dup empty? [
2drop f
] [
unclip pick swap parse [
] [
] if*
] if ;
M: choice-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
choice-parser-parsers (choice-parser) ;
TUPLE: repeat0-parser p1 ;
: (repeat-parser) ( parser result -- result )
2dup parse-result-remaining swap parse [
[ parse-result-remaining swap set-parse-result-remaining ] 2keep
parse-result-ast swap [ parse-result-ast push ] keep
] [
] if* ;
: clone-result ( result -- result )
{ parse-result-remaining parse-result-ast }
get-slots 1vector <parse-result> ;
M: repeat0-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
repeat0-parser-p1 2dup parse [
nipd clone-result (repeat-parser)
] [
drop V{ } clone <parse-result>
] if* ;
TUPLE: repeat1-parser p1 ;
M: repeat1-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
repeat1-parser-p1 tuck parse dup [ clone-result (repeat-parser) ] [ nip ] if ;
TUPLE: optional-parser p1 ;
M: optional-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
dupd optional-parser-p1 parse swap f <parse-result> or ;
TUPLE: ensure-parser p1 ;
M: ensure-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
dupd ensure-parser-p1 parse [
ignore <parse-result>
] [
drop f
] if ;
TUPLE: ensure-not-parser p1 ;
M: ensure-not-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
dupd ensure-not-parser-p1 parse [
drop f
] [
ignore <parse-result>
] if ;
TUPLE: action-parser p1 quot ;
M: action-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
tuck action-parser-p1 parse dup [
dup parse-result-ast rot action-parser-quot call
swap [ set-parse-result-ast ] keep
] [
] if ;
: left-trim-slice ( string -- string )
#! Return a new string without any leading whitespace
#! from the original string.
dup empty? [
dup first blank? [ 1 tail-slice left-trim-slice ] when
] unless ;
TUPLE: sp-parser p1 ;
M: sp-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
[ left-trim-slice ] dip sp-parser-p1 parse ;
TUPLE: delay-parser quot ;
M: delay-parser (parse) ( state parser -- result )
delay-parser-quot call parse ;
MEMO: token ( string -- parser )
token-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
: satisfy ( quot -- parser )
satisfy-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: range ( min max -- parser )
range-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
: seq ( seq -- parser )
seq-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
: choice ( seq -- parser )
choice-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: repeat0 ( parser -- parser )
repeat0-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: repeat1 ( parser -- parser )
repeat1-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: optional ( parser -- parser )
optional-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: ensure ( parser -- parser )
ensure-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: ensure-not ( parser -- parser )
ensure-not-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
: action ( parser quot -- parser )
action-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: sp ( parser -- parser )
sp-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: hide ( parser -- parser )
[ drop ignore ] action ;
MEMO: delay ( parser -- parser )
delay-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
MEMO: list-of ( items separator -- parser )
hide over 2array seq repeat0 [ concat ] action 2array seq [ unclip 1vector swap first append ] action ;
MEMO: 'digit' ( -- parser )
[ digit? ] satisfy [ digit> ] action ;
MEMO: 'integer' ( -- parser )
'digit' repeat1 [ 10 swap digits>integer ] action ;
MEMO: 'string' ( -- parser )
[ CHAR: " = ] satisfy hide ,
[ CHAR: " = not ] satisfy repeat0 ,
[ CHAR: " = ] satisfy hide ,
] { } make seq [ first >string ] action ;