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namespace factor
const int forwarding_granularity = 64;
template<typename Block, int Granularity> struct mark_bits {
cell start;
cell size;
cell bits_size;
u64 *marked;
u64 *allocated;
cell *forwarding;
void clear_mark_bits()
memset(marked,0,bits_size * sizeof(u64));
void clear_allocated_bits()
memset(allocated,0,bits_size * sizeof(u64));
void clear_forwarding()
memset(forwarding,0,bits_size * sizeof(cell));
explicit mark_bits(cell start_, cell size_) :
bits_size(size / Granularity / forwarding_granularity),
marked(new u64[bits_size]),
allocated(new u64[bits_size]),
forwarding(new cell[bits_size])
delete[] marked;
marked = NULL;
delete[] allocated;
allocated = NULL;
delete[] forwarding;
forwarding = NULL;
cell block_line(Block *address)
return (((cell)address - start) / Granularity);
Block *line_block(cell line)
return (Block *)(line * Granularity + start);
std::pair<cell,cell> bitmap_deref(Block *address)
cell line_number = block_line(address);
cell word_index = (line_number >> 6);
cell word_shift = (line_number & 63);
assert(word_index < bits_size);
return std::make_pair(word_index,word_shift);
bool bitmap_elt(u64 *bits, Block *address)
std::pair<cell,cell> pair = bitmap_deref(address);
return (bits[pair.first] & ((u64)1 << pair.second)) != 0;
void set_bitmap_range(u64 *bits, Block *address)
std::pair<cell,cell> start = bitmap_deref(address);
std::pair<cell,cell> end = bitmap_deref(address->next());
u64 start_mask = ((u64)1 << start.second) - 1;
u64 end_mask = ((u64)1 << end.second) - 1;
if(start.first == end.first)
bits[start.first] |= start_mask ^ end_mask;
bits[start.first] |= ~start_mask;
if(end.first != 0)
for(cell index = start.first + 1; index < end.first - 1; index++)
bits[index] = (u64)-1;
bits[end.first] |= end_mask;
bool is_marked_p(Block *address)
return bitmap_elt(marked,address);
void set_marked_p(Block *address)
bool is_allocated_p(Block *address)
return bitmap_elt(allocated,address);
void set_allocated_p(Block *address)
cell popcount1(u64 x)
cell accum = 0;
while(x > 0)
accum += (x & 1);
x >>= 1;
return accum;
/* From http://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/Population+Count */
cell popcount(u64 x)
cell old = x;
u64 k1 = 0x5555555555555555ll;
u64 k2 = 0x3333333333333333ll;
u64 k4 = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fll;
u64 kf = 0x0101010101010101ll;
x = x - ((x >> 1) & k1); // put count of each 2 bits into those 2 bits
x = (x & k2) + ((x >> 2) & k2); // put count of each 4 bits into those 4 bits
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & k4 ; // put count of each 8 bits into those 8 bits
x = (x * kf) >> 56; // returns 8 most significant bits of x + (x<<8) + (x<<16) + (x<<24) + ...
assert(x == popcount1(old));
return (cell)x;
/* The eventual destination of a block after compaction is just the number
of marked blocks before it. */
void compute_forwarding()
cell accum = 0;
for(cell index = 0; index < bits_size; index++)
forwarding[index] = accum;
accum += popcount(marked[index]);
/* We have the popcount for every 64 entries; look up and compute the rest */
Block *forward_block(Block *original)
std::pair<cell,cell> pair = bitmap_deref(original);
cell approx_popcount = forwarding[pair.first];
u64 mask = ((u64)1 << pair.second) - 1;
cell new_line_number = approx_popcount + popcount(marked[pair.first] & mask);
return line_block(new_line_number);