Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ GENERIC: word-help* ( word -- content )
{ { "object" object } { "?" "a boolean" } } $values
"Tests if the object is an instance of the " ,
first "predicating" word-prop \ $link swap 2array ,
first "predicating" word-prop <$link> ,
" class." ,
] { } make $description ;
@ -58,15 +58,36 @@ M: word article-title
] if ;
M: word article-content
: (word-help) ( word -- element )
\ $vocabulary over 2array ,
dup word-help %
\ $related over 2array ,
dup get-global [ \ $value swap 2array , ] when*
\ $definition swap 2array ,
[ \ $vocabulary swap 2array , ]
[ word-help % ]
[ \ $related swap 2array , ]
[ get-global [ \ $value swap 2array , ] when* ]
[ \ $definition swap 2array , ]
} cleave
] { } make ;
M: word article-content (word-help) ;
: word-with-methods ( word -- elements )
[ (word-help) % ]
[ \ $methods swap 2array , ]
] { } make ;
M: generic article-content word-with-methods ;
M: class article-content word-with-methods ;
M: word article-parent "help-parent" word-prop ;
M: word set-article-parent swap "help-parent" set-word-prop ;
@ -285,11 +285,16 @@ M: f ($instance)
: $see ( element -- ) first [ see ] ($see) ;
: $see-methods ( element -- ) first [ see-methods ] ($see) ;
: $synopsis ( element -- ) first [ synopsis write ] ($see) ;
: $definition ( element -- )
"Definition" $heading $see ;
: $methods ( element -- )
"Methods" $heading $see-methods ;
: $value ( object -- )
"Variable value" $heading
"Current value in global namespace:" print-element
@ -348,3 +353,6 @@ M: array elements*
] each
] curry each
] H{ } make-assoc keys ;
: <$link> ( topic -- element )
\ $link swap 2array ;
@ -289,14 +289,18 @@ SYMBOL: in-lambda?
\ ] (parse-lambda) <lambda> ;
: parse-binding ( -- pair/f )
scan dup "|" = [
drop f
] [
scan {
{ "[" [ \ ] parse-until >quotation ] }
{ "[|" [ parse-lambda ] }
} case 2array
] if ;
scan {
{ [ dup "|" = ] [ drop f ] }
{ [ dup "!" = ] [ drop lexer get next-line parse-binding ] }
{ [ t ]
scan {
{ "[" [ \ ] parse-until >quotation ] }
{ "[|" [ parse-lambda ] }
} case 2array
} cond ;
: (parse-bindings) ( -- )
parse-binding [
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ IN: prettyprint
] with-pprint nl
] unless-empty ;
: vocabs. ( in use -- )
: use/in. ( in use -- )
dupd remove [ { "syntax" "scratchpad" } member? not ] filter
use. in. ;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ IN: prettyprint
[ [ words>> eq? nip ] with assoc-find 2drop ] curry map sift ;
: prelude. ( -- )
in get use get vocab-names vocabs. ;
in get use get vocab-names use/in. ;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ IN: prettyprint
] print-use-hook set-global
: with-use ( obj quot -- )
make-pprint vocabs. do-pprint ; inline
make-pprint use/in. do-pprint ; inline
: with-in ( obj quot -- )
make-pprint drop [ write-in bl ] when* do-pprint ; inline
@ -1 +1,2 @@
Slava Pestov
Eduardo Cavazos
@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax io strings ;
IN: tools.vocabs.browser
ARTICLE: "vocab-tags" "Vocabulary tags"
{ $all-tags } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-authors" "Vocabulary authors"
{ $all-authors } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-index" "Vocabulary index"
{ $tags }
{ $authors }
{ $subsection "vocab-tags" }
{ $subsection "vocab-authors" }
{ $describe-vocab "" } ;
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel combinators vocabs vocabs.loader
tools.vocabs io io.files io.styles help.markup help.stylesheet
sequences assocs help.topics namespaces prettyprint words
sorting definitions arrays summary sets generic ;
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes classes.builtin
classes.intersection classes.mixin classes.predicate
classes.singleton classes.tuple classes.union combinators
definitions effects fry generic help help.markup
help.stylesheet help.topics io io.files io.styles kernel macros
make namespaces prettyprint sequences sets sorting summary
tools.vocabs vocabs vocabs.loader words ;
IN: tools.vocabs.browser
: vocab-status-string ( vocab -- string )
@ -18,9 +21,9 @@ IN: tools.vocabs.browser
: vocab. ( vocab -- )
dup [ write-status ] with-cell
dup [ ($link) ] with-cell
[ vocab-summary write ] with-cell
[ [ write-status ] with-cell ]
[ [ ($link) ] with-cell ]
[ [ vocab-summary write ] with-cell ] tri
] with-row ;
: vocab-headings. ( -- )
@ -34,35 +37,25 @@ IN: tools.vocabs.browser
[ "Children from " prepend ] [ "Children" ] if*
$heading ;
: vocabs. ( assoc -- )
: $vocabs ( assoc -- )
] [
swap root-heading.
standard-table-style [
vocab-headings. [ vocab. ] each
] ($grid)
[ drop ] [
[ root-heading. ]
standard-table-style [
vocab-headings. [ vocab. ] each
] ($grid)
] bi*
] if-empty
] assoc-each ;
: describe-summary ( vocab -- )
vocab-summary [
"Summary" $heading print-element
] when* ;
TUPLE: vocab-tag name ;
INSTANCE: vocab-tag topic
C: <vocab-tag> vocab-tag
: tags. ( seq -- ) [ <vocab-tag> ] map $links ;
: describe-tags ( vocab -- )
vocab-tags f like [
"Tags" $heading tags.
] when* ;
: $tags ( seq -- ) [ <vocab-tag> ] map $links ;
TUPLE: vocab-author name ;
@ -70,20 +63,18 @@ INSTANCE: vocab-author topic
C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
: authors. ( seq -- ) [ <vocab-author> ] map $links ;
: describe-authors ( vocab -- )
vocab-authors f like [
"Authors" $heading authors.
] when* ;
: $authors ( seq -- ) [ <vocab-author> ] map $links ;
: describe-help ( vocab -- )
vocab-help [
"Documentation" $heading ($link)
] when* ;
dup vocab-help
[ "Documentation" $heading ($link) ]
[ "Summary" $heading vocab-summary print-element ]
] unless-empty ;
: describe-children ( vocab -- )
vocab-name all-child-vocabs vocabs. ;
vocab-name all-child-vocabs $vocabs ;
: describe-files ( vocab -- )
vocab-files [ <pathname> ] map [
@ -95,50 +86,167 @@ C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
] with-nesting
] with-style
] ($block)
] when* ;
] unless-empty ;
: describe-tuple-classes ( classes -- )
"Tuple classes" $subheading
[ <$link> ]
[ superclass <$link> ]
[ "slots" word-prop [ name>> ] map " " join \ $snippet swap 2array ]
tri 3array
] map
{ { $strong "Class" } { $strong "Superclass" } { $strong "Slots" } } prefix
] unless-empty ;
: describe-predicate-classes ( classes -- )
"Predicate classes" $subheading
[ <$link> ]
[ superclass <$link> ]
bi 2array
] map
{ { $strong "Class" } { $strong "Superclass" } } prefix
] unless-empty ;
: (describe-classes) ( classes heading -- )
_ $subheading
[ <$link> 1array ] map $table
] unless-empty ;
: describe-builtin-classes ( classes -- )
"Builtin classes" (describe-classes) ;
: describe-singleton-classes ( classes -- )
"Singleton classes" (describe-classes) ;
: describe-mixin-classes ( classes -- )
"Mixin classes" (describe-classes) ;
: describe-union-classes ( classes -- )
"Union classes" (describe-classes) ;
: describe-intersection-classes ( classes -- )
"Intersection classes" (describe-classes) ;
: describe-classes ( classes -- )
[ builtin-class? ] partition
[ tuple-class? ] partition
[ singleton-class? ] partition
[ predicate-class? ] partition
[ mixin-class? ] partition
[ union-class? ] partition
[ intersection-class? ] filter
[ describe-builtin-classes ]
[ describe-tuple-classes ]
[ describe-singleton-classes ]
[ describe-predicate-classes ]
[ describe-mixin-classes ]
[ describe-union-classes ]
[ describe-intersection-classes ]
} spread ;
: word-syntax ( word -- string/f )
\ $syntax swap word-help elements dup length 1 =
[ first second ] [ drop f ] if ;
: describe-parsing ( words -- )
"Parsing words" $subheading
[ <$link> ]
[ word-syntax dup [ \ $snippet swap 2array ] when ]
bi 2array
] map
{ { $strong "Word" } { $strong "Syntax" } } prefix
] unless-empty ;
: (describe-words) ( words heading -- )
_ $subheading
[ <$link> ]
[ stack-effect dup [ effect>string \ $snippet swap 2array ] when ]
bi 2array
] map
{ { $strong "Word" } { $strong "Stack effect" } } prefix
] unless-empty ;
: describe-generics ( words -- )
"Generic words" (describe-words) ;
: describe-macros ( words -- )
"Macro words" (describe-words) ;
: describe-primitives ( words -- )
"Primitives" (describe-words) ;
: describe-compounds ( words -- )
"Ordinary words" (describe-words) ;
: describe-predicates ( words -- )
"Class predicate words" (describe-words) ;
: describe-symbols ( words -- )
"Symbol words" $subheading
[ <$link> 1array ] map $table
] unless-empty ;
: describe-words ( vocab -- )
words [
"Words" $heading
natural-sort $links
[ [ class? ] filter describe-classes ]
[ [ class? ] [ symbol? ] bi and not ] filter
[ parsing-word? ] partition
[ generic? ] partition
[ macro? ] partition
[ symbol? ] partition
[ primitive? ] partition
[ predicate? ] partition swap
[ describe-parsing ]
[ describe-generics ]
[ describe-macros ]
[ describe-symbols ]
[ describe-primitives ]
[ describe-compounds ]
[ describe-predicates ]
} spread
] bi
] unless-empty ;
: vocab-xref ( vocab quot -- vocabs )
>r dup vocab-name swap words [ generic? not ] filter r> map
[ [ word? ] filter [ vocabulary>> ] map ] gather natural-sort
remove sift ; inline
: words. ( vocab -- )
last-element off
vocab-name describe-words ;
: vocab-uses ( vocab -- vocabs ) [ uses ] vocab-xref ;
: vocab-usage ( vocab -- vocabs ) [ usage ] vocab-xref ;
: describe-uses ( vocab -- )
vocab-uses [
"Uses" $heading
] unless-empty ;
: describe-usage ( vocab -- )
vocab-usage [
"Used by" $heading
] unless-empty ;
: describe-metadata ( vocab -- )
[ vocab-tags [ "Tags:" swap \ $tags prefix 2array , ] unless-empty ]
[ vocab-authors [ "Authors:" swap \ $authors prefix 2array , ] unless-empty ]
] { } make
[ "Meta-data" $heading $table ] unless-empty ;
: $describe-vocab ( element -- )
dup describe-children
dup find-vocab-root [
dup describe-summary
dup describe-tags
dup describe-authors
dup describe-files
] when
dup vocab [
dup describe-help
dup describe-words
dup describe-uses
dup describe-usage
] when drop ;
first {
[ describe-help ]
[ describe-metadata ]
[ describe-words ]
[ describe-files ]
[ describe-children ]
} cleave ;
: keyed-vocabs ( str quot -- seq )
all-vocabs [
@ -154,16 +262,16 @@ C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
[ vocab-authors ] keyed-vocabs ;
: $tagged-vocabs ( element -- )
first tagged vocabs. ;
first tagged $vocabs ;
: $authored-vocabs ( element -- )
first authored vocabs. ;
first authored $vocabs ;
: $tags ( element -- )
drop "Tags" $heading all-tags tags. ;
: $all-tags ( element -- )
drop "Tags" $heading all-tags $tags ;
: $authors ( element -- )
drop "Authors" $heading all-authors authors. ;
: $all-authors ( element -- )
drop "Authors" $heading all-authors $authors ;
INSTANCE: vocab topic
@ -4,9 +4,31 @@ USING: kernel io io.styles io.files io.encodings.utf8
vocabs.loader vocabs sequences namespaces make math.parser
arrays hashtables assocs memoize summary sorting splitting
combinators source-files debugger continuations compiler.errors
init checksums checksums.crc32 sets accessors ;
init checksums checksums.crc32 sets accessors generic
definitions words ;
IN: tools.vocabs
: vocab-xref ( vocab quot -- vocabs )
[ [ vocab-name ] [ words [ generic? not ] filter ] bi ] dip map
[ [ word? ] [ generic? not ] bi and ] filter [
dup method-body?
[ "method-generic" word-prop ] when
] map
] gather natural-sort remove sift ; inline
: vocabs. ( seq -- )
[ dup >vocab-link write-object nl ] each ;
: vocab-uses ( vocab -- vocabs ) [ uses ] vocab-xref ;
: vocab-uses. ( vocab -- ) vocab-uses vocabs. ;
: vocab-usage ( vocab -- vocabs ) [ usage ] vocab-xref ;
: vocab-usage. ( vocab -- ) vocab-usage vocabs. ;
: vocab-tests-file ( vocab -- path )
dup "-tests.factor" vocab-dir+ vocab-append-path dup
[ dup exists? [ drop f ] unless ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ IN: ui.commands
[ gesture>string , ]
[ command-name , ]
[ command-word \ $link swap 2array , ]
[ command-word <$link> , ]
[ command-description , ]
] bi*
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ io.streams.nested assocs ui.gadgets.presentations
ui.gadgets.slots ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.grid-lines
classes.tuple models continuations destructors accessors
math.geometry.rect ;
IN: ui.gadgets.panes
TUPLE: pane < pack
@ -402,7 +401,7 @@ M: f sloppy-pick-up*
pane H{
{ T{ button-down } [ begin-selection ] }
{ T{ button-down f { S+ } 1 } [ select-to-caret ] }
{ T{ button-up f { S+ } 1 } [ drop ] }
{ T{ button-up f { S+ } 1 } [ end-selection ] }
{ T{ button-up } [ end-selection ] }
{ T{ drag } [ extend-selection ] }
{ T{ copy-action } [ com-copy ] }
@ -117,12 +117,14 @@ PREDICATE: specific-drag < drag #>> ;
clone f >># button-gesture ;
M: world handle-gesture ( gesture gadget -- ? )
{ [ over specific-button-up? ] [ drop generalize-gesture t ] }
{ [ over specific-button-down? ] [ drop generalize-gesture t ] }
{ [ over specific-drag? ] [ drop generalize-gesture t ] }
[ call-next-method ]
} cond ;
2dup call-next-method [
{ [ over specific-button-up? ] [ drop generalize-gesture f ] }
{ [ over specific-button-down? ] [ drop generalize-gesture f ] }
{ [ over specific-drag? ] [ drop generalize-gesture f ] }
[ 2drop t ]
} cond
] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: close-global ( world global -- )
dup get-global find-world rot eq?
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ $nl
{ propagate-gesture handle-gesture set-gestures } related-words
HELP: propagate-gesture
{ $values { "gesture" "a gesture" } { "gadget" gadget } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Calls " { $link handle-gesture } " on every parent of " { $snippet "gadget" } ". Outputs " { $link f } " if some parent handled the gesture, else outputs " { $link t } "." } ;
{ $values { "gesture" "a gesture" } { "gadget" gadget } }
{ $description "Calls " { $link handle-gesture } " on every parent of " { $snippet "gadget" } "." } ;
HELP: user-input
{ $values { "string" string } { "gadget" gadget } }
@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
USING: kernel words accessors
sequences sorting
io help.markup
obj.print ;
IN: vocab-browser
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: word-effect-as-string ( word -- string )
stack-effect dup
[ effect>string ]
[ drop "" ]
if ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: print-vocabulary-summary ( vocabulary -- )
dup vocab words [ builtin-class? ] filter natural-sort
dup empty?
[ drop ]
"Builtin Classes" $heading nl
dup vocab words [ tuple-class? ] filter natural-sort
dup empty?
[ drop ]
"Tuple Classes" $heading nl
{ [ ] [ superclass ] [ "slots" word-prop [ name>> ] map " " join ] }
{ "CLASS" "PARENT" "SLOTS" } prefix
dup vocab words [ predicate-class? ] filter natural-sort
dup empty?
[ drop ]
"Predicate Classes" $heading nl
! [ pprint-class ] each
[ { [ ] [ superclass ] } 1arr ] map
{ "CLASS" "SUPERCLASS" } prefix
dup vocab words [ class? not ] filter [ symbol? ] filter natural-sort
dup empty?
[ drop ]
"Symbols" $heading nl
dup vocab words [ generic? ] filter natural-sort
dup empty?
[ drop ]
"Generic words" $heading nl
[ [ ] [ stack-effect effect>string ] bi 2array ] map
"Words" $heading nl
dup vocab words
[ predicate-class? not ] filter
[ builtin-class? not ] filter
[ tuple-class? not ] filter
[ generic? not ] filter
[ symbol? not ] filter
[ word? ] filter
[ [ ] [ word-effect-as-string ] bi 2array ] map
drop ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USING: vocabs.loader tools.vocabs.browser ;
: $vocab-summary ( seq -- )
dup vocab
dup print-vocabulary-summary
dup describe-help
! dup describe-uses
! dup describe-usage
dup find-vocab-root
dup describe-summary
dup describe-tags
dup describe-authors
! dup describe-files
! dup describe-children
drop ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USING: assocs ui.operations io.styles ;
! IN: tools.vocabs.browser
! : $describe-vocab ( element -- ) $vocab-summary ;
USING: tools.vocabs ;
: print-vocabs ( -- )
[ { [ vocab ] [ vocab-summary ] } 1arr ]
print-table ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! : $all-vocabs ( seq -- ) drop print-vocabs ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USING: help.syntax help.topics ;
! ARTICLE: "vocab-index" "Vocabulary Index" { $all-vocabs } ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M: vocab-spec article-content ( vocab-spec -- content )
{ $vocab-summary } swap name>> suffix ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: loaded-and-unloaded-vocabs ( -- seq )
"" all-child-vocabs values concat [ name>> ] map ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! ARTICLE: "loaded-vocabs-index" "Loaded Vocabularies" { $loaded-vocabs } ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USING: debugger ;
TUPLE: load-this-vocab name ;
! : do-load-vocab ( ltv -- )
! dup name>> require
! name>> vocab com-follow ;
: do-load-vocab ( ltv -- )
dup name>> require
name>> vocab com-follow
try ;
[ load-this-vocab? ] \ do-load-vocab { { +primary+ t } } define-operation
M: load-this-vocab pprint* ( obj -- )
[ name>> "*" append ] [ ] bi write-object ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: vocab-or-loader ( name -- obj )
dup vocab
[ vocab ]
[ load-this-vocab boa ]
if ;
: vocab-summary-text ( vocab-name -- text )
dup vocab-summary-path vocab-file-contents
dup empty?
[ drop "" ]
[ first ]
if ;
! : vocab-table-entry ( vocab-name -- seq )
! { [ vocab-or-loader ] [ vocab-summary ] } 1arr ;
: vocab-table-entry ( vocab-name -- seq )
{ [ vocab-or-loader ] [ vocab-summary-text ] } 1arr ;
: print-these-vocabs ( seq -- ) [ vocab-table-entry ] map print-table ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! : vocab-list ( -- seq ) "" all-child-vocabs values concat [ name>> ] map ;
: all-vocab-names ( -- seq )
all-vocabs values concat [ name>> ] map natural-sort ;
: loaded-vocab-names ( -- seq ) all-vocab-names [ vocab ] filter ;
: unloaded-vocab-names ( -- seq ) all-vocab-names [ vocab not ] filter ;
: root->names ( root -- seq ) all-vocabs at [ name>> ] map natural-sort ;
: vocab-names-core ( -- seq ) "resource:core" root->names ;
: vocab-names-basis ( -- seq ) "resource:basis" root->names ;
: vocab-names-extra ( -- seq ) "resource:extra" root->names ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: $all-vocabs ( seq -- ) drop all-vocab-names print-these-vocabs ;
: $loaded-vocabs ( seq -- ) drop loaded-vocab-names print-these-vocabs ;
: $unloaded-vocabs ( seq -- ) drop unloaded-vocab-names print-these-vocabs ;
: $vocabs-core ( seq -- ) drop vocab-names-core print-these-vocabs ;
: $vocabs-basis ( seq -- ) drop vocab-names-basis print-these-vocabs ;
: $vocabs-extra ( seq -- ) drop vocab-names-extra print-these-vocabs ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! { "" }
! all-child-vocabs values concat [ name>> ] map
! : vocab-tree ( vocab -- seq )
! dup
! all-child-vocabs values concat [ name>> ] map prune
! [ vocab-tree ]
! map
! concat
! swap prefix
! [ vocab-source-path ] filter ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M: vocab-author pprint* ( vocab-author -- ) [ name>> ] [ ] bi write-object ;
: $vocab-authors ( seq -- )
drop all-authors [ vocab-author boa ] map print-seq ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-authors" "Vocabulary Authors" { $vocab-authors } ;
: vocabs-by-author ( author -- vocab-names )
authored values concat [ name>> ] map ;
: $vocabs-by-author ( seq -- )
first name>> vocabs-by-author print-these-vocabs ;
M: vocab-author article-content ( vocab-author -- content )
{ $vocabs-by-author } swap suffix ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M: vocab-tag pprint* ( vocab-tag -- ) [ name>> ] [ ] bi write-object ;
: print-vocab-tags ( -- ) all-tags [ vocab-tag boa ] map print-seq ;
: $vocab-tags ( seq -- ) drop print-vocab-tags ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-tags" "Vocabulary Tags" { $vocab-tags } ;
: $vocabs-with-tag ( seq -- )
first tagged values concat [ name>> ] map print-these-vocabs ;
M: vocab-tag article-content ( vocab-tag -- content )
name>> { $vocabs-with-tag } swap suffix ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ARTICLE: "vocab-index-all" "All Vocabularies" { $all-vocabs } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-index-loaded" "Loaded Vocabularies" { $loaded-vocabs } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-index-unloaded" "Unloaded Vocabularies" { $loaded-vocabs } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-index-core" "Core Vocabularies" { $vocabs-core } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-index-basis" "Basis Vocabularies" { $vocabs-basis } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-index-extra" "Extra Vocabularies" { $vocabs-extra } ;
ARTICLE: "vocab-indices" "Vocabulary Indices"
{ $subsection "vocab-index-core" }
{ $subsection "vocab-index-basis" }
{ $subsection "vocab-index-extra" }
{ $subsection "vocab-index-all" }
{ $subsection "vocab-index-loaded" }
{ $subsection "vocab-index-unloaded" }
{ $subsection "vocab-authors" }
{ $subsection "vocab-tags" } ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reference in New Issue