images.jpeg: added support for yuv444 and black and white images

Marc Fauconneau 2009-06-05 21:33:04 +09:00
parent f09a2807fa
commit 88f8af4b69
1 changed files with 359 additions and 306 deletions

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@ -1,306 +1,359 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Marc Fauconneau.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays byte-arrays combinators
constructors grouping compression.huffman images
images.processing io io.binary io.encodings.binary io.files
io.streams.byte-array kernel locals math math.bitwise
math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.order
math.ranges math.vectors memoize multiline namespaces
sequences sequences.deep images.loader ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: bitstreams bs
IN: images.jpeg
SINGLETON: jpeg-image
{ "jpg" "jpeg" } [ jpeg-image register-image-class ] each
TUPLE: loading-jpeg < image
{ headers }
{ bitstream }
{ color-info initial: { f f f f } }
{ quant-tables initial: { f f } }
{ huff-tables initial: { f f f f } }
{ components } ;
CONSTRUCTOR: loading-jpeg ( headers bitstream -- image ) ;
! ISO/IEC 10918-1 Table B.1
:: >marker ( byte -- marker )
{ [ dup HEX: CC = ] [ { DAC } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: C4 = ] [ { DHT } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: C9 = ] [ { JPG } ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: C = ] [ SOF byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup HEX: D8 = ] [ { SOI } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: D9 = ] [ { EOI } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DA = ] [ { SOS } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DB = ] [ { DQT } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DC = ] [ { DNL } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DD = ] [ { DRI } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DE = ] [ { DHP } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DF = ] [ { EXP } ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: D = ] [ RST byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: E = ] [ APP byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup HEX: FE = ] [ { COM } ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: F = ] [ JPG byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup HEX: 01 = ] [ { TEM } ] }
[ { RES } ]
cond nip ;
TUPLE: jpeg-chunk length type data ;
CONSTRUCTOR: jpeg-chunk ( type length data -- jpeg-chunk ) ;
TUPLE: jpeg-color-info
h v quant-table dc-huff-table ac-huff-table { diff initial: 0 } id ;
CONSTRUCTOR: jpeg-color-info ( h v quant-table -- jpeg-color-info ) ;
: jpeg> ( -- jpeg-image ) loading-jpeg get ;
: apply-diff ( dc color -- dc' )
[ diff>> + dup ] [ (>>diff) ] bi ;
: fetch-tables ( component -- )
[ [ jpeg> quant-tables>> nth ] change-quant-table drop ]
[ [ jpeg> huff-tables>> nth ] change-dc-huff-table drop ]
[ [ 2 + jpeg> huff-tables>> nth ] change-ac-huff-table drop ] tri ;
: read4/4 ( -- a b ) read1 16 /mod ;
! headers
: decode-frame ( header -- )
read1 8 assert=
2 read be>
2 read be>
swap 2array jpeg> (>>dim)
read1 read4/4 read1 <jpeg-color-info>
swap [ >>id ] keep jpeg> color-info>> set-nth
] times
] with-byte-reader ;
: decode-quant-table ( chunk -- )
dup data>>
2 - 65 /
read4/4 [ 0 assert= ] dip
64 read
swap jpeg> quant-tables>> set-nth
] times
] with-byte-reader ;
: decode-huff-table ( chunk -- )
1 ! %fixme: Should handle multiple tables at once
read4/4 swap 2 * +
16 read
dup [ ] [ + ] map-reduce read
binary [ [ read [ B{ } ] unless* ] { } map-as ] with-byte-reader
swap jpeg> huff-tables>> set-nth
] times
] with-byte-reader ;
: decode-scan ( chunk -- )
read1 [0,b)
[ drop
read1 jpeg> color-info>> nth clone
read1 16 /mod [ >>dc-huff-table ] [ >>ac-huff-table ] bi*
] map jpeg> (>>components)
read1 0 assert=
read1 63 assert=
read1 16 /mod [ 0 assert= ] bi@
] with-byte-reader ;
: singleton-first ( seq -- elt )
[ length 1 assert= ] [ first ] bi ;
: baseline-parse ( -- )
jpeg> headers>>
[ [ type>> { SOF 0 } = ] filter singleton-first decode-frame ]
[ [ type>> { DQT } = ] filter [ decode-quant-table ] each ]
[ [ type>> { DHT } = ] filter [ decode-huff-table ] each ]
[ [ type>> { SOS } = ] filter singleton-first decode-scan ]
} cleave ;
: parse-marker ( -- marker )
read1 HEX: FF assert=
read1 >marker ;
: parse-headers ( -- chunks )
[ parse-marker dup { SOS } = not ]
2 read be>
dup 2 - read <jpeg-chunk>
] [ produce ] keep dip swap suffix ;
MEMO: zig-zag ( -- zz )
{ 0 1 5 6 14 15 27 28 }
{ 2 4 7 13 16 26 29 42 }
{ 3 8 12 17 25 30 41 43 }
{ 9 11 18 24 31 40 44 53 }
{ 10 19 23 32 39 45 52 54 }
{ 20 22 33 38 46 51 55 60 }
{ 21 34 37 47 50 56 59 61 }
{ 35 36 48 49 57 58 62 63 }
} flatten ;
MEMO: yuv>bgr-matrix ( -- m )
{ 1 2.03211 0 }
{ 1 -0.39465 -0.58060 }
{ 1 0 1.13983 }
} ;
: wave ( x u -- n ) swap 2 * 1 + * pi * 16 / cos ;
:: dct-vect ( u v -- basis )
{ 8 8 } coord-matrix [ { u v } [ wave ] 2map product ] map^2
1 u v [ 0 = [ 2 sqrt / ] when ] bi@ 4 / m*n ;
MEMO: dct-matrix ( -- m ) 64 [0,b) [ 8 /mod dct-vect flatten ] map ;
: mb-dim ( component -- dim ) [ h>> ] [ v>> ] bi 2array ;
: all-macroblocks ( quot: ( mb -- ) -- )
[ dim>> 8 v/n ]
[ color-info>> sift { 0 0 } [ mb-dim vmax ] reduce v/ ] bi
[ ceiling ] map
coord-matrix flip concat
[ each ] bi* ; inline
: reverse-zigzag ( b -- b' ) zig-zag swap [ nth ] curry map ;
: idct-factor ( b -- b' ) dct-matrix v.m ;
USE: math.blas.vectors
USE: math.blas.matrices
MEMO: dct-matrix-blas ( -- m ) dct-matrix >float-blas-matrix ;
: V.M ( x A -- x.A ) Mtranspose swap M.V ;
: idct-blas ( b -- b' ) >float-blas-vector dct-matrix-blas V.M ;
: idct ( b -- b' ) idct-blas ;
:: draw-block ( block x,y color jpeg-image -- )
block dup length>> sqrt >fixnum group flip
dup matrix-dim coord-matrix flip
[ first2 spin nth nth ]
[ x,y v+ color id>> 1- jpeg-image draw-color ] bi
] with each^2 ;
: sign-extend ( bits v -- v' )
swap [ ] [ 1- 2^ < ] 2bi
[ -1 swap shift 1+ + ] [ drop ] if ;
: read1-jpeg-dc ( decoder -- dc )
[ read1-huff dup ] [ bs>> bs:read ] bi sign-extend ;
: read1-jpeg-ac ( decoder -- run/ac )
[ read1-huff 16 /mod dup ] [ bs>> bs:read ] bi sign-extend 2array ;
:: decode-block ( pos color -- )
color dc-huff-table>> read1-jpeg-dc color apply-diff
64 0 <array> :> coefs
0 coefs set-nth
0 :> k!
color ac-huff-table>> read1-jpeg-ac
[ first 1+ k + k! ] [ second k coefs set-nth ] [ ] tri
{ 0 0 } = not
k 63 < and
] loop
coefs color quant-table>> v*
reverse-zigzag idct
! %fixme: color hack
! this eat 50% cpu time
color h>> 2 =
[ 8 group 2 matrix-zoom concat ] unless
pos { 8 8 } v* color jpeg> draw-block ;
: decode-macroblock ( mb -- )
jpeg> components>>
[ mb-dim coord-matrix flip concat [ [ { 2 2 } v* ] [ v+ ] bi* ] with map ]
[ [ decode-block ] curry each ] bi
] with each ;
: cleanup-bitstream ( bytes -- bytes' )
binary [
{ HEX: FF } read-until
read1 tuck HEX: 00 = and
[ drop ] produce
swap >marker { EOI } assert=
swap suffix
{ HEX: FF } join
] with-byte-reader ;
: setup-bitmap ( image -- )
dup dim>> 16 v/n [ ceiling ] map 16 v*n >>dim
BGR >>component-order
f >>upside-down?
dup dim>> first2 * 3 * 0 <array> >>bitmap
drop ;
: baseline-decompress ( -- )
jpeg> bitstream>> cleanup-bitstream { 255 255 255 255 } append
>byte-array bs:<msb0-bit-reader> jpeg> (>>bitstream)
jpeg> [ bitstream>> ] [ [ [ <huffman-decoder> ] with map ] change-huff-tables drop ] bi
jpeg> components>> [ fetch-tables ] each
jpeg> setup-bitmap
[ decode-macroblock ] all-macroblocks ;
! this eats ~25% cpu time
: color-transform ( yuv -- rgb )
{ 128 0 0 } v+ yuv>bgr-matrix swap m.v
[ 0 max 255 min >fixnum ] map ;
: load-jpeg ( path -- image )
binary [
parse-marker { SOI } assert=
contents <loading-jpeg>
] with-file-reader
dup loading-jpeg [
jpeg> bitmap>> 3 <groups> [ color-transform ] change-each
jpeg> [ >byte-array ] change-bitmap drop
] with-variable ;
M: jpeg-image load-image* ( path jpeg-image -- bitmap )
drop load-jpeg ;
! Copyright (C) 2009 Marc Fauconneau.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays byte-arrays combinators
constructors grouping compression.huffman images
images.processing io io.binary io.encodings.binary io.files
io.streams.byte-array kernel locals math math.bitwise
math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.order
math.ranges math.vectors memoize multiline namespaces
sequences sequences.deep ;
IN: images.jpeg
QUALIFIED-WITH: bitstreams bs
TUPLE: jpeg-image < image
{ headers }
{ bitstream }
{ color-info initial: { f f f f } }
{ quant-tables initial: { f f } }
{ huff-tables initial: { f f f f } }
{ components } ;
CONSTRUCTOR: jpeg-image ( headers bitstream -- image ) ;
! ISO/IEC 10918-1 Table B.1
:: >marker ( byte -- marker )
{ [ dup HEX: CC = ] [ { DAC } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: C4 = ] [ { DHT } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: C9 = ] [ { JPG } ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: C = ] [ SOF byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup HEX: D8 = ] [ { SOI } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: D9 = ] [ { EOI } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DA = ] [ { SOS } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DB = ] [ { DQT } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DC = ] [ { DNL } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DD = ] [ { DRI } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DE = ] [ { DHP } ] }
{ [ dup HEX: DF = ] [ { EXP } ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: D = ] [ RST byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: E = ] [ APP byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup HEX: FE = ] [ { COM } ] }
{ [ dup -4 shift HEX: F = ] [ JPG byte 4 bits 2array ] }
{ [ dup HEX: 01 = ] [ { TEM } ] }
[ { RES } ]
cond nip ;
TUPLE: jpeg-chunk length type data ;
CONSTRUCTOR: jpeg-chunk ( type length data -- jpeg-chunk ) ;
TUPLE: jpeg-color-info
h v quant-table dc-huff-table ac-huff-table { diff initial: 0 } id ;
CONSTRUCTOR: jpeg-color-info ( h v quant-table -- jpeg-color-info ) ;
: jpeg> ( -- jpeg-image ) jpeg-image get ;
: apply-diff ( dc color -- dc' )
[ diff>> + dup ] [ (>>diff) ] bi ;
: fetch-tables ( component -- )
[ [ jpeg> quant-tables>> nth ] change-quant-table drop ]
[ [ jpeg> huff-tables>> nth ] change-dc-huff-table drop ]
[ [ 2 + jpeg> huff-tables>> nth ] change-ac-huff-table drop ] tri ;
: read4/4 ( -- a b ) read1 16 /mod ;
! headers
: decode-frame ( header -- )
read1 8 assert=
2 read be>
2 read be>
swap 2array jpeg> (>>dim)
read1 read4/4 read1 <jpeg-color-info>
swap [ >>id ] keep jpeg> color-info>> set-nth
] times
] with-byte-reader ;
: decode-quant-table ( chunk -- )
dup data>>
2 - 65 /
read4/4 [ 0 assert= ] dip
64 read
swap jpeg> quant-tables>> set-nth
] times
] with-byte-reader ;
: decode-huff-table ( chunk -- )
1 ! %fixme: Should handle multiple tables at once
read4/4 swap 2 * +
16 read
dup [ ] [ + ] map-reduce read
binary [ [ read [ B{ } ] unless* ] { } map-as ] with-byte-reader
swap jpeg> huff-tables>> set-nth
] times
] with-byte-reader ;
: decode-scan ( chunk -- )
read1 [0,b)
[ drop
read1 jpeg> color-info>> nth clone
read1 16 /mod [ >>dc-huff-table ] [ >>ac-huff-table ] bi*
] map jpeg> (>>components)
read1 0 assert=
read1 63 assert=
read1 16 /mod [ 0 assert= ] bi@
] with-byte-reader ;
: singleton-first ( seq -- elt )
[ length 1 assert= ] [ first ] bi ;
: baseline-parse ( -- )
jpeg> headers>>
[ [ type>> { SOF 0 } = ] filter singleton-first decode-frame ]
[ [ type>> { DQT } = ] filter [ decode-quant-table ] each ]
[ [ type>> { DHT } = ] filter [ decode-huff-table ] each ]
[ [ type>> { SOS } = ] filter singleton-first decode-scan ]
} cleave ;
: parse-marker ( -- marker )
read1 HEX: FF assert=
read1 >marker ;
: parse-headers ( -- chunks )
[ parse-marker dup { SOS } = not ]
2 read be>
dup 2 - read <jpeg-chunk>
] [ produce ] keep dip swap suffix ;
MEMO: zig-zag ( -- zz )
{ 0 1 5 6 14 15 27 28 }
{ 2 4 7 13 16 26 29 42 }
{ 3 8 12 17 25 30 41 43 }
{ 9 11 18 24 31 40 44 53 }
{ 10 19 23 32 39 45 52 54 }
{ 20 22 33 38 46 51 55 60 }
{ 21 34 37 47 50 56 59 61 }
{ 35 36 48 49 57 58 62 63 }
} flatten ;
MEMO: yuv>bgr-matrix ( -- m )
{ 1 2.03211 0 }
{ 1 -0.39465 -0.58060 }
{ 1 0 1.13983 }
} ;
: wave ( x u -- n ) swap 2 * 1 + * pi * 16 / cos ;
:: dct-vect ( u v -- basis )
{ 8 8 } coord-matrix [ { u v } [ wave ] 2map product ] map^2
1 u v [ 0 = [ 2 sqrt / ] when ] bi@ 4 / m*n ;
MEMO: dct-matrix ( -- m ) 64 [0,b) [ 8 /mod dct-vect flatten ] map ;
: mb-dim ( component -- dim ) [ h>> ] [ v>> ] bi 2array ;
! : blocks ( component -- seq )
! mb-dim ! coord-matrix flip concat [ [ { 2 2 } v* ] [ v+ ] bi* ] with map ;
: all-macroblocks ( quot: ( mb -- ) -- )
[ dim>> 8 v/n ]
[ color-info>> sift { 0 0 } [ mb-dim vmax ] reduce v/ ] bi
[ ceiling ] map
coord-matrix flip concat
[ each ] bi* ; inline
: reverse-zigzag ( b -- b' ) zig-zag swap [ nth ] curry map ;
: idct-factor ( b -- b' ) dct-matrix v.m ;
USE: math.blas.vectors
USE: math.blas.matrices
MEMO: dct-matrix-blas ( -- m ) dct-matrix >float-blas-matrix ;
: V.M ( x A -- x.A ) Mtranspose swap M.V ;
: idct-blas ( b -- b' ) >float-blas-vector dct-matrix-blas V.M ;
: idct ( b -- b' ) idct-blas ;
:: draw-block ( block x,y color-id jpeg-image -- )
block dup length>> sqrt >fixnum group flip
dup matrix-dim coord-matrix flip
[ first2 spin nth nth ]
[ x,y v+ color-id jpeg-image draw-color ] bi
] with each^2 ;
: sign-extend ( bits v -- v' )
swap [ ] [ 1- 2^ < ] 2bi
[ -1 swap shift 1+ + ] [ drop ] if ;
: read1-jpeg-dc ( decoder -- dc )
[ read1-huff dup ] [ bs>> bs:read ] bi sign-extend ;
: read1-jpeg-ac ( decoder -- run/ac )
[ read1-huff 16 /mod dup ] [ bs>> bs:read ] bi sign-extend 2array ;
:: decode-block ( color -- pixels )
color dc-huff-table>> read1-jpeg-dc color apply-diff
64 0 <array> :> coefs
0 coefs set-nth
0 :> k!
color ac-huff-table>> read1-jpeg-ac
[ first 1+ k + k! ] [ second k coefs set-nth ] [ ] tri
{ 0 0 } = not
k 63 < and
] loop
coefs color quant-table>> v*
reverse-zigzag idct ;
:: draw-macroblock-yuv420 ( mb blocks -- )
mb { 16 16 } v* :> pos
0 blocks nth pos { 0 0 } v+ 0 jpeg> draw-block
1 blocks nth pos { 8 0 } v+ 0 jpeg> draw-block
2 blocks nth pos { 0 8 } v+ 0 jpeg> draw-block
3 blocks nth pos { 8 8 } v+ 0 jpeg> draw-block
4 blocks nth 8 group 2 matrix-zoom concat pos 1 jpeg> draw-block
5 blocks nth 8 group 2 matrix-zoom concat pos 2 jpeg> draw-block ;
:: draw-macroblock-yuv444 ( mb blocks -- )
mb { 8 8 } v* :> pos
3 iota [ [ blocks nth pos ] [ jpeg> draw-block ] bi ] each ;
:: draw-macroblock-y ( mb blocks -- )
mb { 8 8 } v* :> pos
0 blocks nth pos 0 jpeg> draw-block
64 0 <array> pos 1 jpeg> draw-block
64 0 <array> pos 2 jpeg> draw-block ;
! %fixme: color hack
! color h>> 2 =
! [ 8 group 2 matrix-zoom concat ] unless
! pos { 8 8 } v* color jpeg> draw-block ;
: decode-macroblock ( -- blocks )
jpeg> components>>
[ mb-dim first2 * iota ]
[ [ decode-block ] curry replicate ] bi
] map concat ;
: cleanup-bitstream ( bytes -- bytes' )
binary [
{ HEX: FF } read-until
read1 tuck HEX: 00 = and
[ drop ] produce
swap >marker { EOI } assert=
swap suffix
{ HEX: FF } join
] with-byte-reader ;
: setup-bitmap ( image -- )
dup dim>> 16 v/n [ ceiling ] map 16 v*n >>dim
BGR >>component-order
f >>upside-down?
dup dim>> first2 * 3 * 0 <array> >>bitmap
drop ;
ERROR: unsupported-colorspace ;
:: detect-colorspace ( jpeg-image -- csp )
jpeg-image color-info>> sift :> colors
colors length 1 = [ drop Y ] when
colors length 3 =
colors [ mb-dim { 1 1 } = ] all?
[ drop YUV444 ] when
colors unclip
[ [ mb-dim { 1 1 } = ] all? ]
[ mb-dim { 2 2 } = ] bi* and
[ drop YUV420 ] when
] when ;
! this eats ~50% cpu time
: draw-macroblocks ( mbs -- )
jpeg> detect-colorspace
{ YUV420 [ [ first2 draw-macroblock-yuv420 ] each ] }
{ YUV444 [ [ first2 draw-macroblock-yuv444 ] each ] }
{ Y [ [ first2 draw-macroblock-y ] each ] }
[ unsupported-colorspace ]
} case ;
! this eats ~25% cpu time
: color-transform ( yuv -- rgb )
{ 128 0 0 } v+ yuv>bgr-matrix swap m.v
[ 0 max 255 min >fixnum ] map ;
: baseline-decompress ( -- )
jpeg> bitstream>> cleanup-bitstream { 255 255 255 255 } append
>byte-array bs:<msb0-bit-reader> jpeg> (>>bitstream)
[ bitstream>> ]
[ [ [ <huffman-decoder> ] with map ] change-huff-tables drop ] bi
jpeg> components>> [ fetch-tables ] each
[ decode-macroblock 2array ] accumulator
[ all-macroblocks ] dip
jpeg> setup-bitmap draw-macroblocks
jpeg> bitmap>> 3 <groups> [ color-transform ] change-each
jpeg> [ >byte-array ] change-bitmap drop ;
ERROR: not-a-jpeg-image ;
: load-jpeg ( path -- image )
binary [
parse-marker { SOI } = [ not-a-jpeg-image ] unless
contents <jpeg-image>
] with-file-reader
dup jpeg-image [
] with-variable ;
M: jpeg-image load-image* ( path jpeg-image -- bitmap )
drop load-jpeg ;