Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ IN: regexp.classes.tests
! Class algebra
[ f ] [ { 1 2 } <and-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ or-class f { 2 1 } } ] [ { 1 2 } <or-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ or-class f { 1 2 } } ] [ { 1 2 } <or-class> ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ { 1 2 } <and-class> 3 2array <or-class> ] unit-test
[ CHAR: A ] [ CHAR: A LETTER-class <primitive-class> 2array <and-class> ] unit-test
[ CHAR: A ] [ LETTER-class <primitive-class> CHAR: A 2array <and-class> ] unit-test
@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ IN: regexp.classes.tests
[ t ] [ { t t } <or-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ primitive-class { class letter-class } } ] [ letter-class <primitive-class> dup 2array <and-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ primitive-class { class letter-class } } ] [ letter-class <primitive-class> dup 2array <or-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ or-class { seq { 2 3 1 } } } ] [ { 1 2 } <or-class> { 2 3 } <or-class> 2array <or-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ or-class { seq { 3 2 } } } ] [ { 2 3 } <or-class> 1 <not-class> 2array <and-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ or-class { seq { 1 2 3 } } } ] [ { 1 2 } <or-class> { 2 3 } <or-class> 2array <or-class> ] unit-test
[ T{ or-class { seq { 2 3 } } } ] [ { 2 3 } <or-class> 1 <not-class> 2array <and-class> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ t <not-class> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ f <not-class> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1 <not-class> 1 t answer ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { 1 2 } <or-class> <not-class> 1 2 3array <or-class> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ { 1 2 } <and-class> <not-class> 1 2 3array <and-class> ] unit-test
! Making classes into nested conditionals
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel math math.order words combinators locals
ascii unicode.categories combinators.short-circuit sequences
fry macros arrays assocs sets classes ;
fry macros arrays assocs sets classes mirrors ;
IN: regexp.classes
SINGLETONS: any-char any-char-no-nl
@ -110,97 +110,116 @@ M: f class-member? 2drop f ;
TUPLE: primitive-class class ;
C: <primitive-class> primitive-class
TUPLE: not-class class ;
PREDICATE: not-integer < not-class class>> integer? ;
PREDICATE: not-primitive < not-class class>> primitive-class? ;
M: not-class class-member?
class>> class-member? not ;
TUPLE: or-class seq ;
TUPLE: not-class class ;
M: or-class class-member?
seq>> [ class-member? ] with any? ;
TUPLE: and-class seq ;
GENERIC: combine-and ( class1 class2 -- combined ? )
M: and-class class-member?
seq>> [ class-member? ] with all? ;
: replace-if-= ( object object -- object ? )
over = ;
M: object combine-and replace-if-= ;
M: t combine-and
drop t ;
M: f combine-and
nip t ;
M: not-class combine-and
class>> 2dup = [ 2drop f t ] [
dup integer? [
2dup swap class-member?
[ 2drop f f ]
[ drop t ] if
] [ 2drop f f ] if
] if ;
M: integer combine-and
swap 2dup class-member? [ drop t ] [ 2drop f t ] if ;
GENERIC: combine-or ( class1 class2 -- combined ? )
M: object combine-or replace-if-= ;
M: t combine-or
nip t ;
M: f combine-or
drop t ;
M: not-class combine-or
class>> = [ t t ] [ f f ] if ;
M: integer combine-or
2dup swap class-member? [ drop t ] [ 2drop f f ] if ;
DEFER: substitute
: flatten ( seq class -- newseq )
'[ dup _ instance? [ seq>> ] [ 1array ] if ] map concat ; inline
: try-combine ( elt1 elt2 quot -- combined/f ? )
3dup call [ [ 3drop ] dip t ] [ drop swapd call ] if ; inline
DEFER: answer
:: try-cancel ( elt1 elt2 empty -- combined/f ? )
[ elt1 elt2 empty answer dup elt1 = not ] try-combine ;
:: prefix-combining ( seq elt quot: ( elt1 elt2 -- combined/f ? ) -- newseq )
f :> combined!
seq [ elt quot call swap combined! ] find drop
[ seq remove-nth combined prefix ]
[ seq elt prefix ] if* ; inline
: combine-by ( seq quot -- new-seq )
{ } swap '[ _ prefix-combining ] reduce ; inline
:: seq>instance ( seq empty class -- instance )
seq length {
{ 0 [ empty ] }
{ 1 [ seq first ] }
[ drop class new seq >>seq ]
[ drop class new seq { } like >>seq ]
} case ; inline
:: combine ( seq quot: ( elt1 elt2 -- combined/f ? ) empty class -- newseq )
seq class flatten
[ quot try-combine ] combine-by
! [ empty try-cancel ] combine-by ! This makes the algorithm O(n^4)
empty class seq>instance ; inline
TUPLE: class-partition integers not-integers primitives not-primitives and or other ;
: partition-classes ( seq -- class-partition )
[ integer? ] partition
[ not-integer? ] partition
[ primitive-class? ] partition ! extend primitive-class to epsilon tags
[ not-primitive? ] partition
[ and-class? ] partition
[ or-class? ] partition
class-partition boa ;
: class-partition>seq ( class-partition -- seq )
make-mirror values concat ;
: repartition ( partition -- partition' )
! This could be made more efficient; only and and or are effected
class-partition>seq partition-classes ;
: filter-not-integers ( partition -- partition' )
[ primitives>> ] [ not-primitives>> ] [ or>> ] tri
3append and-class boa
'[ [ class>> _ class-member? ] filter ] change-not-integers ;
: answer-ors ( partition -- partition' )
dup [ not-integers>> ] [ not-primitives>> ] [ primitives>> ] tri 3append
'[ [ _ [ t substitute ] each ] map ] change-or ;
: contradiction? ( partition -- ? )
[ [ primitives>> ] [ not-primitives>> ] bi intersects? ]
[ other>> f swap member? ]
} 1|| ;
: make-and-class ( partition -- and-class )
answer-ors repartition
[ t swap remove ] change-other
dup contradiction?
[ drop f ]
[ filter-not-integers class-partition>seq prune t and-class seq>instance ] if ;
: <and-class> ( seq -- class )
[ combine-and ] t and-class combine ;
dup and-class flatten partition-classes
dup integers>> length {
{ 0 [ nip make-and-class ] }
{ 1 [ integers>> first [ '[ _ swap class-member? ] all? ] keep and ] }
[ 3drop f ]
} case ;
M: and-class class-member?
seq>> [ class-member? ] with all? ;
: filter-integers ( partition -- partition' )
[ primitives>> ] [ not-primitives>> ] [ and>> ] tri
3append or-class boa
'[ [ _ class-member? not ] filter ] change-integers ;
: answer-ands ( partition -- partition' )
dup [ integers>> ] [ not-primitives>> ] [ primitives>> ] tri 3append
'[ [ _ [ f substitute ] each ] map ] change-and ;
: tautology? ( partition -- ? )
[ [ primitives>> ] [ not-primitives>> ] bi intersects? ]
[ other>> t swap member? ]
} 1|| ;
: make-or-class ( partition -- and-class )
answer-ands repartition
[ f swap remove ] change-other
dup tautology?
[ drop t ]
[ filter-integers class-partition>seq prune f or-class seq>instance ] if ;
: <or-class> ( seq -- class )
[ combine-or ] f or-class combine ;
M: or-class class-member?
seq>> [ class-member? ] with any? ;
dup or-class flatten partition-classes
dup not-integers>> length {
{ 0 [ nip make-or-class ] }
{ 1 [ not-integers>> first [ class>> '[ _ swap class-member? ] any? ] keep or ] }
[ 3drop t ]
} case ;
GENERIC: <not-class> ( class -- inverse )
@ -219,9 +238,6 @@ M: or-class <not-class>
M: t <not-class> drop f ;
M: f <not-class> drop t ;
M: not-class class-member?
class>> class-member? not ;
M: primitive-class class-member?
class>> class-member? ;
@ -247,8 +263,12 @@ M: or-class answer
M: not-class answer
[ class>> ] 2dip answer <not-class> ;
GENERIC# substitute 1 ( class from to -- new-class )
M: object substitute answer ;
M: not-class substitute [ <not-class> ] bi@ answer ;
: assoc-answer ( table question answer -- new-table )
'[ _ _ answer ] assoc-map
'[ _ _ substitute ] assoc-map
[ nip ] assoc-filter ;
: assoc-answers ( table questions answer -- new-table )
@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ IN: regexp.combinators.tests
[ t t t ] [ "foo" "bar" "baz" [ strings matches? ] tri@ ] unit-test
[ f f f ] [ "food" "ibar" "ba" [ strings matches? ] tri@ ] unit-test
USE: multiline
! Why is conjuction broken?
: conj ( -- regexp )
{ R' .*a' R' b.*' } <and> ;
@ -22,7 +19,6 @@ USE: multiline
[ f ] [ "bljhasflsda" conj <not> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "bsdfdfs" conj <not> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "fsfa" conj <not> matches? ] unit-test
[ f f ] [ "" "hi" [ <nothing> matches? ] bi@ ] unit-test
[ t t ] [ "" "hi" [ <nothing> <not> matches? ] bi@ ] unit-test
@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ IN: regexp.minimize.tests
[ [ ] [ ] while-changes ] must-infer
[ H{ { T{ or-class f { 1 2 } } 3 } { 4 5 } } ]
[ H{ { T{ or-class f { 2 1 } } 3 } { 4 5 } } ]
[ H{ { 1 3 } { 2 3 } { 4 5 } } combine-state-transitions ] unit-test
Reference in New Issue