Merge branch 'master' of git://

erikc 2010-01-26 00:25:36 -08:00
commit d0c576d3f5
15 changed files with 486 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien byte-arrays help.markup help.syntax kernel math
memory ;
IN: audio
HELP: <audio>
{ $values
{ "channels" integer } { "sample-bits" integer } { "sample-rate" integer } { "size" integer } { "data" c-ptr }
{ "audio" integer }
{ $description "Constructs an " { $link audio } " object with the given parameters." } ;
HELP: audio
{ $class-description "Objects of this class contain uncompressed PCM audio data. The " { $snippet "data" } " slot contains an " { $link alien } " pointer or " { $link byte-array } " with the binary PCM data, and the " { $link size } " slot indicates the length in bytes of the data. The " { $snippet "channels" } ", " { $snippet "sample-bits" } " and " { $snippet "sample-rate" } " slots indicate the number of channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo), bits per sample, and sample rate of the data." } ;
HELP: format-unsupported-by-openal
{ $values
{ "audio" audio }
{ $description "Errors of this class are thrown when " { $link openal-format } " is called on an " { $link audio } " object for which there is no OpenAL-supported format." } ;
HELP: openal-format
{ $values
{ "audio" audio }
{ "format" "an ALenum value" }
{ $description "Returns the OpenAL format value that corresponds to the format of the " { $snippet "audio" } " object. If the object's format doesn't match an OpenAL-supported format, a " { $link format-unsupported-by-openal } " error is thrown." } ;
ARTICLE: "audio" "Audio framework"
"The " { $vocab-link "audio" } " vocabulary and its child vocabularies provide a framework for reading audio data from disk and playing back audio using prerendered, streaming, or generated audio sources. By itself, the " { $snippet "audio" } " vocabulary provides a container class for prerendered PCM audio data:"
{ $subsections
"The following child vocabularies provide additional audio features:"
{ $list
{ { $vocab-link "audio.engine" } " provides a high-level OpenAL-based engine for playing audio clips." }
{ { $vocab-link "audio.loader" } " reads PCM data from files on disk into " { $link audio } " objects. " { $vocab-link "audio.wav" } " and " { $vocab-link "audio.aiff" } " support specific audio file formats." }
{ { $vocab-link "audio.vorbis" } " implements an " { $snippet "audio.engine" } " compatible generator object for decoding Ogg Vorbis audio data from a stream." }
} ;
ABOUT: "audio"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien arrays combinators kernel math openal ;
IN: audio

extra/audio/authors.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff

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@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien audio byte-arrays destructors help.markup
help.syntax kernel math strings ;
IN: audio.engine
HELP: <audio-engine>
{ $values
{ "device-name" { $maybe string } } { "voice-count" integer }
{ "engine" audio-engine }
{ $description "Constructs an " { $link audio-engine } " instance capable of playing " { $snippet "voice-count" } " simultaneous clips. The OpenAL device named " { $snippet "device-name" } " will be used, or the default device if " { $snippet "device-name" } " is " { $link f } ". An error will be thrown if the engine cannot be initialized. The engine is returned in the stopped state; to start audio processing, use " { $link start-audio } " or " { $link start-audio* } "." } ;
HELP: <audio-orientation>
{ $values
{ "forward" "a sequence of 3 floats" } { "up" "a sequence of 3 floats" }
{ "audio-orientation" audio-orientation }
{ $description "Constructs an " { $link audio-orientation } " tuple." } ;
HELP: <standard-audio-engine>
{ $values
{ "engine" audio-engine }
{ $description "Constructs an " { $link audio-engine } " instance by calling " { $link <audio-engine> } " with the default values of " { $link f } " for the " { $snippet "device-name" } " and 16 for the " { $snippet "voice-count" } ". The engine is returned in the stopped state; to start audio processing, use " { $link start-audio } " or " { $link start-audio* } "." } ;
HELP: <static-audio-clip>
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine } { "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } } { "audio" audio } { "loop?" boolean }
{ "audio-clip/f" { $maybe audio-clip } }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link static-audio-clip } " tied to " { $snippet "source" } " and playing audio generated by " { $snippet "generator" } ". The clip won't be played until " { $link play-clip } " or " { $link play-clips } " is called on it. If " { $snippet "loop?" } " is true, the clip will repeat indefinitely when played until stopped with " { $link stop-clip } ". Otherwise, the clip will automatically be " { $link dispose } "d by the " { $link audio-engine } " after it finishes playing. If the engine has no available voices, no clip will be constructed, and " { $link f } " will be returned." } ;
HELP: <streaming-audio-clip>
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine } { "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } } { "generator" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-generators" } } { "buffer-count" integer }
{ "audio-clip/f" { $maybe audio-clip } }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link streaming-audio-clip } " tied to " { $snippet "source" } " and playing audio generated by " { $snippet "generator" } ". " { $snippet "buffer-count" } " buffers will be allocated for the clip. The clip won't be played until " { $link play-clip } " or " { $link play-clips } " is called on it. The clip will automatically be " { $link dispose } "d by the " { $link audio-engine } " when the generator stops supplying data and all the buffered data has played. The clip will in turn dispose its generator when it is disposed. If the engine has no available voices, no clip will be constructed, the generator will be disposed, and " { $link f } " will be returned." } ;
HELP: audio-clip
{ $class-description "Opaque type of clips being played by an " { $link audio-engine } ". There are two subclasses provided:"
{ $list
{ { $link static-audio-clip } ", constructed by " { $link <static-audio-clip> } " or " { $link play-static-audio-clip } }
{ { $link streaming-audio-clip } ", constructed by " { $link <streaming-audio-clip> } " or " { $link play-streaming-audio-clip } }
"Clip objects are transient. They get " { $link dispose } "d and invalidated by the controlling " { $link audio-engine } " when their playback finishes or is stopped. The " { $link play-clip } ", " { $link pause-clip } ", and " { $link stop-clip } " words control playback of individual clips. " { $link play-clips } ", " { $link pause-clips } ", and " { $link stop-clips } " synchronize the playing, pausing, or stopping of multiple clips." } ;
HELP: audio-context-not-available
{ $values
{ "device-name" { $maybe string } }
{ $description "Errors of this type are thrown by " { $link <audio-engine> } " when an OpenAL context cannot be created for the device named " { $snippet "device-name" } "." } ;
HELP: audio-device-not-found
{ $values
{ "device-name" { $maybe string } }
{ $description "Errors of this type are thrown by " { $link <audio-engine> } " when it is unable to open the OpenAL device named " { $snippet "device-name" } "." } ;
HELP: audio-distance
{ $values
{ "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } }
{ "distance" float }
{ $description "Returns the reference distance (that is, the distance from the listener below which the clip plays at full volume) for a playing audio clip. Larger reference distances make the clip play louder at further distances from the listener." } ;
HELP: audio-engine
{ $class-description "Objects of this class encapsulate the state for an active audio engine. Audio processing on an engine can be started and stopped with " { $link start-audio } ", " { $link start-audio* } ", and " { $link stop-audio } ". While running, " { $link update-audio } " must be called on an engine regularly to update source and listener attributes and refill buffers for streaming clips."
"An engine object should be treated as opaque, except for the " { $snippet "listener" } " slot. This slot may be filled with any object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } " protocol, which will then be used to control the position, velocity, volume, and other attributes of the lisetener. By default, this slot contains an " { $link audio-listener } " tuple with all the slots set to their initial values." } ;
HELP: audio-gain
{ $values
{ "source/listener" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } " or " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } }
{ "gain" "a " { $link float } " between 0.0 and 1.0" }
{ $description "Returns the base gain for an individual audio clip, or for the listener. A clip source's gain will be attenuated by its distance from the listener. The listener's gain will be multiplied on top of each source's gain." } ;
HELP: audio-listener
{ $class-description "A tuple class that trivially implements the " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } " with accessors on its tuple slots."
{ $list
{ { $snippet "position" } " provides the " { $link audio-position } "." }
{ { $snippet "gain" } " provides the " { $link audio-gain } "." }
{ { $snippet "velocity" } " provides the " { $link audio-velocity } "." }
{ { $snippet "orientation" } " provides the " { $link audio-orientation } "." }
} } ;
HELP: audio-orientation
{ $values
{ "listener" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } }
{ "orientation" audio-orientation }
{ $description "Returns the orientation of the listener. The orientation must be returned in an " { $snippet "audio-orientation" } " tuple with the following slots:"
{ $list
{ { $snippet "forward" } " is a 3-component vector indicating the direction the listener is facing." }
{ { $snippet "up" } " is a 3-component vector indicating the \"up\" direction for the listener. This vector does not need to be normal to the " { $snippet "forward" } " vector." }
} "The vectors do not need to be normalized." } ;
HELP: audio-position
{ $values
{ "source/listener" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } " or " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } }
{ "position" "a 3-component float vector" }
{ $description "Returns the position of an audio clip or of the listener. These positions determine the distance between clips and the listener, which in turn control the attenuation of the clips." } ;
HELP: audio-relative?
{ $values
{ "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } }
{ "relative?" boolean }
{ $description "If true, the " { $link audio-position } " and " { $link audio-velocity } " of the clip will be taken as being relative to the listener instead of in world space." } ;
HELP: audio-rolloff
{ $values
{ "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } }
{ "rolloff" float }
{ $description "Returns the rolloff factor for an audio clip. Rolloff factors greater than one will result in greater distance-based attenuation, and factors less than one will result in lesser attenuation." } ;
HELP: audio-source
{ $class-description "A tuple class that trivially implements the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } " with accessors on its tuple slots."
{ $list
{ { $snippet "position" } " provides the " { $link audio-position } "." }
{ { $snippet "gain" } " provides the " { $link audio-gain } "." }
{ { $snippet "velocity" } " provides the " { $link audio-velocity } "." }
{ { $snippet "relative?" } " provides the " { $link audio-relative? } " value." }
{ { $snippet "distance" } " provides the " { $link audio-distance } "." }
{ { $snippet "rolloff" } " provides the " { $link audio-rolloff } "." }
} } ;
HELP: audio-velocity
{ $values
{ "source/listener" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } " or " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } }
{ "velocity" "a 3-component float vector" }
{ $description "Returns the velocity of an audio clip or of the listener. The relative velocity of each source to the listener is used to calculate a Doppler effect on its associated clips." } ;
HELP: generate-audio
{ $values
{ "generator" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-generators" } }
{ "c-ptr" { $maybe c-ptr } } { "size" { $maybe integer } }
{ $description "Tells " { $snippet "generator" } " to generate another block of PCM data. " { $snippet "c-ptr" } " can be a " { $link byte-array } " or " { $link alien } " pointer. " { $snippet "size" } " indicates the size in bytes of the returned buffer. The generator is allowed to reuse the buffer; the engine will copy the data to its own internal buffer before its next call to " { $snippet "generate-audio" } ". The method can provide " { $link f } " for both outputs or a " { $snippet "size" } " of 0 to indicate that its stream is exhausted." } ;
HELP: generator-audio-format
{ $values
{ "generator" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-generators" } }
{ "channels" integer } { "sample-bits" integer } { "sample-rate" integer }
{ $description "Returns the number of channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo), number of bits per sample, and sample rate in hertz of the PCM data generated by " { $snippet "generator" } "." } ;
HELP: pause-clip
{ $values
{ "audio-clip" audio-clip }
{ $description "Pauses the " { $link audio-clip } "." }
{ $notes "Use " { $link pause-clips } " to synchronize the pausing of multiple clips." } ;
HELP: pause-clips
{ $values
{ "audio-clips" "a sequence of " { $link audio-clip } "s" }
{ $description "Pauses all of the " { $link audio-clip } "s at the exact same time." } ;
HELP: play-clip
{ $values
{ "audio-clip" audio-clip }
{ $description "Starts or resumes playing the " { $link audio-clip } "." }
{ $notes "Use " { $link play-clips } " to synchronize the playing of multiple clips." } ;
HELP: play-clips
{ $values
{ "audio-clips" "a sequence of " { $link audio-clip } "s" }
{ $description "Plays all of the " { $link audio-clip } "s at the exact same time." } ;
HELP: play-static-audio-clip
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine } { "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } } { "audio" audio } { "loop?" boolean }
{ "audio-clip/f" { $maybe audio-clip } }
{ $description "Constructs and immediately starts playing a " { $link static-audio-clip } " tied to " { $snippet "source" } " and playing audio generated by " { $snippet "generator" } ". If " { $snippet "loop?" } " is true, the clip will repeat indefinitely until stopped with " { $link stop-clip } ". Otherwise, the clip will automatically be " { $link dispose } "d by the " { $link audio-engine } " when it finishes playing. If the engine has no available voices, no clip will be constructed, and " { $link f } " will be returned." }
{ $notes "Use " { $link play-clips } " with " { $link <static-audio-clip> } " and " { $link <streaming-audio-clip> } " to synchronize the playing of multiple clips." } ;
HELP: play-streaming-audio-clip
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine } { "source" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } } { "generator" "an object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-generators" } } { "buffer-count" integer }
{ "audio-clip/f" { $maybe audio-clip } }
{ $description "Constructs and immediately starts playing a " { $link streaming-audio-clip } " tied to " { $snippet "source" } " and playing audio generated by " { $snippet "generator" } ". " { $snippet "buffer-count" } " buffers will be allocated for the clip. The clip will automatically be " { $link dispose } "d by the " { $link audio-engine } " when the generator stops supplying data and all the buffered data has played. The clip will in turn dispose its generator when it is disposed. If the engine has no available voices, no clip will be constructed, the generator will be disposed, and " { $link f } " will be returned." }
{ $notes "Use " { $link play-clips } " with " { $link <static-audio-clip> } " and " { $link <streaming-audio-clip> } " to synchronize the playing of multiple clips." } ;
HELP: start-audio
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine }
{ $description "Starts processing of the " { $link audio-engine } ", and starts a thread that will call " { $link update-audio } " 50 times per second. If you will be integrating your own timer mechanism, " { $link start-audio* } " will start processing without providing the update thread." } ;
HELP: start-audio*
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine }
{ $description "Starts processing of the " { $link audio-engine } ". Unlike " { $link start-audio } ", this does not start a thread to call " { $link update-audio } " for you. This is useful if you will be integrating your own timer mechanism (such as a " { $vocab-link "game.loop" } ") to keep the audio engine updated." } ;
HELP: static-audio-clip
{ $class-description "An " { $link audio-clip } " that plays back static, prerendered, fixed-size PCM data from an " { $link audio } " object. Use " { $link <static-audio-clip> } " or " { $link play-static-audio-clip } " to construct static audio clips." } ;
HELP: stop-audio
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine }
{ $description "Stops processing of the " { $link audio-engine } " and invalidates any currently playing " { $link audio-clip } "s. The engine can be restarted using " { $link start-audio } " or " { $link start-audio* } "; however, any clips that were playing will remain invalidated." } ;
HELP: stop-clip
{ $values
{ "audio-clip" audio-clip }
{ $description "Stops and disposes an audio clip." }
{ $notes "Use " { $link pause-clip } " if playback will need to be continued. Use " { $link stop-clips } " to synchronize the stopping of multiple clips." } ;
HELP: stop-clips
{ $values
{ "audio-clips" "a sequence of " { $link audio-clip } "s" }
{ $description "Stops all of the " { $link audio-clip } "s at the exact same time. All of the clips will be " { $link dispose } "d and rendered invalid." }
{ $notes "Use " { $link pause-clips } " if playback will need to be continued." } ;
HELP: streaming-audio-clip
{ $class-description "An " { $link audio-clip } " that plays back PCM data streamed by a generator object implementing the " { $link "audio.engine-generators" } ". Use " { $link <streaming-audio-clip> } " or " { $link play-streaming-audio-clip } " to construct streaming audio clips." } ;
HELP: update-audio
{ $values
{ "audio-engine" audio-engine }
{ $description "Updates the " { $link audio-engine } " state, refilling processed audio buffers for playing " { $link streaming-audio-clip } "s as well as updating the listener and source attributes of every audio clip. " { $link start-audio } " will start up a timer that will call " { $snippet "update-audio" } " regularly for you. If you start the audio engine using " { $link start-audio* } ", you will need to arrange for " { $snippet "update-audio" } " to be regularly invoked yourself." } ;
ARTICLE: "audio.engine-generators" "Audio generator protocol"
{ $link streaming-audio-clip } "s require a " { $snippet "generator" } " object to supply PCM data to the audio engine as it is needed. To function as a generator, an object must provide methods for the following generic words:"
{ $subsections
"A generator object must also be " { $link disposable } "." ;
ARTICLE: "audio.engine-listener" "Audio listener protocol"
"The " { $link audio-engine } " has a " { $snippet "listener" } " slot. The engine uses the object in this slot to determine the position, velocity, volume, and other attributes of the frame of reference for audio playback. These attributes are dynamic; every time " { $link update-audio } " runs, the listener attributes are queried and updated. The listener object must provide methods for the following generic words:"
{ $subsections
"Some of these methods are shared with the " { $link "audio.engine-sources" } "."
"For simple applications, a tuple class is provided with a trivial implementation of these methods:"
{ $subsections
} ;
ARTICLE: "audio.engine-sources" "Audio source protocol"
"Every audio clip has an associated " { $snippet "source" } " object. The " { $link audio-engine } " uses this object to determine the position, velocity, volume, and other attributes of the clip. These attributes are dynamic; every time " { $link update-audio } " runs, these attributes are queried and updated for every currently playing clip. The source object must provide methods for the following generic words:"
{ $subsections
"Some of these methods are shared with the " { $link "audio.engine-listener" } "."
"For simple applications, a tuple class is provided with a trivial implementation of these methods:"
{ $subsections
} ;
ARTICLE: "audio.engine" "Audio playback engine"
"The " { $vocab-link "audio.engine" } " manages playback of prerendered and streaming audio clips. It uses OpenAL as the underlying interface to audio hardware. As clips play, their 3D location, volume, and other attributes can be updated on the fly."
"An " { $link audio-engine } " object manages the connection to the OpenAL implementation and any playing clips:"
{ $subsections
"The audio engine can be started and stopped. While it is running, it must be regularly updated to keep audio buffers full and clip attributes up to date."
{ $subsections
"Audio clips are represented by " { $link audio-clip } " objects while they are playing. Words are provided to control the playback of clips:"
{ $subsections
"Two types of audio clip objects can be played by the engine. A " { $link static-audio-clip } " plays back a static, prerendered, fixed-size block of PCM data from an " { $link audio } " object."
{ $subsections
"A " { $link streaming-audio-clip } " generates PCM data on the fly from a generator object."
{ $subsections
"Every audio clip has an associated " { $snippet "source" } " object that determines the clip's 3D position, velocity, volume, and other attributes. The engine itself has a " { $snippet "listener" } " that describes the position, orientation, velocity, and volume that make up the frame of reference for audio playback."
{ $subsections
} ;
ABOUT: "audio.engine"

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ M: audio-source audio-position position>> ; inline
M: audio-source audio-gain gain>> ; inline
M: audio-source audio-velocity velocity>> ; inline
M: audio-source audio-relative? relative?>> ; inline
M: audio-source audio-distance distance>> ; inline
M: audio-source audio-rolloff rolloff>> ; inline
M: audio-listener audio-position position>> ; inline
M: audio-listener audio-gain gain>> ; inline
@ -82,7 +84,8 @@ TUPLE: streaming-audio-clip < audio-clip
{ channels integer }
{ sample-bits integer }
{ sample-rate integer }
{ al-buffers uint-array } ;
{ al-buffers uint-array }
{ done? boolean } ;
ERROR: audio-device-not-found device-name ;
ERROR: audio-context-not-available device-name ;
@ -148,14 +151,18 @@ ERROR: audio-context-not-available device-name ;
al-source ;
:: queue-clip-buffer ( audio-clip al-buffer -- )
audio-clip al-source>> :> al-source
audio-clip generator>> :> generator
generator generate-audio :> ( data size )
audio-clip done?>> [
audio-clip al-source>> :> al-source
audio-clip generator>> :> generator
generator generate-audio :> ( data size )
data [
al-buffer audio-clip openal-format data size audio-clip sample-rate>> alBufferData
al-source 1 al-buffer c:<uint> alSourceQueueBuffers
] when ;
size { [ not ] [ zero? ] } 1|| [
audio-clip t >>done? drop
] [
al-buffer audio-clip openal-format data size audio-clip sample-rate>> alBufferData
al-source 1 al-buffer c:<uint> alSourceQueueBuffers
] if
] unless ;
: update-listener ( audio-engine -- )
listener>> {
@ -317,13 +324,13 @@ M: streaming-audio-clip dispose*
: pause-clip ( audio-clip -- )
al-source>> alSourcePause ;
: pause-clips ( audio-clip -- )
: pause-clips ( audio-clips -- )
clip-al-sources alSourcePausev ;
: stop-clip ( audio-clip -- )
dispose ;
: stop-clips ( audio-clip -- )
: stop-clips ( audio-clips -- )
[ clip-al-sources alSourceStopv ]
[ [ dispose ] each ] bi ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Audio playback engine

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: audio help.markup help.syntax kernel quotations strings ;
IN: audio.loader
HELP: read-audio
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "audio" audio }
{ $description "Reads the audio data from the file on disk named " { $snippet "path" } ", saving the data in an " { $link audio } " object. If the file's extension is not recognized, an " { $link unknown-audio-extension } " error is thrown." } ;
HELP: register-audio-extension
{ $values
{ "extension" string } { "quot" quotation }
{ $description "Registers a quotation for " { $link read-audio } " to use when reading audio files with filenames ending in " { $snippet ".extension" } ". The quotation should have the effect " { $snippet "( path -- audio )" } ", where " { $snippet "path" } " is the file's pathname and " { $snippet "audio" } " is the resulting " { $link audio } " object." } ;
HELP: unknown-audio-extension
{ $values
{ "extension" string }
{ $description "Errors of this class are thrown by " { $link read-audio } " when it cannot recognize the extension of the file it is given to open." } ;
ARTICLE: "audio.loader" "Audio file loader"
"The " { $vocab-link "audio.loader" } " vocabulary provides words for reading uncompressed PCM data from files on disk."
{ $subsections
"Other vocabularies can extend " { $link read-audio } " by adding support for other audio file formats."
{ $subsections
"By default, " { $snippet "audio.loader" } " supports WAV (with the file extension " { $snippet ".wav" } ") and AIFF (with extension " { $snippet ".aif" } " or " { $snippet ".aiff" } ")." ;
ABOUT: "audio.loader"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Read PCM audio data from uncompressed audio files

extra/audio/summary.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Framework for reading and playing back audio

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Chris Double
Joe Groff

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Ogg Vorbis audio streaming for audio.engine

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: audio.engine destructors help.markup help.syntax
io.files kernel math strings ;
IN: audio.vorbis
HELP: <vorbis-stream>
{ $values
{ "stream" "a binary input stream" } { "buffer-size" integer }
{ "vorbis-stream" vorbis-stream }
{ $description "Constructs " { $link vorbis-stream } " over the contents of " { $snippet "stream" } ". When used as an audio generator, the Vorbis stream will supply data to the audio engine in " { $snippet "buffer-size" } " byte blocks. If the Vorbis stream is created successfully, it will take ownership of " { $snippet "stream" } ", disposing it when " { $link dispose } " is called on the " { $snippet "vorbis-stream" } "." } ;
HELP: no-vorbis-in-ogg
{ $description { $link <vorbis-stream> } " throws this error when the Ogg stream it reads contains no Vorbis channel." } ;
HELP: ogg-error
{ $values
{ "code" integer }
{ $description { $link <vorbis-stream> } " throws this error when the Ogg library raises an error while trying to parse the stream." } ;
HELP: read-vorbis-stream
{ $values
{ "filename" string } { "buffer-size" integer }
{ "vorbis-stream" vorbis-stream }
{ $description "Opens a binary " { $link <file-reader> } " for the file named " { $snippet "filename" } ", and construct a " { $link vorbis-stream } " over the file contents using " { $link <vorbis-stream> } "." } ;
{ read-vorbis-stream <vorbis-stream> } related-words
HELP: vorbis-error
{ $values
{ "code" integer }
{ $description { $link <vorbis-stream> } " throws this error when the Vorbis library raises an error while trying to parse the stream." } ;
HELP: vorbis-stream
{ $class-description "Objects of this class maintain the stream and decoder state for the Ogg Vorbis decoder. " { $snippet "vorbis-stream" } " implements the " { $link "audio.engine-generators" } ", so it can be used as the generator for a " { $link streaming-audio-clip } ". Use " { $link <vorbis-stream> } " or " { $link read-vorbis-stream } " to construct a Vorbis stream." } ;
ARTICLE: "audio.vorbis" "Ogg Vorbis audio streaming"
"The " { $vocab-link "audio.vorbis" } " vocabulary provides Ogg Vorbis decoding and streaming for " { $vocab-link "audio.engine" } "."
{ $subsections
} ;
ABOUT: "audio.vorbis"

View File

@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ ERROR: no-vorbis-in-ogg ;
[ sync-state>> ] [ page>> ] bi ogg_sync_pageout 0 > ; inline
: (sync-pages) ( vorbis-stream ? -- ? )
over retrieve-page [ [ drop queue-page ] [ drop t (sync-pages) ] 2bi ] [ nip ] if ;
over retrieve-page
[ drop [ queue-page ] [ t (sync-pages) ] bi ] [
over buffer-data-from-stream
[ (sync-pages) ] [ nip ] if
] if ;
: sync-pages ( vorbis-stream -- ? )
f (sync-pages) ; inline
@ -199,8 +203,7 @@ ERROR: no-vorbis-in-ogg ;
[ 2dup = ]
[ drop buffer-data-from-stream drop ]
[ over sync-pages [ decode-audio ] [ nip ] if ] 2bi
over sync-pages [ decode-audio ] [ nip ] if
[ nip decode-audio ]
@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ PRIVATE>
] with-destructors ;
: read-vorbis-stream ( filename buffer-size -- vorbis-stream )
[ binary <file-reader> ] dip <vorbis-stream> ; inline
[ [ binary <file-reader> |dispose ] dip <vorbis-stream> ] with-destructors ; inline
M: vorbis-stream dispose*
@ -243,6 +246,7 @@ M: vorbis-stream dispose*
[ page>> [ free ] when* ]
[ sync-state>> [ free ] when* ]
[ packet>> [ free ] when* ]
[ stream>> [ dispose ] when* ]
} cleave ;
M: vorbis-stream generator-audio-format