Merge branch 'images.viewer' of git://
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Jon Harper.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel strings io.pathnames images
models opengl.textures classes ui.gadgets ;
IN: images.viewer
HELP: <image-gadget>
{ $values
{ "object" { $or pathname string image } }
{ "gadget" image-gadget }
{ $description "Creates " { $instance image-gadget } " with the given image. See " { $link set-image } "." } ;
HELP: <image-control>
{ $values
{ "model" model }
{ "gadget" image-control }
{ $description "Creates " { $instance image-control } " with the given image. See " { $link set-image } "." } ;
HELP: new-image-gadget
{ $values
{ "class" class }
{ "gadget" image-gadget }
{ $description "Use this if the image is not available when you want to construct the gadget. Don't forget to call "
{ $link set-image } " before grafting this gadget. You can also use this constructor if you want to extend image-gadget or image-control."
} ;
HELP: new-image-gadget*
{ $values
{ "object" { $or pathname string image } } { "class" class }
{ "gadget" image-gadget }
{ $description "Use this constructor when you want to extend image-gadget or image-control." } ;
HELP: set-image
{ $values
{ "gadget" image-gadget } { "object" { $or pathname string image } }
{ $description "Sets the image of this gadget. This word loads the image from disk if the input is a string or a pathname."
"If the input is a model, gadget has to be " { $instance image-control } "." } ;
HELP: image-control
{ $var-description "This gadget is like " { $instance image-gadget } ", but it's image must be in " { $instance model } ". It's used to display changing images." } ;
HELP: image-gadget
{ $var-description "This gadget can render " { $instance image } "." } ;
HELP: image-window
{ $values
{ "object" { $or pathname string image } }
{ $description "Opens a new window displaying the image." } ;
HELP: image.
{ $values
{ "object" { $or pathname string image } }
{ $description "Displays the image in the listener." } ;
HELP: start-control
{ $values
{ "gadget" gadget }
{ $description "Adds a connection between the gadget and it's model." } ;
HELP: stop-control
{ $values
{ "gadget" gadget }
{ $description "Removes the connection between the gadget and it's model" } ;
ARTICLE: "images.viewer" "Displaying Images"
"The " { $vocab-link "images.viewer" } " vocabulary uses the " { $vocab-link "opengl.textures" }
" vocabulary to display any instance of " { $link image } "."$nl
"An " { $link image-gadget } " can be used for static images and " { $instance image-control }
" for changing images (for example a video feed). For changing images, the image should be containted in " { $instance model }
". Change the model value with " { $link set-model } " or mutate the image and call "
{ $link notify-connections } " when you want to update the image. To stop refreshing the image, call " { $link stop-control } "."
" To start refreshing again, call " { $link start-control } "."
"If the " { $link image } " or " { $link model } " containing the image "
"is available when the object is created, use the following words to create the gadget:"
{ $subsections <image-gadget> <image-control> }
"The " { $link image } " or " { $link model }
" can also be given after the construction of the object. In this case, use "
{ $link new-image-gadget } " and " { $link set-image } "."
" The gadget will automatically detect if the image changes size or format and reallocate a new texture if needed."
" This means images can be set even after the gadget has been grafted. Grafted gadgets without an image will display a blank screen."
{ $notes "The image can be set after the gadget has been grafted. However, for " { $instance image-gadget } ", this can "
" be done only once. If your image is changing, you should be using " { $instance image-control } " and " { $instance model } "."
" Performance will be greatly reduced if you are using images that have more than 512 pixels on one of their"
" axis." }
"Utility words for displaying images :"
{ $subsections
image. image-window }
ABOUT: "images.viewer"
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Jon Harper.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test images.viewer images.viewer.private kernel accessors sequences images
namespaces ui ui.gadgets.debug math opengl.textures opengl.textures.private
models ;
IN: images.viewer.tests
: (gen-image) ( dim -- bitmap )
product 3 * [ 200 ] BV{ } replicate-as ;
: gen-image ( dim -- image )
dup (gen-image) <image> swap >>bitmap swap >>dim
RGB >>component-order ubyte-components >>component-type ;
[ ] [ { 50 50 } gen-image "s" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "s" get <image-gadget> "ig" set ] unit-test
"ig" get [
[ t ] [ "ig" get image-gadget-texture single-texture? ] unit-test
] with-grafted-gadget
[ ] [ "s" get <model> "m" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ { 150 150 } gen-image "s1" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "m" get <image-control> "ic" set ] unit-test
"ic" get [
[ t ] [ "ic" get image-gadget-texture single-texture? ] unit-test
[ { 50 50 } ] [ "ic" get texture>> texture-size ] unit-test
] with-grafted-gadget
! test that when changing the model, the gadget updates the texture.
! - same size images (both smaller than 512x512) (updates)
! test that when changing the model, the gadget creates a new texture.
! test different cases :
! - same size images (both bigger than 512x512) (creates)
! - different size images (both smaller than 512x512) (creates)
! - different size images (both bigger than 512x512) (creates)
! - different size images (1 smaller than, 1 bigger than 512x512)
@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors images images.loader io.pathnames kernel
models namespaces opengl opengl.textures sequences
models namespaces opengl opengl.textures opengl.textures.private
sequences math arrays
strings ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes ui.images ui.render
constructors ;
constructors locals combinators.short-circuit
literals destructors ui.gadgets.worlds continuations ;
IN: images.viewer
TUPLE: image-gadget < gadget image texture ;
M: image-gadget pref-dim* image>> [ dim>> ] [ { 640 480 } ] if* ;
M: image-gadget pref-dim* image>> dim>> ;
: (image-gadget-texture) ( gadget -- texture )
dup image>> { 0 0 } <texture> >>texture texture>> ;
: image-gadget-texture ( gadget -- texture )
dup texture>> [ ] [ dup image>> { 0 0 } <texture> >>texture texture>> ] ?if ;
dup texture>> [ ] [ (image-gadget-texture) ] ?if ;
M: image-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
dup image>> [
@ -20,27 +24,88 @@ M: image-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
] if ;
TUPLE: image-control < image-gadget ;
: delete-current-texture ( image-gadget -- )
[ texture>> [ dispose ] when* ]
[ f >>texture drop ] bi ;
CONSTRUCTOR: image-control ( model -- image-control ) ;
! In unit tests, find-gl-context throws no-world-found when using with-grafted-gadget.
M: image-gadget ungraft* [ dup find-gl-context delete-current-texture ] [ 2drop ] recover ;
TUPLE: image-control < image-gadget image-updated? ;
M: image-control pref-dim* image>> [ dim>> ] [ { 640 480 } ] if* ;
: (bind-2d-texture) ( texture-id -- )
[ GL_TEXTURE_2D ] dip glBindTexture ;
: bind-2d-texture ( single-texture -- )
texture>> (bind-2d-texture) ;
: (update-texture) ( image single-texture -- )
bind-2d-texture tex-sub-image ;
! works only for single-texture
: update-texture ( image-gadget -- )
[ image>> ] [ texture>> ] bi
(update-texture) ;
GENERIC: texture-size ( texture -- dim )
M: single-texture texture-size dim>> ;
:: grid-width ( grid element-quot -- width )
grid [ 0 ] [
first element-quot [ + ] map-reduce
] if-empty ; inline
: grid-dim ( grid -- dim )
[ [ dim>> first ] grid-width ] [ flip [ dim>> second ] grid-width ] bi 2array ;
M: multi-texture texture-size
grid>> grid-dim ;
: same-size? ( image-gadget -- ? )
[ texture>> texture-size ] [ image>> dim>> ] bi = ;
: (texture-format) ( texture-id -- format )
(bind-2d-texture) GL_TEXTURE_2D 0
! works only for single-texture
: texture-format ( image-gadget -- format/f )
texture>> [
texture>> [
] [ f ] if*
] [ f ] if* ;
: same-internal-format? ( image-gadget -- ? )
[ texture-format ] [ image>> image-format 2drop ] bi = ;
! TODO: also keep multitextures if possible ?
: keep-same-texture? ( image-gadget -- ? )
{ [ texture>> single-texture? ]
[ same-size? ]
[ same-internal-format? ] } 1&& ;
: ?update-texture ( image-gadget -- )
dup image-updated?>> [
f >>image-updated?
dup keep-same-texture? [ update-texture ] [ delete-current-texture ] if
] [ drop ] if ;
M: image-control model-changed
swap value>> >>image relayout ;
! Todo: delete texture on ungraft
GENERIC: <image-gadget> ( object -- gadget )
M: image <image-gadget>
\ image-gadget new
swap >>image ;
M: string <image-gadget> load-image <image-gadget> ;
M: pathname <image-gadget> string>> load-image <image-gadget> ;
swap value>> >>image t >>image-updated? relayout ;
M: image-control draw-gadget* [ ?update-texture ] [ call-next-method ] bi ;
GENERIC: set-image ( gadget object -- gadget )
M: image set-image >>image ;
M: string set-image load-image >>image ;
M: pathname set-image string>> load-image >>image ;
M: model set-image [ value>> >>image drop ] [ >>model ] 2bi ;
: new-image-gadget ( class -- gadget ) new ;
: new-image-gadget* ( object class -- gadget )
new-image-gadget swap set-image ;
: <image-gadget> ( object -- gadget )
\ image-gadget new-image-gadget* ;
: <image-control> ( model -- gadget )
\ image-control new-image-gadget* ;
: image-window ( object -- ) <image-gadget> "Image" open-window ;
! move these words to ui.gadgets because they affect all controls ?
: stop-control ( gadget -- ) dup model>> [ remove-connection ] [ drop ] if* ;
: start-control ( gadget -- ) dup model>> [ add-connection ] [ drop ] if* ;
: image. ( object -- ) <image-gadget> gadget. ;
M: image-control graft* start-control ;
M: image-control ungraft* [ stop-control ] [ call-next-method ] bi ;
Reference in New Issue