Merge branch 'master' of git:// into clean-linux-x86-32

Maxim Savchenko 2009-04-22 11:55:33 -04:00
commit d860ef417e
306 changed files with 1493 additions and 1702 deletions

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@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ On Unix, Factor can either run a graphical user interface using X11, or
a terminal listener.
For X11 support, you need recent development libraries for libc,
Pango, X11, OpenGL and GLUT. On a Debian-derived Linux distribution
Pango, X11, and OpenGL. On a Debian-derived Linux distribution
(like Ubuntu), you can use the following line to grab everything:
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev libpango-1.0-dev libx11-dev glutg3-dev
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev libpango-1.0-dev libx11-dev
If your DISPLAY environment variable is set, the UI will start

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@ -15,5 +15,3 @@ tools.test threads concurrency.count-downs ;
[ resume ] curry instant later drop
] "test" suspend drop
] unit-test
\ alarm-thread-loop must-infer

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@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ IN: alien.c-types.tests
USING: alien alien.syntax alien.c-types kernel tools.test
sequences system libc alien.strings io.encodings.utf8 ;
\ expand-constants must-infer
CONSTANT: xyz 123
[ { "blah" 123 } ] [ { "blah" xyz } expand-constants ] unit-test

View File

@ -25,6 +25,3 @@ IN: base64.tests
[ { 33 52 17 40 12 51 33 43 18 33 23 } base64> ]
[ malformed-base64? ] must-fail-with
\ >base64 must-infer
\ base64> must-infer

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
IN: binary-search.tests
USING: binary-search math.order vectors kernel tools.test ;
\ sorted-member? must-infer
[ f ] [ 3 { } [ <=> ] with search drop ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ 3 { 3 } [ <=> ] with search drop ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 2 { 1 2 3 } [ <=> ] with search drop ] unit-test

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@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ nl
"." write flush
{ (compile) } compile-unoptimized
{ compile-word } compile-unoptimized
"." write flush

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@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ IN: bootstrap.image.tests
USING: bootstrap.image bootstrap.image.private tools.test
kernel math ;
\ ' must-infer
\ write-image must-infer
[ f ] [ { 1 2 3 } [ 1 2 3 ] eql? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ 1 2 3 ] [ 1 2 3 ] eql? ] unit-test

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@ -16,13 +16,6 @@ SYMBOL: bootstrap-time
vm file-name os windows? [ "." split1-last drop ] when
".image" append resource-path ;
: do-crossref ( -- )
"Cross-referencing..." print flush
H{ } clone crossref set-global
xref-sources ;
: load-components ( -- )
"include" "exclude"
[ get-global " " split harvest ] bi@
@ -68,8 +61,6 @@ SYMBOL: bootstrap-time
(command-line) parse-command-line
! Set dll paths
os wince? [ "windows.ce" require ] when
os winnt? [ "windows.nt" require ] when
@ -78,6 +69,8 @@ SYMBOL: bootstrap-time
"stage2: deployment mode" print
] [
"listener" require
"debugger" require
"tools.errors" require
"none" require
] if

View File

@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ USING: arrays calendar kernel math sequences tools.test
continuations system math.order threads ;
IN: calendar.tests
\ time+ must-infer
\ time* must-infer
\ time- must-infer
[ f ] [ 2004 12 32 0 0 0 instant <timestamp> valid-timestamp? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 2004 2 30 0 0 0 instant <timestamp> valid-timestamp? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 2003 2 29 0 0 0 instant <timestamp> valid-timestamp? ] unit-test

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: tools.test kernel ;
USING: tools.test kernel accessors ;
IN: calendar.format.macros
[ 2 ] [ { [ 2 ] } attempt-all-quots ] unit-test
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ IN: calendar.format.macros
: compiled-test-1 ( -- n )
{ [ 1 throw ] [ 2 ] } attempt-all-quots ;
\ compiled-test-1 must-infer
\ compiled-test-1 def>> must-infer
[ 2 ] [ compiled-test-1 ] unit-test

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test math kernel ;
USING: tools.test math kernel accessors ;
: test-bi ( -- 9 11 )
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ IN:
: nested-smart-combo-test ( -- array )
[ [ 1 2 ] output>array [ 3 4 ] output>array ] output>array ;
\ nested-smart-combo-test must-infer
\ nested-smart-combo-test def>> must-infer
[ { { 1 2 } { 3 4 } } ] [ nested-smart-combo-test ] unit-test

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@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ math.private compiler.tree.builder compiler.tree.optimizer
compiler.cfg.builder compiler.cfg.debugger arrays locals byte-arrays
kernel.private math ;
\ build-cfg must-infer
! Just ensure that various CFGs build correctly.
: unit-test-cfg ( quot -- ) '[ _ test-cfg drop ] [ ] swap unit-test ;

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ M: callable test-cfg
build-tree optimize-tree gensym build-cfg ;
M: word test-cfg
[ build-tree-from-word optimize-tree ] keep build-cfg ;
[ build-tree optimize-tree ] keep build-cfg ;
SYMBOL: allocate-registers?

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment tools.test ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment.tests
\ assign-registers must-infer

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: compiler.cfg.linearization.tests
USING: compiler.cfg.linearization tools.test ;
\ build-mr must-infer

View File

@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ $nl
{ $subsection compile-queue }
"Once compiled, a word is added to the assoc stored in the " { $link compiled } " variable. When compilation is complete, this assoc is passed to " { $link modify-code-heap } "."
"The " { $link (compile) } " word performs the actual task of compiling an individual word. The process proceeds as follows:"
"The " { $link compile-word } " word performs the actual task of compiling an individual word. The process proceeds as follows:"
{ $list
{ "The " { $link frontend } " word calls " { $link build-tree-from-word } ". If this fails, the error is passed to " { $link fail } ". The logic for ignoring compile warnings generated for inline words and macros is located here. If the error is not ignorable, it is added to the global " { $link compiler-errors } " assoc (see " { $link "compiler-errors" } ")." }
{ "The " { $link frontend } " word calls " { $link build-tree } ". If this fails, the error is passed to " { $link deoptimize } ". The logic for ignoring compile warnings generated for inline words and macros is located here. If the error is not ignorable, it is added to the global " { $link compiler-errors } " assoc (see " { $link "compiler-errors" } ")." }
{ "If the word contains a breakpoint, compilation ends here. Otherwise, all remaining steps execute until machine code is generated. Any further errors thrown by the compiler are not reported as compile errors, but instead are ordinary exceptions. This is because they indicate bugs in the compiler, not errors in user code." }
{ "The " { $link frontend } " word then calls " { $link optimize-tree } ". This produces the final optimized tree IR, and this stage of the compiler is complete." }
{ "The " { $link backend } " word calls " { $link build-cfg } " followed by " { $link optimize-cfg } " and a few other stages. Finally, it calls " { $link save-asm } ", and adds any uncompiled words called by this word to the compilation queue with " { $link maybe-compile } "." }
{ "The " { $link backend } " word calls " { $link build-cfg } " followed by " { $link optimize-cfg } " and a few other stages. Finally, it calls " { $link save-asm } ", and adds any uncompiled words called by this word to the compilation queue with " { $link compile-dependency } "." }
"If compilation fails, the word is stored in the " { $link compiled } " assoc with a value of " { $link f } ". This causes the VM to compile the word with the non-optimizing compiler."
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ HELP: decompile
{ $values { "word" word } }
{ $description "Removes a word's optimized definition. The word will be compiled with the non-optimizing compiler until recompiled with the optimizing compiler again." } ;
HELP: (compile)
HELP: compile-word
{ $values { "word" word } }
{ $description "Compile a single word." }
{ $notes "This is an internal word, and user code should call " { $link compile } " instead." } ;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ SYMBOL: compile-queue
SYMBOL: compiled
: queue-compile? ( word -- ? )
#! Don't attempt to compile certain words.
[ "forgotten" word-prop ]
[ compiled get key? ]
@ -25,26 +26,14 @@ SYMBOL: compiled
: queue-compile ( word -- )
dup queue-compile? [ compile-queue get push-front ] [ drop ] if ;
: maybe-compile ( word -- )
dup optimized>> [ drop ] [ queue-compile ] if ;
: recompile-callers? ( word -- ? )
changed-effects get key? ;
SYMBOLS: +optimized+ +unoptimized+ ;
: ripple-up ( words -- )
dup "compiled-status" word-prop +unoptimized+ eq?
[ usage [ word? ] filter ] [ compiled-usage keys ] if
[ queue-compile ] each ;
: ripple-up? ( status word -- ? )
[ nip changed-effects get key? ]
[ "compiled-status" word-prop eq? not ] 2bi or
] keep "compiled-status" word-prop and ;
: save-compiled-status ( word status -- )
[ over ripple-up? [ ripple-up ] [ drop ] if ]
[ "compiled-status" set-word-prop ]
2bi ;
: recompile-callers ( words -- )
#! If a word's stack effect changed, recompile all words that
#! have compiled calls to it.
dup recompile-callers?
[ compiled-usage keys [ queue-compile ] each ] [ drop ] if ;
: start ( word -- )
"trace-compilation" get [ dup name>> print flush ] when
@ -53,39 +42,72 @@ SYMBOLS: +optimized+ +unoptimized+ ;
f swap compiler-error ;
: ignore-error? ( word error -- ? )
#! Ignore warnings on inline combinators, macros, and special
#! words such as 'call'.
[ inline? ]
[ macro? ]
[ "transform-quot" word-prop ]
[ "no-compile" word-prop ]
[ inline? ]
[ "special" word-prop ]
[ "no-compile" word-prop ]
} 1||
] [ error-type +compiler-warning+ eq? ] bi* and ;
: (fail) ( word -- * )
: finish ( word -- )
#! Recompile callers if the word's stack effect changed, then
#! save the word's dependencies so that if they change, the
#! word can get recompiled too.
[ recompile-callers ]
[ compiled-unxref ]
[ f swap compiled get set-at ]
[ +unoptimized+ save-compiled-status ]
return ;
dup crossref? [
dependencies get
generic-dependencies get
] [ drop ] if
] tri ;
: fail ( word error -- * )
[ 2dup ignore-error? [ drop f ] when swap compiler-error ] [ drop (fail) ] 2bi ;
: deoptimize-with ( word def -- * )
#! If the word failed to infer, compile it with the
#! non-optimizing compiler.
swap [ finish ] [ compiled get set-at ] bi return ;
: not-compiled-def ( word error -- def )
'[ _ _ not-compiled ] [ ] like ;
: deoptimize ( word error -- * )
#! If the error is ignorable, compile the word with the
#! non-optimizing compiler, using its definition. Otherwise,
#! if the compiler error is not ignorable, use a dummy
#! definition from 'not-compiled-def' which throws an error.
2dup ignore-error?
[ drop f over def>> ]
[ 2dup not-compiled-def ] if
[ swap compiler-error ] [ deoptimize-with ] bi-curry* bi ;
: frontend ( word -- nodes )
dup contains-breakpoints? [ (fail) ] [
[ build-tree-from-word ] [ fail ] recover optimize-tree
#! If the word contains breakpoints, don't optimize it, since
#! the walker does not support this.
dup contains-breakpoints? [ dup def>> deoptimize-with ] [
[ build-tree ] [ deoptimize ] recover optimize-tree
] if ;
: compile-dependency ( word -- )
#! If a word calls an unoptimized word, try to compile the callee.
dup optimized>> [ drop ] [ queue-compile ] if ;
! Only switch this off for debugging.
SYMBOL: compile-dependencies?
t compile-dependencies? set-global
: compile-dependencies ( asm -- )
compile-dependencies? get
[ calls>> [ compile-dependency ] each ] [ drop ] if ;
: save-asm ( asm -- )
[ [ code>> ] [ label>> ] bi compiled get set-at ]
[ compile-dependencies? get [ calls>> [ maybe-compile ] each ] [ drop ] if ]
[ compile-dependencies ]
bi ;
: backend ( nodes word -- )
@ -99,19 +121,9 @@ t compile-dependencies? set-global
] each ;
: finish ( word -- )
[ +optimized+ save-compiled-status ]
[ compiled-unxref ]
dup crossref?
dependencies get
generic-dependencies get
] [ drop ] if
] tri ;
: (compile) ( word -- )
: compile-word ( word -- )
#! We return early if the word has breakpoints or if it
#! failed to infer.
_ {
[ start ]
@ -122,10 +134,10 @@ t compile-dependencies? set-global
] with-return ;
: compile-loop ( deque -- )
[ (compile) yield-hook get call( -- ) ] slurp-deque ;
[ compile-word yield-hook get call( -- ) ] slurp-deque ;
: decompile ( word -- )
f 2array 1array modify-code-heap ;
dup def>> 2array 1array modify-code-heap ;
: compile-call ( quot -- )
[ dup infer define-temp ] with-compilation-unit execute ;
@ -150,4 +162,4 @@ M: optimizing-compiler recompile ( words -- alist )
f compiler-impl set-global ;
: recompile-all ( -- )
forget-errors all-words compile ;
all-words compile ;

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@ -52,3 +52,5 @@ T{ error-type
: compiler-error ( error word -- )
compiler-errors get-global pick
[ [ [ <compiler-error> ] keep ] dip set-at ] [ delete-at drop ] if ;
ERROR: not-compiled word error ;

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
IN: compiler.tests
USING: words kernel stack-checker alien.strings tools.test
compiler.units ;
[ ] [ [ \ if redefined ] with-compilation-unit [ string>alien ] infer. ] unit-test

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@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ USE: binary-search.private
: lift-loop-tail-test-2 ( -- a b c )
10 [ ] lift-loop-tail-test-1 1 2 3 ;
\ lift-loop-tail-test-2 must-infer
\ lift-loop-tail-test-2 def>> must-infer
[ 1 2 3 ] [ lift-loop-tail-test-2 ] unit-test
@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ HINTS: recursive-inline-hang-3 array ;
: member-test ( obj -- ? ) { + - * / /i } member? ;
\ member-test must-infer
[ ] [ \ member-test build-tree-from-word optimize-tree drop ] unit-test
\ member-test def>> must-infer
[ ] [ \ member-test build-tree optimize-tree drop ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ + member-test ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ append member-test ] unit-test
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ PREDICATE: list < improper-list
dup "a" get { array-capacity } declare >=
[ dup "b" get { array-capacity } declare >= [ 3 ] [ 4 ] if ] [ 5 ] if ;
\ interval-inference-bug must-infer
[ t ] [ \ interval-inference-bug optimized>> ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 "a" set 2 "b" set ] unit-test
[ 2 3 ] [ 2 interval-inference-bug ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
IN: compiler.tests.redefine0
USING: tools.test eval compiler compiler.errors compiler.units definitions kernel math
namespaces macros assocs ;
! Test ripple-up behavior
: test-1 ( -- a ) 3 ;
: test-2 ( -- ) test-1 ;
[ test-2 ] [ not-compiled? ] must-fail-with
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 : test-1 ( -- ) ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
{ 0 0 } [ test-1 ] must-infer-as
[ ] [ test-2 ] unit-test
[ ] [
\ test-1 forget
\ test-2 forget
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
: test-3 ( a -- ) drop ;
: test-4 ( -- ) [ 1 2 3 ] test-3 ;
[ ] [ test-4 ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 USE: kernel : test-3 ( a -- ) call ; inline" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ test-4 ] [ not-compiled? ] must-fail-with
[ ] [
\ test-3 forget
\ test-4 forget
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
: test-5 ( a -- quot ) ;
: test-6 ( a -- b ) test-5 ;
[ 31337 ] [ 31337 test-6 ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 USING: macros kernel ; MACRO: test-5 ( a -- quot ) drop [ ] ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ 31337 test-6 ] [ not-compiled? ] must-fail-with
[ ] [
\ test-5 forget
\ test-6 forget
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
GENERIC: test-7 ( a -- b )
M: integer test-7 + ;
: test-8 ( a -- b ) 255 bitand test-7 ;
[ 1 test-7 ] [ not-compiled? ] must-fail-with
[ 1 test-8 ] [ not-compiled? ] must-fail-with
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 USING: macros math kernel ; GENERIC: test-7 ( x y -- z ) : test-8 ( a b -- c ) 255 bitand test-7 ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ 1 3 test-7 ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ 1 259 test-8 ] unit-test
[ ] [
\ test-7 forget
\ test-8 forget
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
! Indirect dependency on an unoptimized word
: test-9 ( -- ) ;
<< SYMBOL: quot
[ test-9 ] quot set-global >>
MACRO: test-10 ( -- quot ) quot get ;
: test-11 ( -- ) test-10 ;
[ ] [ test-11 ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 : test-9 ( -- ) 1 ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
! test-11 should get recompiled now
[ test-11 ] [ not-compiled? ] must-fail-with
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 : test-9 ( -- a ) 1 ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine0 : test-9 ( -- ) ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ ] [ test-11 ] unit-test
quot global delete-at
[ ] [
\ test-9 forget
\ test-10 forget
\ test-11 forget
\ quot forget
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test

View File

@ -36,41 +36,3 @@ M: integer method-redefine-generic-2 3 + ;
fixnum string [ \ method-redefine-generic-2 method forget ] bi@
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
! Test ripple-up behavior
: hey ( -- ) ;
: there ( -- ) hey ;
[ t ] [ \ hey optimized>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ there optimized>> ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests : hey ( -- ) 3 ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ hey optimized>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ there optimized>> ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests : hey ( -- ) ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ there optimized>> ] unit-test
: good ( -- ) ;
: bad ( -- ) good ;
: ugly ( -- ) bad ;
[ t ] [ \ good optimized>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ bad optimized>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ ugly optimized>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ good compiled-usage assoc-empty? ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests : good ( -- ) 3 ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ good optimized>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ bad optimized>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ ugly optimized>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ good compiled-usage assoc-empty? ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests : good ( -- ) ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ good optimized>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ bad optimized>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ ugly optimized>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ good compiled-usage assoc-empty? ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
IN: compiler.tests.redefine16
USING: eval tools.test definitions words compiler.units
quotations stack-checker ;
[ ] [ [ "blah" "compiler.tests.redefine16" lookup forget ] with-compilation-unit ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine16 GENERIC# blah 2 ( foo bar baz -- )" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine16 USING: strings math arrays prettyprint ; M: string blah 1 + 3array . ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: compiler.tests.redefine16 GENERIC# blah 2 ( foo bar baz -- x )" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ "blah" "compiler.tests.redefine16" lookup forget ] with-compilation-unit ] unit-test

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ sequences.private math.private math combinators strings alien
arrays memory vocabs parser eval ;
IN: compiler.tests
\ (compile) must-infer
! Test empty word
[ ] [ [ ] compile-call ] unit-test

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@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ compiler.tree stack-checker.errors ;
IN: compiler.tree.builder
HELP: build-tree
{ $values { "quot" quotation } { "nodes" "a sequence of nodes" } }
{ $values { "quot/word" { $or quotation word } } { "nodes" "a sequence of nodes" } }
{ $description "Attempts to construct tree SSA IR from a quotation." }
{ $notes "This is the first stage of the compiler." }
{ $errors "Throws an " { $link inference-error } " if stack effect inference fails." } ;
HELP: build-tree-with
{ $values { "in-stack" "a sequence of values" } { "quot" quotation } { "nodes" "a sequence of nodes" } { "out-stack" "a sequence of values" } }
{ $description "Attempts to construct tree SSA IR from a quotation, starting with an initial data stack of values, and outputting stack resulting at the end." }
{ $errors "Throws an " { $link inference-error } " if stack effect inference fails." } ;
HELP: build-sub-tree
{ $values { "#call" #call } { "quot/word" { $or quotation word } } { "nodes" { $maybe "a sequence of nodes" } } }
{ $description "Attempts to construct tree SSA IR from a quotation, starting with an initial data stack of values from the call site. Outputs " { $link f } " if stack effect inference fails." } ;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
IN: compiler.tree.builder.tests
USING: compiler.tree.builder tools.test sequences kernel
compiler.tree ;
\ build-tree must-infer
\ build-tree-with must-infer
\ build-tree-from-word must-infer
compiler.tree stack-checker stack-checker.errors ;
: inline-recursive ( -- ) inline-recursive ; inline recursive
[ t ] [ \ inline-recursive build-tree-from-word [ #recursive? ] any? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ inline-recursive build-tree [ #recursive? ] any? ] unit-test
: bad-recursion-1 ( a -- b )
dup [ drop bad-recursion-1 5 ] [ ] if ;
[ \ bad-recursion-1 build-tree ] [ inference-error? ] must-fail-with
FORGET: bad-recursion-1
: bad-recursion-2 ( obj -- obj )
dup [ dup first swap second bad-recursion-2 ] [ ] if ;
[ \ bad-recursion-2 build-tree ] [ inference-error? ] must-fail-with
FORGET: bad-recursion-2
: bad-bin ( a b -- ) 5 [ 5 bad-bin bad-bin 5 ] [ 2drop ] if ;
[ \ bad-bin build-tree ] [ inference-error? ] must-fail-with
FORGET: bad-bin

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry accessors quotations kernel sequences namespaces
assocs words arrays vectors hints combinators compiler.tree
USING: fry locals accessors quotations kernel sequences namespaces
assocs words arrays vectors hints combinators continuations
effects compiler.tree
@ -10,54 +11,60 @@ stack-checker.backend
stack-checker.recursive-state ;
IN: compiler.tree.builder
: with-tree-builder ( quot -- nodes )
'[ V{ } clone stack-visitor set @ ]
with-infer nip ; inline
: build-tree ( quot -- nodes )
#! Not safe to call from inference transforms.
[ f initial-recursive-state infer-quot ] with-tree-builder ;
GENERIC: (build-tree) ( quot -- )
: build-tree-with ( in-stack quot -- nodes out-stack )
#! Not safe to call from inference transforms.
[ >vector \ meta-d set ]
[ f initial-recursive-state infer-quot ] bi*
] with-tree-builder
unclip-last in-d>> ;
: build-sub-tree ( #call quot -- nodes )
[ [ out-d>> ] [ in-d>> ] bi ] dip build-tree-with
over ends-with-terminate?
[ drop swap [ f swap #push ] map append ]
[ rot #copy suffix ]
if ;
: (build-tree-from-word) ( word -- )
dup initial-recursive-state recursive-state set
dup [ "inline" word-prop ] [ "recursive" word-prop ] bi and
[ 1quotation ] [ specialized-def ] if
infer-quot-here ;
: check-cannot-infer ( word -- )
dup "cannot-infer" word-prop [ cannot-infer-effect ] [ drop ] if ;
TUPLE: do-not-compile word ;
M: callable (build-tree) f initial-recursive-state infer-quot ;
: check-no-compile ( word -- )
dup "no-compile" word-prop [ do-not-compile inference-warning ] [ drop ] if ;
dup "no-compile" word-prop [ do-not-compile ] [ drop ] if ;
: build-tree-from-word ( word -- nodes )
: check-effect ( word effect -- )
swap required-stack-effect 2dup effect<=
[ 2drop ] [ effect-error ] if ;
: inline-recursive? ( word -- ? )
[ "inline" word-prop ] [ "recursive" word-prop ] bi and ;
: word-body ( word -- quot )
dup inline-recursive? [ 1quotation ] [ specialized-def ] if ;
M: word (build-tree)
[ initial-recursive-state recursive-state set ]
[ check-no-compile ]
[ word-body infer-quot-here ]
[ current-effect check-effect ]
} cleave ;
: build-tree-with ( in-stack word/quot -- nodes )
[ check-cannot-infer ]
[ check-no-compile ]
[ (build-tree-from-word) ]
[ finish-word ]
} cleave
] maybe-cannot-infer
] with-tree-builder ;
V{ } clone stack-visitor set
[ [ >vector \ meta-d set ] [ length d-in set ] bi ]
[ (build-tree) ]
] with-infer nip ;
: build-tree ( word/quot -- nodes )
[ f ] dip build-tree-with ;
:: build-sub-tree ( #call word/quot -- nodes/f )
#! We don't want methods on mixins to have a declaration for that mixin.
#! This slows down compiler.tree.propagation.inlining since then every
#! inlined usage of a method has an inline-dependency on the mixin, and
#! not the more specific type at the call site.
specialize-method? off
#call in-d>> word/quot build-tree-with unclip-last in-d>> :> in-d
{ [ dup not ] [ ] }
{ [ dup ends-with-terminate? ] [ #call out-d>> [ f swap #push ] map append ] }
[ in-d #call out-d>> #copy suffix ]
} cond
] [ dup inference-error? [ drop f ] [ rethrow ] if ] recover ;
: contains-breakpoints? ( word -- ? )
def>> [ word? ] filter [ "break?" word-prop ] any? ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: compiler.tree.checker.tests
USING: compiler.tree.checker tools.test ;
\ check-nodes must-infer

View File

@ -144,13 +144,15 @@ M: #terminate check-stack-flow*
SYMBOL: branch-out
: check-branch ( nodes -- stack )
: check-branch ( nodes -- datastack )
datastack [ clone ] change
V{ } clone retainstack set
terminated? get [ assert-retainstack-empty ] unless
terminated? get f datastack get ?
retainstack [ clone ] change
retainstack get clone [ (check-stack-flow) ] dip
terminated? get [ drop f ] [
retainstack get assert=
datastack get
] if
] with-scope ;
M: #branch check-stack-flow*

View File

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ accessors combinators io prettyprint words sequences.deep
sequences.private arrays classes kernel.private ;
IN: compiler.tree.dead-code.tests
\ remove-dead-code must-infer
: count-live-values ( quot -- n )

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
IN: compiler.tree.debugger.tests
USING: compiler.tree.debugger tools.test sorting sequences io math.order ;
\ optimized. must-infer
\ optimizer-report. must-infer
[ [ <=> ] sort ] optimized.
[ <reversed> [ print ] each ] optimizer-report.

View File

@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ SYMBOL: node-count
: make-report ( word/quot -- assoc )
dup word? [ build-tree-from-word ] [ build-tree ] if
build-tree optimize-tree
H{ } clone words-called set
H{ } clone generics-called set

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ compiler.tree.def-use arrays kernel.private sorting math.order
binary-search compiler.tree.checker ;
IN: compiler.tree.def-use.tests
\ compute-def-use must-infer
[ t ] [
[ 1 2 3 ] build-tree compute-def-use drop
def-use get {

View File

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ stack-checker.errors
kernel.private ;
\ escape-analysis must-infer
GENERIC: count-unboxed-allocations* ( m node -- n )
: (count-unboxed-allocations) ( m node -- n )

View File

@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ compiler.tree.normalization.renaming
compiler.tree compiler.tree.checker
sequences accessors tools.test kernel math ;
\ count-introductions must-infer
\ normalize must-infer
[ 3 ] [ [ 3drop 1 2 3 ] build-tree count-introductions ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ [ 3drop 1 2 3 3drop drop ] build-tree count-introductions ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: compiler.tree.optimizer tools.test ;
IN: compiler.tree.optimizer.tests
\ optimize-tree must-infer

View File

@ -18,11 +18,18 @@ IN: compiler.tree.optimizer
SYMBOL: check-optimizer?
: ?check ( nodes -- nodes' )
check-optimizer? get [
dup check-nodes
] when ;
: optimize-tree ( nodes -- nodes' )
dup run-escape-analysis? [
@ -30,10 +37,7 @@ SYMBOL: check-optimizer?
check-optimizer? get [
dup check-nodes
] when
finalize ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: accessors kernel arrays sequences math math.order
math.partial-dispatch generic generic.standard generic.math
classes.algebra classes.union sets quotations assocs combinators
words namespaces continuations classes fry
words namespaces continuations classes fry hints
@ -27,24 +28,34 @@ SYMBOL: node-count
SYMBOL: inlining-count
! Splicing nodes
GENERIC: splicing-nodes ( #call word/quot/f -- nodes )
M: word splicing-nodes
: splicing-call ( #call word -- nodes )
[ [ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] bi ] dip #call 1array ;
M: callable splicing-nodes
build-sub-tree analyze-recursive normalize ;
: splicing-body ( #call quot/word -- nodes/f )
build-sub-tree dup [ analyze-recursive normalize ] when ;
! Dispatch elimination
: undo-inlining ( #call -- ? )
f >>method f >>body f >>class drop f ;
: propagate-body ( #call -- ? )
body>> (propagate) t ;
GENERIC: splicing-nodes ( #call word/quot -- nodes/f )
M: word splicing-nodes splicing-call ;
M: callable splicing-nodes splicing-body ;
: eliminate-dispatch ( #call class/f word/quot/f -- ? )
dup [
[ >>class ] dip
over method>> over = [ drop ] [
2dup splicing-nodes
[ >>method ] [ >>body ] bi*
over method>> over = [ drop propagate-body ] [
2dup splicing-nodes dup [
[ >>method ] [ >>body ] bi* propagate-body
] [ 2drop undo-inlining ] if
] if
body>> (propagate) t
] [ 2drop f >>method f >>body f >>class drop f ] if ;
] [ 2drop undo-inlining ] if ;
: inlining-standard-method ( #call word -- class/f method/f )
dup "methods" word-prop assoc-empty? [ 2drop f f ] [
@ -136,12 +147,10 @@ DEFER: (flat-length)
[ classes-known? 2 0 ? ]
[ body-length-bias ]
[ "default" word-prop -4 0 ? ]
[ "specializer" word-prop 1 0 ? ]
[ method-body? 1 0 ? ]
} cleave
[ body-length-bias ]
[ "specializer" word-prop 1 0 ? ]
[ method-body? 1 0 ? ]
loop-nesting get 0 or 2 *
] bi*
@ -161,19 +170,17 @@ SYMBOL: history
[ history [ swap suffix ] change ]
bi ;
: inline-word-def ( #call word quot -- ? )
over history get memq? [ 3drop f ] [
[ remember-inlining ] dip
[ drop ] [ splicing-nodes ] 2bi
[ >>body drop ] [ count-nodes ] [ (propagate) ] tri
] with-scope node-count +@
:: inline-word ( #call word -- ? )
word history get memq? [ f ] [
#call word splicing-body [
word remember-inlining
[ ] [ count-nodes ] [ (propagate) ] tri
] with-scope
[ #call (>>body) ] [ node-count +@ ] bi* t
] [ f ] if*
] if ;
: inline-word ( #call word -- ? )
dup def>> inline-word-def ;
: inline-method-body ( #call word -- ? )
2dup should-inline? [ inline-word ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
@ -181,7 +188,9 @@ SYMBOL: history
{ curry compose } memq? ;
: never-inline-word? ( word -- ? )
[ deferred? ] [ { call execute } memq? ] bi or ;
[ deferred? ]
[ "default" word-prop ]
[ { call execute } memq? ] tri or or ;
: custom-inlining? ( word -- ? )
"custom-inlining" word-prop ;
@ -191,10 +200,6 @@ SYMBOL: history
call( #call -- word/quot/f )
object swap eliminate-dispatch ;
: inline-instance-check ( #call word -- ? )
over in-d>> second value-info literal>> dup class?
[ "predicate" word-prop '[ drop @ ] inline-word-def ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
: (do-inlining) ( #call word -- ? )
#! If the generic was defined in an outer compilation unit,
#! then it doesn't have a definition yet; the definition
@ -206,7 +211,6 @@ SYMBOL: history
#! discouraged, but it should still work.)
{ [ dup never-inline-word? ] [ 2drop f ] }
{ [ dup \ instance? eq? ] [ inline-instance-check ] }
{ [ dup always-inline-word? ] [ inline-word ] }
{ [ dup standard-generic? ] [ inline-standard-method ] }
{ [ dup math-generic? ] [ inline-math-method ] }

View File

@ -341,6 +341,11 @@ generic-comparison-ops [
] [ 2drop object-info ] if
] "outputs" set-word-prop
\ instance? [
in-d>> second value-info literal>> dup class?
[ "predicate" word-prop '[ drop @ ] ] [ drop f ] if
] "custom-inlining" set-word-prop
\ equal? [
! If first input has a known type and second input is an
! object, we convert this to [ swap equal? ].

View File

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ specialized-arrays.double system sorting math.libm
math.intervals ;
IN: compiler.tree.propagation.tests
\ propagate must-infer
[ V{ } ] [ [ ] final-classes ] unit-test
[ V{ fixnum } ] [ [ 1 ] final-classes ] unit-test

View File

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ compiler.tree.combinators ;
[ { f t t t } ] [ t { f f t t } (tail-calls) ] unit-test
[ { f f f t } ] [ t { f f t f } (tail-calls) ] unit-test
\ analyze-recursive must-infer
: label-is-loop? ( nodes word -- ? )
@ -21,8 +19,6 @@ compiler.tree.combinators ;
} 2&&
] curry contains-node? ;
\ label-is-loop? must-infer
: label-is-not-loop? ( nodes word -- ? )
@ -32,8 +28,6 @@ compiler.tree.combinators ;
} 2&&
] curry contains-node? ;
\ label-is-not-loop? must-infer
: loop-test-1 ( a -- )
dup [ 1+ loop-test-1 ] [ drop ] if ; inline recursive

View File

@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ compiler.tree.def-use kernel accessors sequences math
math.private sorting math.order binary-search sequences.private
slots.private ;
\ unbox-tuples must-infer
: test-unboxing ( quot -- )

View File

@ -114,5 +114,3 @@ make vocabs sequences ;
{ HEX: fc411800 } [ 1 2 3 FCMPU ] test-assembler
{ HEX: fc411840 } [ 1 2 3 FCMPO ] test-assembler
{ HEX: 3c601234 HEX: 60635678 } [ HEX: 12345678 3 LOAD ] test-assembler
"cpu.ppc.assembler" words [ must-infer ] each

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ IN: db.pools.tests
USING: db.pools tools.test continuations io.files io.files.temp
io.directories namespaces accessors kernel math destructors ;
\ <db-pool> must-infer
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] with-db-pool ] must-infer-as
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] with-pooled-db ] must-infer-as

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: concurrency.combinators db.pools db.sqlite db.tuples
db.types kernel math random threads tools.test db sequences
io prettyprint db.postgresql db.sqlite accessors io.files.temp
namespaces fry system ;
namespaces fry system math.parser ;
IN: db.tester
: postgresql-test-db ( -- postgresql-db )
@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ test-2 "TEST2" {
{ "z" "Z" { VARCHAR 256 } +not-null+ }
} define-persistent
: test-1-tuple ( -- tuple )
f 100 random 100 random 100 random [ number>string ] tri@
test-1 boa ;
: db-tester ( test-db -- )
@ -67,8 +71,7 @@ test-2 "TEST2" {
10 [
dup [
f 100 random 100 random 100 random test-1 boa
insert-tuple yield
test-1-tuple insert-tuple yield
] with-db
] times
] with parallel-each
@ -84,8 +87,7 @@ test-2 "TEST2" {
<db-pool> [
10 [
10 [
f 100 random 100 random 100 random test-1 boa
insert-tuple yield
test-1-tuple insert-tuple yield
] times
] parallel-each
] with-pooled-db

View File

@ -592,17 +592,6 @@ string-encoding-test "STRING_ENCODING_TEST" {
[ test-string-encoding ] test-sqlite
[ test-string-encoding ] test-postgresql
! Don't comment these out. These words must infer
\ bind-tuple must-infer
\ insert-tuple must-infer
\ update-tuple must-infer
\ delete-tuples must-infer
\ select-tuple must-infer
\ define-persistent must-infer
\ ensure-table must-infer
\ create-table must-infer
\ drop-table must-infer
: test-queries ( -- )
[ ] [ exam ensure-table ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1000 [ random-exam insert-tuple ] times ] unit-test

View File

@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ IN: debugger.tests
USING: debugger kernel continuations tools.test ;
[ ] [ [ drop ] [ error. ] recover ] unit-test
[ f ] [ { } vm-error? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ { "A" "B" } vm-error? ] unit-test

View File

@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ M: string error. print ;
: divide-by-zero-error. ( obj -- )
"Division by zero" print drop ;
: signal-error. ( obj -- )
"Operating system signal " write third . ;
HOOK: signal-error. os ( obj -- )
: array-size-error. ( obj -- )
"Invalid array size: " write dup third .
@ -127,14 +126,14 @@ M: string error. print ;
: primitive-error. ( error -- )
"Unimplemented primitive" print drop ;
PREDICATE: kernel-error < array
PREDICATE: vm-error < array
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop f ] }
{ [ dup first "kernel-error" = not ] [ drop f ] }
[ second 0 15 between? ]
} cond ;
: kernel-errors ( error -- n errors )
: vm-errors ( error -- n errors )
second {
{ 0 [ expired-error. ] }
{ 1 [ io-error. ] }
@ -154,9 +153,11 @@ PREDICATE: kernel-error < array
{ 15 [ memory-error. ] }
} ; inline
M: kernel-error error. dup kernel-errors case ;
M: vm-error summary drop "VM error" ;
M: kernel-error error-help kernel-errors at first ;
M: vm-error error. dup vm-errors case ;
M: vm-error error-help vm-errors at first ;
M: no-method summary
drop "No suitable method" ;
@ -306,4 +307,9 @@ M: check-mixin-class summary drop "Not a mixin class" ;
M: not-found-in-roots summary drop "Cannot resolve vocab: path" ;
M: wrong-values summary drop "Quotation called with wrong stack effect" ;
M: wrong-values summary drop "Quotation called with wrong stack effect" ;
{ [ os windows? ] [ "" require ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "debugger.unix" require ] }
} cond

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: debugger io kernel math prettyprint sequences system ;
IN: debugger.unix
CONSTANT: signal-names
: signal-name ( n -- str/f ) 1- signal-names ?nth ;
: signal-name. ( n -- )
signal-name [ " (" ")" surround write ] when* ;
M: unix signal-error. ( obj -- )
"Unix signal #" write
third [ pprint ] [ signal-name. ] bi nl ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: debugger io prettyprint sequences system ;
M: windows signal-error. "Windows exception #" write third .h ;

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
Eduardo Cavazos
Doug Coleman

View File

@ -2,10 +2,23 @@ USING: help help.syntax help.markup ;
IN: editors.emacs
ARTICLE: "editors.emacs" "Integration with Emacs"
"Put this in your " { $snippet ".emacs" } " file:"
"Full Emacs integration with Factor requires the use of two executable files -- " { $snippet "emacs" } " and " { $snippet "emacsclient" } ", which act as a client/server pair. To start the server, run the " { $snippet "emacs" } " binary and run " { $snippet "M-x server-start" } " or start " { $snippet "emacs" } " with the following line in your " { $snippet ".emacs" } " file:"
{ $code "(server-start)" }
"On Windows, if you install Emacs to " { $snippet "Program Files" } " or " { $snippet "Program Files(x86)" } ", Factor will automatically detect the path to " { $snippet "emacsclient.exe" } ". On Unix systems, make sure that " { $snippet "emacsclient" } " is in your path. To set the path manually, use the following snippet:"
{ $code "USE: edtiors.emacs"
"\"/my/crazy/bin/emacsclient\" emacsclient-path set-global"
"If you would like a new window to open when you ask Factor to edit an object, put this in your " { $snippet ".emacs" } " file:"
{ $code "(setq server-window 'switch-to-buffer-other-frame)" }
{ $see-also "editor" } ;
ABOUT: "editors.emacs"
"To quickly scaffold a " { $snippet ".emacs" } " file, run the following code:"
{ $code "USE: tools.scaffold"
{ $see-also "editor" }
ABOUT: "editors.emacs"

View File

@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ M: object default-emacsclient ( -- path ) "emacsclient" ;
: emacsclient ( file line -- )
{ [ emacsclient-path get ] [ default-emacsclient ] } 0|| ,
[ emacsclient-path get-global ]
[ default-emacsclient dup emacsclient-path set-global ]
} 0|| ,
"--no-wait" ,
number>string "+" prepend ,

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
Slava Pestov

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ WHERE
\ sqsq must-infer
[ 16 ] [ 2 sqsq ] unit-test

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@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
USING: furnace.auth tools.test ;
IN: furnace.auth.tests
\ logged-in-username must-infer
\ <protected> must-infer
\ new-realm must-infer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: furnace.auth.features.edit-profile.tests
USING: tools.test furnace.auth.features.edit-profile ;
\ allow-edit-profile must-infer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: furnace.auth.features.recover-password
USING: tools.test furnace.auth.features.recover-password ;
\ allow-password-recovery must-infer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: furnace.auth.features.registration.tests
USING: tools.test furnace.auth.features.registration ;
\ allow-registration must-infer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: furnace.auth.login.tests
USING: tools.test furnace.auth.login ;
\ <login-realm> must-infer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
IN: furnace.db.tests
USING: tools.test furnace.db ;
\ <db-persistence> must-infer

View File

@ -17,8 +17,3 @@ HELP: xref-article
{ $values { "topic" "an article name or a word" } }
{ $description "Sets the " { $link article-parent } " of each child of this article." }
$low-level-note ;
HELP: unxref-article
{ $values { "topic" "an article name or a word" } }
{ $description "Clears the " { $link article-parent } " of each child of this article." }
$low-level-note ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays definitions generic assocs math fry
io kernel namespaces prettyprint prettyprint.sections
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ IN: help.crossref
: article-children ( topic -- seq )
{ $subsection } article-links ;
M: link uses
{ $subsection $link $see-also } article-links ;
: help-path ( topic -- seq )
[ article-parent ] follow rest ;
@ -22,10 +19,7 @@ M: link uses
article-children [ set-article-parent ] with each ;
: xref-article ( topic -- )
dup >link xref dup set-article-parents ;
: unxref-article ( topic -- )
>link unxref ;
dup set-article-parents ;
: prev/next ( obj seq n -- obj' )
[ [ index dup ] keep ] dip swap

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ ARTICLE: "conventions" "Conventions"
{ $heading "Documentation conventions" }
"Factor documentation consists of two distinct bodies of text. There is a hierarchy of articles, much like this one, and there is word documentation. Help articles reference word documentation, and vice versa, but not every documented word is referenced from some help article."
"Every article has links to parent articles at the top. These can be persued if the article is too specific."
"Every article has links to parent articles at the top. Explore these if the article you are reading is too specific."
"Some generic words have " { $strong "Description" } " headings, and others have " { $strong "Contract" } " headings. A distinction is made between words which are not intended to be extended with user-defined methods, and those that are."
{ $heading "Vocabulary naming conventions" }
"A vocabulary name ending in " { $snippet ".private" } " contains words which are either implementation detail, unsafe, or both. For example, the " { $snippet "sequence.private" } " vocabulary contains words which access sequence elements without bounds checking (" { $link "sequences-unsafe" } ")."
"You should should avoid using internal words from the Factor library unless absolutely necessary. Similarly, your own code can place words in internal vocabularies if you do not want other people to use them unless they have a good reason."
"You should avoid using internal words from the Factor library unless absolutely necessary. Similarly, your own code can place words in internal vocabularies if you do not want other people to use them unless they have a good reason."
{ $heading "Word naming conventions" }
"These conventions are not hard and fast, but are usually a good first step in understanding a word's behavior:"
{ $table
@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ ARTICLE: "handbook-language-reference" "The language"
{ $heading "Abstractions" }
{ $subsection "objects" }
{ $subsection "destructors" }
{ $subsection "parsing-words" }
{ $subsection "macros" }
{ $subsection "fry" }
{ $heading "Program organization" }

View File

@ -156,10 +156,7 @@ help-hook [ [ print-topic ] ] initialize
error get (:help) ;
: remove-article ( name -- )
dup articles get key? [
dup unxref-article
dup articles get delete-at
] when drop ;
articles get delete-at ;
: add-article ( article name -- )
[ remove-article ] keep
@ -167,7 +164,6 @@ help-hook [ [ print-topic ] ] initialize
xref-article ;
: remove-word-help ( word -- )
dup word-help [ dup unxref-article ] when
f "help" set-word-prop ;
: set-word-help ( content word -- )

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ IN: help.markup.tests
TUPLE: blahblah quux ;
[ "an int" ] [ [ { "int" } $instance ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
[ "int" ] [ [ { "int" } $instance ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ quux>> print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ >>quux print-topic ] unit-test
@ -26,5 +26,3 @@ TUPLE: blahblah quux ;
[ "a string, a fixnum, or an integer" ]
[ [ { $or string fixnum integer } print-element ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
\ print-element must-infer
\ print-topic must-infer

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ ALIAS: $slot $snippet
! Images
: $image ( element -- )
[ [ "" ] dip first image associate format ] ($span) ;
[ first write-image ] ($span) ;
: <$image> ( path -- element )
1array \ $image prefix ;
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ M: word ($instance)
dup name>> a/an write bl ($link) ;
M: string ($instance)
dup a/an write bl $snippet ;
write ;
M: f ($instance)
drop { f } $link ;

View File

@ -3,11 +3,6 @@ help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences tools.test words parser
namespaces assocs source-files eval ;
IN: help.topics.tests
\ article-name must-infer
\ article-title must-infer
\ article-content must-infer
\ article-parent must-infer
! Test help cross-referencing
[ ] [ "Test B" { "Hello world." } <article> { "test" "b" } add-article ] unit-test

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: parser words definitions kernel sequences assocs arrays
kernel.private fry combinators accessors vectors strings sbufs
byte-arrays byte-vectors io.binary io.streams.string splitting
math math.parser generic generic.standard generic.standard.engines classes
hashtables ;
byte-arrays byte-vectors io.binary io.streams.string splitting math
math.parser generic generic.standard generic.standard.engines classes
hashtables namespaces ;
IN: hints
GENERIC: specializer-predicate ( spec -- quot )
@ -37,13 +37,18 @@ M: object specializer-declaration class ;
: specialize-quot ( quot specializer -- quot' )
specializer-cases alist>quot ;
: method-declaration ( method -- quot )
[ "method-generic" word-prop dispatch# object <array> ]
[ "method-class" word-prop ]
bi prefix ;
! compiler.tree.propagation.inlining sets this to f
SYMBOL: specialize-method?
t specialize-method? set-global
: specialize-method ( quot method -- quot' )
[ method-declaration '[ _ declare ] prepend ]
specialize-method? get [
[ "method-class" word-prop ] [ "method-generic" word-prop ] bi
method-declaration prepend
] [ drop ] if
[ "method-generic" word-prop "specializer" word-prop ] bi
[ specialize-quot ] when* ;
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ M: object specializer-declaration class ;
[ redefined ]
[ changed-definition ]
[ parse-definition "specializer" set-word-prop ] bi ;
! Default specializers

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ io.streams.null accessors inspector html.streams
html.components html.forms namespaces
xml.writer ;
\ render must-infer
[ ] [ begin-form ] unit-test
[ ] [ 3 "hi" set-value ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
USING: http.client http.client.private http tools.test
namespaces urls ;
\ download must-infer
[ "localhost" f ] [ "localhost" parse-host ] unit-test
[ "localhost" 8888 ] [ "localhost:8888" parse-host ] unit-test

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ tools.test kernel namespaces accessors io http math sequences
assocs arrays classes words urls ;
IN: http.server.dispatchers.tests
\ find-responder must-infer
TUPLE: mock-responder path ;
C: <mock-responder> mock-responder

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ IN: http.server.redirection.tests
USING: http http.server.redirection urls accessors
namespaces tools.test present kernel ;
\ relative-to-request must-infer

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ IN: http.server.tests
[ t ] [ [ \ + first ] [ <500> ] recover response? ] unit-test
\ make-http-error must-infer
[ "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" ] [
"text/plain" >>content-type

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ M: buffer dispose* ptr>> free ;
swap >>fill 0 >>pos drop ;
: buffer-capacity ( buffer -- n )
[ size>> ] [ fill>> ] bi - ; inline
[ size>> ] [ fill>> ] bi - >fixnum ; inline
: buffer-empty? ( buffer -- ? )
fill>> zero? ; inline

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays continuations deques dlists fry
io.directories io.files io.pathnames kernel
sequences system vocabs.loader ;
sequences system vocabs.loader locals math namespaces
sorting assocs ;
@ -13,10 +14,10 @@ TUPLE: directory-iterator path bfs queue ;
dup directory-files [ append-path ] with map ;
: push-directory ( path iter -- )
[ qualified-directory ] dip [
[ queue>> ] [ bfs>> ] bi
[ qualified-directory ] dip '[
_ [ queue>> ] [ bfs>> ] bi
[ push-front ] [ push-back ] if
] curry each ;
] each ;
: <directory-iterator> ( path bfs? -- iterator )
<dlist> directory-iterator boa
@ -28,12 +29,11 @@ TUPLE: directory-iterator path bfs queue ;
[ over push-directory next-file ] [ nip ] if
] if ;
: iterate-directory ( iter quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- obj )
over next-file [
over call
[ 2nip ] [ iterate-directory ] if*
:: iterate-directory ( iter quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- obj )
iter next-file [
quot call [ iter quot iterate-directory ] unless*
] [
2drop f
] if* ; inline recursive
@ -70,4 +70,30 @@ ERROR: file-not-found ;
: find-all-in-directories ( directories bfs? quot: ( obj -- ? ) -- paths/f )
'[ _ _ find-all-files ] map concat ; inline
: with-qualified-directory-files ( path quot -- )
"" directory-files current-directory get
'[ _ prepend-path ] map @
] with-directory ; inline
: with-qualified-directory-entries ( path quot -- )
"" directory-entries current-directory get
'[ [ _ prepend-path ] change-name ] map @
] with-directory ; inline
: directory-size ( path -- n )
0 swap t [ link-info size-on-disk>> + ] each-file ;
: directory-usage ( path -- assoc )
[ name>> dup ] [ directory? ] bi [
] [
link-info size-on-disk>>
] if
] { } map>assoc
] with-qualified-directory-entries sort-values ;
os windows? [ "" require ] when

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ IN: io.encodings.8-bit.tests
[ B{ CHAR: f CHAR: o CHAR: o } ] [ "foo" latin1 encode ] unit-test
[ { 256 } >string latin1 encode ] must-fail
[ B{ 255 } ] [ { 255 } latin1 encode ] unit-test
[ B{ 255 } ] [ { 255 } >string latin1 encode ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ "bar" latin1 decode ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: b 233 CHAR: r } ] [ { CHAR: b 233 CHAR: r } latin1 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: fffd HEX: 20AC } ] [ { HEX: 81 HEX: 80 } windows-1252 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: b 233 CHAR: r } ] [ B{ CHAR: b 233 CHAR: r } latin1 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: fffd HEX: 20AC } ] [ B{ HEX: 81 HEX: 80 } windows-1252 decode >array ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ latin1 8-bit-encoding? ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ "bar" \ latin1 decode ] unit-test

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ IN: io.encodings.ascii.tests
[ B{ CHAR: f CHAR: o CHAR: o } ] [ "foo" ascii encode ] unit-test
[ { 128 } >string ascii encode ] must-fail
[ B{ 127 } ] [ { 127 } ascii encode ] unit-test
[ B{ 127 } ] [ { 127 } >string ascii encode ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ "bar" ascii decode ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: b HEX: fffd CHAR: r } ] [ { CHAR: b 233 CHAR: r } ascii decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: b HEX: fffd CHAR: r } ] [ B{ CHAR: b 233 CHAR: r } ascii decode >array ] unit-test

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ IN: io.encodings.gb18030.tests
[ "hello" ] [ "hello" gb18030 encode >string ] unit-test
[ "hello" ] [ "hello" gb18030 decode ] unit-test
[ B{ HEX: A1 HEX: A4 HEX: 81 HEX: 30 HEX: 86 HEX: 30 } ]
[ B{ HEX: B7 HEX: B8 } gb18030 encode ] unit-test
[ B{ HEX: B7 HEX: B8 } >string gb18030 encode ] unit-test
[ { HEX: B7 HEX: B8 } ]
[ B{ HEX: A1 HEX: A4 HEX: 81 HEX: 30 HEX: 86 HEX: 30 } gb18030 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: B7 CHAR: replacement-character } ]
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ IN: io.encodings.gb18030.tests
[ { HEX: B7 } ]
[ B{ HEX: A1 HEX: A4 } gb18030 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ]
[ B{ HEX: A1 } gb18030 decode >array ] unit-test
[ B{ HEX: A1 } >string gb18030 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 44D7 HEX: 464B } ]
[ B{ HEX: 82 HEX: 33 HEX: A3 HEX: 39 HEX: 82 HEX: 33 HEX: C9 HEX: 31 }
gb18030 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 82 HEX: 33 HEX: A3 HEX: 39 HEX: 82 HEX: 33 HEX: C9 HEX: 31 } ]
[ { HEX: 44D7 HEX: 464B } gb18030 encode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 44D7 HEX: 464B } >string gb18030 encode >array ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel tools.test io.encodings.utf16 arrays sbufs
io.streams.byte-array sequences io.encodings io
io.streams.byte-array sequences io.encodings io strings
io.encodings.string alien.c-types alien.strings accessors classes ;
IN: io.encodings.utf16.tests
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { 0 CHAR: x } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 1D11E } ] [ { HEX: D8 HEX: 34 HEX: DD HEX: 1E } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { BIN: 11011111 CHAR: q } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { BIN: 11011011 CHAR: x BIN: 11011011 CHAR: x } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ 0 CHAR: x } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 1D11E } ] [ B{ HEX: D8 HEX: 34 HEX: DD HEX: 1E } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ BIN: 11011111 CHAR: q } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ BIN: 11011011 CHAR: x BIN: 11011011 CHAR: x } utf16be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { 0 120 216 52 221 30 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } utf16be encode >array ] unit-test
[ { 0 120 216 52 221 30 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } >string utf16be encode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { CHAR: x 0 } utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { 119070 } ] [ { HEX: 34 HEX: D8 HEX: 1E HEX: DD } utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 BIN: 11011111 } utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 BIN: 11011011 0 0 } utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ CHAR: x 0 } utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { 119070 } ] [ B{ HEX: 34 HEX: D8 HEX: 1E HEX: DD } >string utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 BIN: 11011111 } >string utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 BIN: 11011011 0 0 } >string utf16le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { 120 0 52 216 30 221 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } utf16le encode >array ] unit-test
[ { 120 0 52 216 30 221 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } >string utf16le encode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { HEX: ff HEX: fe CHAR: x 0 } utf16 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { HEX: fe HEX: ff 0 CHAR: x } utf16 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ HEX: ff HEX: fe CHAR: x 0 } utf16 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ HEX: fe HEX: ff 0 CHAR: x } utf16 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: ff HEX: fe 120 0 52 216 30 221 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } utf16 encode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: ff HEX: fe 120 0 52 216 30 221 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } >string utf16 encode >array ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel tools.test io.encodings.utf32 arrays sbufs
io.streams.byte-array sequences io.encodings io
io.streams.byte-array sequences io.encodings io strings
io.encodings.string alien.c-types alien.strings accessors classes ;
IN: io.encodings.utf32.tests
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { 0 0 0 CHAR: x } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 1D11E } ] [ { 0 1 HEX: D1 HEX: 1E } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 1 HEX: D1 } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 1 } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { 0 } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ 0 0 0 CHAR: x } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 1D11E } ] [ B{ 0 1 HEX: D1 HEX: 1E } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ 0 1 HEX: D1 } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ 0 1 } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ 0 } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ { } utf32be decode >array ] unit-test
[ { 0 0 0 CHAR: x 0 1 HEX: D1 HEX: 1E } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } utf32be encode >array ] unit-test
[ { 0 0 0 CHAR: x 0 1 HEX: D1 HEX: 1E } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } >string utf32be encode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { CHAR: x 0 0 0 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 1d11e } ] [ { HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 0 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { HEX: 1e HEX: d1 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ { HEX: 1e } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ CHAR: x 0 0 0 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: 1d11e } ] [ B{ HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 0 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ HEX: 1e HEX: d1 } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: replacement-character } ] [ B{ HEX: 1e } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ { } utf32le decode >array ] unit-test
[ { 120 0 0 0 HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 0 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } utf32le encode >array ] unit-test
[ { 120 0 0 0 HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 0 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } >string utf32le encode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { HEX: ff HEX: fe 0 0 CHAR: x 0 0 0 } utf32 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ { 0 0 HEX: fe HEX: ff 0 0 0 CHAR: x } utf32 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ HEX: ff HEX: fe 0 0 CHAR: x 0 0 0 } utf32 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { CHAR: x } ] [ B{ 0 0 HEX: fe HEX: ff 0 0 0 CHAR: x } utf32 decode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: ff HEX: fe 0 0 120 0 0 0 HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 0 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } utf32 encode >array ] unit-test
[ { HEX: ff HEX: fe 0 0 120 0 0 0 HEX: 1e HEX: d1 1 0 } ] [ { CHAR: x HEX: 1d11e } >string utf32 encode >array ] unit-test

View File

@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ io.directories kernel io.pathnames accessors tools.test
sequences io.files.temp ;
\ file-info must-infer
\ link-info must-infer
[ t ] [
temp-directory [ "hi41" "test41" utf8 set-file-contents ] with-directory
temp-directory "test41" append-path utf8 file-contents "hi41" =

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ vocabs.loader io.files.types ;
! File info
TUPLE: file-info type size permissions created modified
TUPLE: file-info type size size-on-disk permissions created modified
accessed ;
HOOK: file-info os ( path -- info )
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ HOOK: file-system-info os ( path -- file-system-info )
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" os name>> append ] }
{ [ os windows? ] [ "" ] }
} cond require
} cond require

View File

@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ M: unix link-info ( path -- info )
M: unix new-file-info ( -- class ) unix-file-info new ;
CONSTANT: standard-unix-block-size 512
M: unix stat>file-info ( stat -- file-info )
[ new-file-info ] dip
@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ M: unix stat>file-info ( stat -- file-info )
[ stat-st_rdev >>rdev ]
[ stat-st_blocks >>blocks ]
[ stat-st_blksize >>blocksize ]
[ drop dup blocks>> standard-unix-block-size * >>size-on-disk ]
} cleave ;
: n>file-type ( n -- type )

View File

@ -5,11 +5,33 @@ kernel windows.kernel32
windows.time windows accessors alien.c-types combinators
generalizations system alien.strings io.encodings.utf16n
sequences splitting windows.errors fry continuations destructors
calendar ascii combinators.short-circuit ;
calendar ascii combinators.short-circuit locals ;
:: round-up-to ( n multiple -- n' )
n multiple rem dup 0 = [
drop n
] [
multiple swap - n +
] if ;
TUPLE: windows-file-info < file-info attributes ;
: get-compressed-file-size ( path -- n )
"DWORD" <c-object> [ GetCompressedFileSize ] keep
win32-error-string throw
] [
*uint >64bit
] if ;
: set-windows-size-on-disk ( file-info path -- file-info )
over attributes>> +compressed+ swap member? [
] [
drop dup size>> 4096 round-up-to
] if >>size-on-disk ;
: WIN32_FIND_DATA>file-info ( WIN32_FIND_DATA -- file-info )
[ \ windows-file-info new ] dip
@ -79,7 +101,9 @@ TUPLE: windows-file-info < file-info attributes ;
] if ;
M: windows file-info ( path -- info )
normalize-path get-file-information-stat ;
[ get-file-information-stat ]
[ set-windows-size-on-disk ] bi ;
M: windows link-info ( path -- info )
file-info ;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ IN: io.files.unique.tests
[ 123 ] [
"core" ".test" [
[ [ 123 CHAR: a <repetition> ] dip ascii set-file-contents ]
[ [ 123 CHAR: a <string> ] dip ascii set-file-contents ]
[ file-info size>> ] bi
] cleanup-unique-file
] unit-test

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ io.encodings.utf16n windows
windows.kernel32 kernel libc math threads system environment
alien.c-types alien.arrays alien.strings sequences combinators
combinators.short-circuit ascii splitting alien strings assocs
namespaces make accessors tr windows.time ;
namespaces make accessors tr windows.time windows.shell32 ;
M: winnt cwd
@ -58,4 +58,9 @@ M: winnt open-append
[ dup windows-file-size ] [ drop 0 ] recover
[ (open-append) ] dip >>ptr ;
M: winnt home "USERPROFILE" os-env ;
M: winnt home
[ "HOMEDRIVE" os-env "HOMEPATH" os-env append-path ]
[ "USERPROFILE" os-env ]
[ my-documents ]
} 0|| ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
IN: io.launcher.tests
USING: tools.test io.launcher ;
\ <process-stream> must-infer
\ <process-reader> must-infer
\ <process-writer> must-infer

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ concurrency.mailboxes tools.test destructors
io.pathnames io.files.temp io.directories.hierarchy ;
IN: io.monitors.recursive.tests
\ pump-thread must-infer
SINGLETON: mock-io-backend
TUPLE: counter i ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: tools.test ;
\ fill-queue-thread must-infer

View File

@ -189,4 +189,4 @@ HINTS: decoder-read-until { string input-port utf8 } { string input-port ascii }
HINTS: decoder-readln { input-port utf8 } { input-port ascii } ;
HINTS: encoder-write { string output-port utf8 } { string output-port ascii } ;
HINTS: encoder-write { object output-port utf8 } { object output-port ascii } ;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ io.backend.unix classes words destructors threads tools.test
concurrency.promises byte-arrays locals calendar io.timeouts ;
\ <secure-config> must-infer
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] with-secure-context ] must-infer-as
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
USING: tools.test io.streams.byte-array io.encodings.binary
io.encodings.utf8 io kernel arrays strings namespaces ;
[ B{ 1 2 3 } ] [ binary [ { 1 2 3 } write ] with-byte-writer ] unit-test
[ B{ 1 2 3 } ] [ binary [ B{ 1 2 3 } write ] with-byte-writer ] unit-test
[ B{ 1 2 3 } ] [ { 1 2 3 } binary [ 3 read ] with-byte-reader ] unit-test
[ B{ BIN: 11110101 BIN: 10111111 BIN: 10000000 BIN: 10111111 BIN: 11101111 BIN: 10000000 BIN: 10111111 BIN: 11011111 BIN: 10000000 CHAR: x } ]
[ { BIN: 101111111000000111111 BIN: 1111000000111111 BIN: 11111000000 CHAR: x } utf8 [ write ] with-byte-writer ] unit-test
[ { BIN: 101111111000000111111 BIN: 1111000000111111 BIN: 11111000000 CHAR: x } >string utf8 [ write ] with-byte-writer ] unit-test
[ { BIN: 101111111000000111111 } t ] [ { BIN: 11110101 BIN: 10111111 BIN: 10000000 BIN: 10111111 } utf8 <byte-reader> contents dup >array swap string? ] unit-test
[ B{ 121 120 } 0 ] [

View File

@ -33,5 +33,6 @@ M: sbuf stream-element-type drop +character+ ;
512 <sbuf> ;
: with-string-writer ( quot -- str )
<string-writer> swap [ output-stream get ] compose with-output-stream*
>string ; inline
<string-writer> [
swap with-output-stream*
] keep >string ; inline

View File

@ -1,8 +1,2 @@
IN: io.styles.tests
USING: io.styles tools.test ;
\ stream-format must-infer
\ stream-write-table must-infer
\ make-span-stream must-infer
\ make-block-stream must-infer
\ make-cell-stream must-infer

View File

@ -156,3 +156,5 @@ M: input summary
] "" make ;
: write-object ( str obj -- ) presented associate format ;
: write-image ( image -- ) [ "" ] dip image associate format ;

View File

@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test lcs ;
\ lcs must-infer
\ diff must-infer
\ levenshtein must-infer
[ 3 ] [ "sitting" "kitten" levenshtein ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ "kitten" "sitting" levenshtein ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ "freshpak" "freshpack" levenshtein ] unit-test

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More