ui.tools.listener: call interactor-finish before try-parse #375
Also changes the parse error handling in try-parse. If a parse error occurs it is wrapped in a small quotation to defer handling it until the quotation is ran.db4
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays calendar concurrency.promises continuations
documents io kernel listener math namespaces parser threads tools.test
ui.gadgets.debug ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.panes ui.gestures
ui.tools.common ui.tools.listener ;
documents io kernel lexer listener math namespaces parser quotations
sequences threads tools.test ui.gadgets.debug ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.panes ui.gestures ui.tools.common ui.tools.listener ;
IN: ui.tools.listener.tests
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ IN: ui.tools.listener.tests
[ ] [ "interactor" get register-self ] unit-test
[ ] [ <promise> "promise" set ] unit-test
{ } [ <promise> "promise" set ] unit-test
self "interactor" get thread<<
@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ IN: ui.tools.listener.tests
[ ] [ "interactor" get interactor-eof ] unit-test
[ { "Hello\nWorld\n" f } ] [ "promise" get 5 seconds ?promise-timeout ] unit-test
{ { "Hello\nWorld\n" f } } [
"promise" get 5 seconds ?promise-timeout
] unit-test
] with-interactive-vocabs
! Hang
@ -203,3 +205,21 @@ CONSTANT: text "Hello world.\nThis is a test."
T{ key-down f f "DOWN" } T{ key-down f { C+ } "n" }
[ <interactor> get-gesture-handler ] same?
] unit-test
! stream-read-quot
{ [ 3 4 + ] } [
<listener-gadget> input>> [ register-self ] keep
[ { "3 4 +" } swap interactor-continue ] keep
] unit-test
! try-parse
{ t } [
{ "goga" } try-parse
[ callable? ] [ length 2 = ] [ first lexer-error? ] tri and and
] unit-test
{ [ sq ] t } [
{ "sq" } try-parse
{ "[" } try-parse first lexer-error?
] unit-test
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar combinators
combinators.short-circuit concurrency.flags concurrency.mailboxes
continuations destructors documents documents.elements fry hashtables
help help.markup help.tips io io.styles kernel lexer listener locals
make math models models.arrow models.delay namespaces parser
prettyprint quotations sequences source-files.errors strings system
threads tools.errors.model ui ui.commands ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.glass ui.gadgets.labeled
ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.status-bar
ui.gadgets.theme ui.gadgets.toolbar ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures
ui.operations ui.pens.solid ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common
ui.tools.debugger ui.tools.error-list ui.tools.listener.completion
math models models.arrow models.delay namespaces parser prettyprint
quotations sequences source-files.errors strings system threads
tools.errors.model ui ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.glass ui.gadgets.labeled ui.gadgets.panes
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gadgets.theme
ui.gadgets.toolbar ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.operations
ui.pens.solid ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common ui.tools.debugger
ui.tools.error-list ui.tools.listener.completion
ui.tools.listener.history ui.tools.listener.popups vocabs
vocabs.loader vocabs.parser vocabs.refresh words ;
IN: ui.tools.listener
@ -98,11 +98,8 @@ M: input (print-input)
[ string>> H{ { font-style bold } } format ] with-nesting nl ;
M: word (print-input)
"Command: "
"sans-serif" font-name ,,
bold font-style ,,
] H{ } make format . ;
"Command: " H{ { font-name "sans-serif" } { font-style bold } }
format . ;
: print-input ( object interactor -- )
output>> [ (print-input) ] with-output-stream* ;
@ -331,28 +328,14 @@ M: object accept-completion-hook 2drop ;
: debugger-popup ( interactor error continuation -- )
[ one-line-elt ] 2dip <debugger-popup> show-listener-popup ;
: handle-parse-error ( interactor error -- )
dup lexer-error? [ 2dup go-to-error error>> ] when
error-continuation get
debugger-popup ;
: try-parse ( lines -- quot/f/error )
[ read-quot-step ] [ nip ] recover ;
: handle-interactive ( interactor lines -- quot/f )
try-parse dup quotation? [ nip ] [
dup not [ drop insert-newline ] [
] if f
] if ;
: try-parse ( lines -- quot/f )
[ parse-lines-interactive ] [ nip '[ _ rethrow ] ] recover ;
M: interactor stream-read-quot ( stream -- quot/f )
dup interactor-yield dup [ not ] [ callable? ] bi or
[ nip ] [
dupd handle-interactive dup quotation? [
swap interactor-finish
] [ drop stream-read-quot ] if
] if ;
dup interactor-yield dup array? [
over interactor-finish try-parse
[ nip ] [ stream-read-quot ] if*
] [ nip ] if ;
: interactor-operation ( gesture interactor -- ? )
[ token-model>> value>> ] keep word-at-caret
Reference in New Issue