The Factor programming language
This file covers installation and basic usage of the Factor
implementation. It is not an introduction to the language itself.
* Contents
- Platform support
- Compiling Factor
- Building Factor
- Running Factor on Unix with X11
- Running Factor on Mac OS X - Cocoa UI
- Running Factor on Mac OS X - X11 UI
- Running Factor on Windows
- Source organization
- Community
- Credits
* Platform support
Factor is fully supported on the following platforms:
Mac OS X/x86
Mac OS X/PowerPC
MS Windows XP
The following platforms should work, but are not tested on a
regular basis:
Please donate time or hardware if you wish to see Factor running on
other platforms.
* Compiling Factor
The Factor runtime is written in C, and is built with GNU make and gcc.
Factor requires gcc 3.4 or later. On x86, it /will not/ build using gcc
3.3 or earlier.
Run 'make' (or 'gmake' on non-Linux platforms) with one of the following
parameters to build the Factor runtime:
The following options can be given to make:
The former allows optimization flags to be specified, for example
"-march=pentium4 -ffast-math -O3". Nowadays most of the hard work is
done by Factor compiled code, so optimizing the runtime is not that
important. Usually the defaults are fine.
The DEBUG flag disables optimization and builds an executable with
debug symbols. This is probably only of interest to people intending to
hack on the runtime sources.
Compilation may print a handful of warnings about singled/unsigned
comparisons, and violated aliasing contracts. They may safely be
Compilation will yield an executable named 'f'.
* Building Factor
The boot images are no longer included with the Factor distribution
due to size concerns. Instead, download a boot image from:
Once you have compiled the Factor runtime, you must bootstrap the Factor
system using the image that corresponds to your CPU architecture.
Once you download the right image, bootstrap the system with the
following command line:
./f boot.image.<foo>
Bootstrap can take a while, depending on your system. When the process
completes, a 'factor.image' file will be generated. Note that this image
is both CPU and OS-specific, so in general cannot be shared between
* Running Factor on Unix with X11
On Unix, Factor can either run a graphical user interface using X11, or
a terminal listener.
If your DISPLAY environment variable is set, the UI will start
./f factor.image
To run an interactive terminal listener:
./f factor.image -shell=tty
If you're inside a terminal session, you can start the UI with one of
the following two commands:
[ ui ] in-thread
The latter keeps the terminal listener running.
* Running Factor on Mac OS X - Cocoa UI
On Mac OS X 10.4 and later, a Cocoa UI is available in addition to the
terminal listener. If you are using Mac OS X 10.3, you can only run the
X11 UI, as documented in the next section.
The 'f' executable runs the terminal listener:
./f factor.image
The Cocoa UI requires that after bootstrapping you build the
application bundle:
This copies the runtime executable, factor.image (which must exist at
this point), and the library source into a self-contained
* Running Factor on Mac OS X - X11 UI
The X11 UI is available on Mac OS X, however its use is not recommended
since it does not integrate with the host OS. However, if you are
running Mac OS X 10.3, it is your only choice.
When compiling Factor, pass the X11=1 parameter:
make macosx-ppc X11=1
Then bootstrap with the following pair of switches:
./f boot.image.ppc -no-cocoa -x11
Now if $DISPLAY is set, running ./f will start the UI.
* Running Factor on Windows
If you did not download the binary package, you can bootstrap Factor in
the command prompt:
f.exe boot.image.pentium4 (or boot.image.x86)
Once bootstrapped, double-clicking f.exe starts the Factor UI.
To run the listener in the command prompt:
f.exe -shell=tty
* Source organization
The following four directories are managed by the module system; consult
the documentation for details:
apps/ - user-contributed applications
libs/ - user-contributed libraries
demos/ - small examples illustrating various language features
core/ - sources for the library, written in Factor
fonts/ - TrueType fonts used by UI
vm/ - sources for the Factor runtime, written in C
* Community
The Factor homepage is located at
Factor developers meet in the #concatenative channel on the server. Drop by if you want to discuss anything related
to Factor or language design in general.
* Credits
The following people have contributed code to the Factor core:
Slava Pestov: Lead developer
Alex Chapman: OpenGL binding
Doug Coleman: Mersenne Twister RNG, Windows port
Eduardo Cavazos: X11 binding
Joshua Grams: PowerPC instruction cache flush code
Mackenzie Straight: Windows port
Have fun!