
190 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs base64 calendar calendar.format
combinators debugger generic hashtables http http.client
http.client.private io io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8
kernel make math math.order math.parser namespaces sequences
strings xml xml.data xml.syntax xml.traversal xml.writer ;
IN: xml-rpc
! * Sending RPC requests
! TODO: time
! The word for what this does is "serialization"! Wow!
GENERIC: item>xml ( object -- xml )
M: integer item>xml
dup 31 2^ neg 31 2^ 1 - between?
[ "Integers must fit in 32 bits" throw ] unless
[XML <i4><-></i4> XML] ;
M: boolean item>xml
"1" "0" ? [XML <boolean><-></boolean> XML] ;
M: float item>xml
number>string [XML <double><-></double> XML] ;
M: string item>xml
[XML <string><-></string> XML] ;
: struct-member ( name value -- tag )
over string? [ "Struct member name must be string" throw ] unless
XML] ;
M: hashtable item>xml
[ struct-member ] { } assoc>map
[XML <struct><-></struct> XML] ;
M: array item>xml
[ item>xml [XML <value><-></value> XML] ] map
[XML <array><data><-></data></array> XML] ;
TUPLE: base64 string ;
C: <base64> base64
M: base64 item>xml
string>> >base64
[XML <base64><-></base64> XML] ;
: params ( seq -- xml )
[ item>xml [XML <param><value><-></value></param> XML] ] map
[XML <params><-></params> XML] ;
: method-call ( name seq -- xml )
XML> ;
: return-params ( seq -- xml )
params <XML <methodResponse><-></methodResponse> XML> ;
: return-fault ( fault-code fault-string -- xml )
[ "faultString" ,, "faultCode" ,, ] H{ } make item>xml
XML> ;
TUPLE: rpc-method name params ;
C: <rpc-method> rpc-method
TUPLE: rpc-response params ;
C: <rpc-response> rpc-response
TUPLE: rpc-fault code string ;
C: <rpc-fault> rpc-fault
GENERIC: send-rpc ( rpc -- xml )
M: rpc-method send-rpc
[ name>> ] [ params>> ] bi method-call ;
M: rpc-response send-rpc
params>> return-params ;
M: rpc-fault send-rpc
[ code>> ] [ string>> ] bi return-fault ;
! * Recieving RPC requests
! this needs to have much better error checking
ERROR: server-error tag message ;
M: server-error error.
"Error in XML supplied to server" print
"Description: " write dup message>> print
"Tag: " write tag>> xml>string print ;
TAGS: xml>item ( tag -- object )
TAG: string xml>item
children>string ;
: children>number ( tag -- n )
children>string string>number ;
TAG: i4 xml>item children>number ;
TAG: int xml>item children>number ;
TAG: double xml>item children>number ;
TAG: boolean xml>item
children>string {
{ "1" [ t ] }
{ "0" [ f ] }
[ "Bad boolean" server-error ]
} case ;
: unstruct-member ( tag -- )
children-tags first2
first-child-tag xml>item
[ children>string ] dip swap ,, ;
TAG: struct xml>item
children-tags [ unstruct-member ] each
] H{ } make ;
TAG: base64 xml>item
children>string base64> <base64> ;
TAG: array xml>item
first-child-tag children-tags
[ first-child-tag xml>item ] map ;
: params>array ( tag -- array )
[ first-child-tag first-child-tag xml>item ] map ;
: parse-rpc-response ( xml -- array )
first-child-tag params>array ;
: parse-method ( xml -- string array )
children-tags first2
[ children>string ] [ params>array ] bi* ;
: parse-fault ( xml -- fault-code fault-string )
first-child-tag first-child-tag first-child-tag
xml>item [ "faultCode" get "faultString" get ] with-variables ;
: receive-rpc ( xml -- rpc )
dup main>> dup "methodCall" =
[ drop parse-method <rpc-method> ] [
"methodResponse" = [
dup first-child-tag main>> "fault" =
[ parse-fault <rpc-fault> ]
[ parse-rpc-response <rpc-response> ] if
] [ "Bad main tag name" server-error ] if
] if ;
: xml-post-data ( xml -- post-data )
xml>string utf8 encode "text/xml" <post-data> swap >>data ;
: rpc-post-request ( xml url -- request )
[ send-rpc xml-post-data ] [ "POST" <client-request> ] bi*
swap >>post-data ;
: post-rpc ( rpc url -- rpc' )
! This needs to do something in the event of an error
rpc-post-request http-request nip string>xml receive-rpc ;
: invoke-method ( params method url -- response )
[ swap <rpc-method> ] dip post-rpc ;